Thursday, April 26, 2012

(begun Thursday 26th April at 1.12am..)

It's a shame about the growing Sense of Humour failure that emanates from No. 6 Harris Crescent these days..*eyeroll... I'd have to guess that cranky has become the norm, and that the veneer of geniality has almost totally worn away?
Hell, I do my best to please him, but his insatiable lust for inflicting pain on living things needs more than my occasional grunt or curse to satisfy him, even momentarily...
It was probably around midnight when Nobby began barking miserably, on and on.. My hand was inches off of spontaneous combust, and it's impossible for me to know what the animal was going through...
What the hell.. I'm a bullshitter, and I make it all up as I go along, and besides, it's only a damned DOG FFS..
Did it take you a fraction longer to get used to the idea that he tortures animals, than it did humans?  Funny people, you lot, but you're over it now, right?  You can overlook all his minor flaws and misdemeanours in favour of his tech skills, though you're possibly finding it harder to be amused by his engineered mischief these days?

It's unlikely there's a corner in ours that he can't flash those lasers into, to enhance and eavesdrop on our conversations or bring us discomfort, and that's taken some doing, you can bet on it... It struck me suddenly that the old man and me seldom shut the interleading doors inside the house, and bearing that in mind, I'd taken some pictures of the bedroom doorhandles, and the corresponding fittings on the doorjambs, and I guess we have one clear winner at least.. *grins..
The levels of EMR pumped into our home over the last few years have all of the nickle-plating bubbling and corroding to varying degrees, when in theory they should've lasted a lifetime...*yawns...

But the winner so far, in the search for a laser bounce-off point indoors, would have to be THIS fitting on my bedroom door.. Even with the naked eye you can see traces of turquoise blue in the screw head, and when you study the picture HERE, the entire head is blue.. A favourite colour of hologram creators, not so?
I've taped it over with a bit of white insulation tape, but in retrospect, I figure I'll replace it with black soon enough.. When you duck your head down level with that fitting in the doorjamb, and look out of the window, it's no surprise to find yourself looking straight under the rafters to all the applications that decorate that area.. Brilliant hey? *spews...
It's a certainty there are plenty more of those easy-to-reach points dotted about in places that I'll never discover, but it's fairly satisfying to be able to remove his access to even one of them.. *beams...

The youngsters are due down tomorrow and plan to stay till Monday, (heaven help the oldies and their routines), and though the added conversations should perk our miserable Eavesdropper up a tad, they do shut the doors at night, unlike us.. Tsk, tsk...
It must have been around 1am when Balliram had introduced the pain to the upper thigh, and I'd recognised my Master's writing on the wall and had staggered off the Sacrifical Altar to join you here...
Right now he's running the BackFire full on.. He knows it, and I feel it, which makes it a whole lot easier to bear... *winks..

I've developed this theory see, and whether it works or not, it's kept me from falling over the edge so far.. With Balliram's willing assistance, Glen Nayager had derived a great deal of sick pleasure inflicting misery and pain on others, and look where he is today...
Collin P. Balliram is far worse than the unstable ex-Station Commander ever was, and with the onset of the Omnipotence Disease, there's no way he can ever hope to satisfy his appetite...  Sure, with your backing and support he'll get away with it for longer, but I don't have to think negative thoughts about him in any way to know that it'll catch up to him eventually, just as it did with the buddy he double-crossed so easily...
It's likely I shan't be around to witness the implosion when it occurs, but collectively, the Zone community will be better off without him, (though by then, there'll be plenty of other contenders to his Throne).

My word, here I sit diligently distracting you with page upon page of PR for the Monster, when by now he's nothing out of the ordinary at all.. An internet bully, gifted by Allen Spence personally, to be given absolute control over the lives of an entire community, via their power supplies... Have I allowed my personal experiences at the hands of this vile Fowl to colour my judgement?  Do I in fact over-rate his worth to the Let's-Wireless-The-World Project?
Would you care to answer that Mr. van Zyl?  Earl?  Any of your other proteges had as long as Balliram to perfect the use of wireless and lasers as the main weapon of a one-sided war?

