Monday, January 30, 2012

(begun Sunday 29th January at 4.45am..)

*Endless mischief with repeated Server Not Found, and the harddrive going bananas for no apparent reason until I disconnected and reconnected... Running like sludge, and still what appears to be interference on the harddrive... Just another day in paradise? *

OK.  That was pretty cool..  I'd hit Publish to yesterday's update at 8.46am and then shut down.  Twenty minutes later Rajesh was banging on our gate and had come to repair the landline..*dances... After doing some rather risky-looking acrobatics on top of our wall to check the line, he said he'd have to replace the damaged section from our roof to the valley pole, and it didn't take him long to do just that, before we were back in business...
In the past we've been down for a great deal longer than just four days, and despite my whinging I have to say I'd been both delighted and surprised by the tech's arrival..*beams..
He'd left the damaged length of cabling behind, and the GW had picked it up and said he was keeping it.  (Perfectly normal behaviour for an inveterate hoarder)..

I could see the copper hanging out of the wires, and even an idiot had to accept that it couldn't be a wireless look-alike, but the real deal... So much for that theory.. *shrugs... Are the two compatible to the extent that you can join a wireless look-alike to the old copper line where it runs INTO the house, or is it the little ISDN box that's still firmly fixed above the skirting board in the lounge, that makes the audio monitoring possible?

LATER at 5.20am

The GW had arrived home yesterday evening to say he'd just bumped into two pleasant young guys who'd been heading into the Chickencoop at No. 6.. He'd gone down and asked them politely if they could tone down the sound system and not run a repeat of the all-night doef-doef held over Friday night, and they'd obligingly agreed.  My old man said he thought they were house-sitters, and that the Courageous Couple had probably headed off out somewhere for the weekend..
Hell, I wouldn't know about that, only that the transmissions in our home yesterday were running uncomfortably high, and this morning I hit a wall of BackFire in both the bathroom and the kitchen...
A frequency that's been remarkably scarce for as much as a fortnight...*blinks...

At about 5.10am there was a sudden and very visible dip to our electrics which certainly would support the GW's theory that the two new faces next door have pulled guard-duty for the weekend, and were struggling to get the monitoring up and running correctly...
While on the one hand it confirms my assertion that any Monkey can operate the now-computerised power supplies, I find it just a little disturbing that anything quite so risky can be left to newbies to operate, merely to allow our Area Controller a break from his duties as Eavesdropper par Excellence....

Who're you gonna call?  The purported High Priest of Powerlines for the Greater Durban Area, Allen Spence?  Were any of us in the care of these raw recruits to have had our assets inadvertently cooked while under their Watch, the fine print disclaimer on your electricity bill says it all...
It's times like these that you realise the necessity for the secrecy surrounding the Wireless Project and the levels of corruption that go into running the system....
Well may the now scrawny Herr Doktor Michael Sutcliffe grin smugly out from the newspapers, clearly more than pleased with the kudos heaped on his scurvy head, by those behind the scenes....

I'd asked the Aviator to try explain to me about so-called hotspots and how you could go say, to a local Mug & Bean and simply connect and have free internet, and he'd manfully risen to the challenge... There has to be a Network operating in the area, and you have to have some sort of password that allows you to log on.
Whether our section of Harris Crescent still holds the title of Hottest Spot in Town is unknown after all this time, but it certainly would explain the ambiguous Sherwood Network that persisted for so long in popping up and blocking my VC's internet access...  Is access to this Network restricted and if not, how do you go about acquiring an invite?  Kowtow to a bloody thinly-disguised DRUGLORD, and you're IN, FFS?
Geez Earl - Ain't life just grand? For how many years prior to the Wireless Project's inception did you unofficially run Sydenham Station and flood the Zone with banned substances?  And here you are a decade later, in charge of the entire Zone and beyond, under the auspices of the telecom's giants and their puppets the ShaikBoyz.. Who would've ever imagined such a thing could happen?  *applauds ingratiatingly...

It was just too damned easy, was it not?  Beat the Community down with organised crime, corrupt basic service deliveries, flood the area with drugs on an enormous scale, and what do you have?  A community ripe for the plucking and only too willing to believe that you're no longer the local Purveyor of Misery but their Saviour instead... *eyeroll...
Little do your Converts realise that while you continue to have your minions distribute whoonga, sugars and the like in the area, your fantabulously new and highly technical product is set to affect the entire population far more dramatically one way or another, than the drugs you peddle...

Is anyone bothering to keep a count?  No wonder crime stats aren't available, though I'd suggest the stats on wireless/microwave-related illnesses since 2005 here in the Zone would blow your mind were such figures to even exist... Never have the medical practitioners had it so good, as queues to their rooms increase by the day.. Never mind that they haven't a clue what's really crippling their patients and causing them such pain, as they gaily prescribe medications that do nothing to alleviate the problem..
Once it becomes obvious their doctoring has failed they'll refer you to a specialist who'll make further astonishing inroads on your Medical Aid, (if you're fortunate enough to have such a thing).. Round and round you'll go on your search for someone to diagnose and treat your crippling pain, though many are doomed to fail in their quest..

So - While Barnabas has increased his business interests to include the theft of private information via the powerlines, he is as much the Purveyor of Misery as he ever was.. The by-product of his newest venture doesn't require that you light up, swallow, or inject anything, or even for any cash to change hands... It simply needs for you to blindly believe Michael Barnabas' ongoing lies, and to continue obediently going about your business here in the Zone, without questioning the amazing increase in arthritic-appearing ailments... Make sure you never dare voice your doubts as to the choice of Area Controllers either, or you may find yourself suffering more than just a painful knee or shoulder... *winks...

Those of you who know my VC personally cannot but agree that he's an honourable fellow... Do you not wonder why, if the Druglord has indeed turned to the Light, the assaults on my VC's home and person are allowed to continue, or are you to a man, brainwashed?
Doesn't it occur to you to wonder why, if the Druglord has indeed turned over a new leaf, he continues to allow so many innocent people to be deliberately tortured by the Sadist and his cronies?  Or do you subscribe to the bullshit idea that we all somehow deserve what we're getting?  Why don't you read my old lips and say after me baaaa, baaaa, baaaa...



Monday 30th January 2012 at 11.57am.