How many other equally cowardly psychopaths did you personally discover out on the local interwebz, Janneman?  Yobs, with easily manipulated egos, that you nurtured and stroked until they too were ripe for the plucking?  *chokes... Though I very much doubt there are any out there who can hold a candle to my stupidity, I imagine there've been a substantial number of equally tech-thick Users for your proteges to practise on?  Come, don't be modest Jannie, it doesn't become you....

I'm sure there's a logical reason for it, but not one that I'm likely to grasp.. For three days in a row, I've gone out front just before 6pm, while the western sky was still light, and have caught great colonies of holograms in the air surrounding our DSTV satellite dish.. The darker the sky becomes, the fewer of the spheres appear on my screen, so you have to time it just right to get the best results...  My ongoing quest to find as many of the various compounds applied creatively about our property by our gardener, is also proving rewarding... See how THIS line of what appears to be earth has been stuffed into the cracks of the precast wall? Now how the heck did that get there?  Check THIS picture of the rainbow coloured particles, to see that the dirt was carefully applied to the surface by hand.. *winks..

Take a dekko at the slender spiky fronds of THIS clump of bamboo palms, to see how the white chalk-like substance has been drawn down a few leaves in DLOS to the electrics in our garage... Are each of the different compounds applied, capable of emitting a blinding pinpoint of light when touched by a laser beam, or only some of them?  That's the sort of question I'd like to put to Ahmet at the site, but I now have reason to believe tis my Controller that declines to allow me to register, and not necessarily the Forum Admin.. Why?

The adaptor we use for the computer has a red light that's active when in use.. The GW had taken to switching it on and off with a walking stick, rather than getting down on all fours to do the job, with the result that the light switch is now as unstable as our Controller..
You need to get down and deal with it firmly, and then it's fine..
Despite this, I noticed the day before yesterday (when I'd resent the reply to Ahmet's request) that the adaptor light had gone off while I was busy in gmail... The next day, when I'd mailed both Professor Els and the Rocket Scientist, I'm darned if the same thing didn't happen.. A little spike sent to the adaptor at precisely the moment I click on Send?  Designed so that certain of my mails will float off into the ether and never reach their destination?
My foolish imagination at work again? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, on that score...  All my attempts to reply to Ahmet have resulted in Failed Mails, though I followed up the missive sent to the young Professor by calling his Secretary and suggesting that if he doesn't get my mail to check his Spam box just in case.. *waits with interest...

LATER at 5.15am..

I had enough fitful sleep to have a couple of wild dreams, and here I am again... It's still pitch dark out, so I went and took a shot of the satellite dish just for the hell of it, and netted a fair number of the little buggers HERE.  I even caught one on the front path.. I'd gone back and tried Techne's post again with even less success, though I see that Venter is independent of the Universities and heads a non-profit organisation...
Does he return from the office in a beat-up old Anglia, to a modest one-bedroomed cottage set in one of the less affluent suburbs, as he struggles to make ends meet?
Was he ever called to a side-bar for the telecom's industries or Stef Roux himself?
There's a thick carpet of bright green moss covering the north end of the courtyard floor. It began appearing suddenly a few years ago, and Vincent would scrape it away with a spade.. I find it pretty, and eventually requested that he left it to flourish... Last night I realised that he's been chopping bits off it to spread about the garden, and that that's most likely where the moss on the black tights came from, and the little clumps of earth tossed into the garvies as welll. (though a zoomed-in shot of the latter doesn't resemble the green moss in any way).

Where the edges of the moss carpet have been cut away, it's been replaced by dollops of the cloned Physcia Grisea lichen, and very attractive the whole thing looks, too...
Was either Vodafone or Telkom in any way involved in sponsoring the research into creating laser-friendly lichen and fungi, or have they prudently muddied any possible paper trails?
Have a happy day and


Thursday 26th April 2012 at 5.04pm.