Wednesday, December 21, 2011

(begun Tuesday 20th December at 8.45pm..)

*The iBurst icon hasn't bothered to load on the bottom task bar even... hell, why bother?  Thump! goes the Controller in behind the telly, as I sit down and type today's heading into What's new? Very little dudes, very little....*

This afternoon and evening it's been my ankles and feet that the Sadist has been paying some serious attention to... While it's a welcome respite from the preferred BackFire and Broken Hip, it's fairly nasty in it's own right, hey Rezah?  A constant bubbling feeling under the skin, and it's hard to decide whether my feet are burning hot or cold, with a telltale ache in the ankle-joints....
I was that irritated by it earlier that I got on the Orbitrek and pedalled to the count of 100, just to see if I could.. No problemo, you Wanker....
While these goonda Oafs snicker behind their grubby hands with glee, they're steadily cooking off cartilage that I don't see being replaced any time soon.. You can take a supplement?  Pills?  Sure you can, at like R400 a pop.. *shrugs... I'd say that was a human rights violation to the point of assault and battery, but who gives a continental....

I guess the Balliram's of Pietermaritzburg are going to go down in history for their connection to the Scourge of the Elderly, a heroic, nudging-middle-age fellow who requires the entire might of the Wireless/Fibre over Powerlines technology to keep a bunch of yapping bitches brutally in their place... *eyeroll.. In years to come, when Collin P. Balliram's kids google their dad's name, will he have remembered to lock my blog for fear they read the truth?
Leave your wife and kids out of it, or else?!  Or else what, Creep?  What??  Your Better Half is deeply involved, even if it's just to continue creating alibis and to lie for you...  Have you left MY family alone?  Not a bleeding chance, and your filthy connections stretch from Lichfield to London, and back to the Midlands in SA....
A crude bunch of thugs who consider their skills in IT put them a cut above the rest.... *nauseated...

The sturdy little Casio next to my bed reads an astonishing 28.5C, though when I'd gone out onto the verandah an hour ago, it was blissfully cool... Planning a cook-out, Balliram?  Or should I say cook-in?  Trying to see just how high you can push the temperature here in the corner by my bed, directly under the DSTV dish? Neato.....  Are you familiar with the term Mexican Stand-off?  Great..
For as the unwashed masses are my witness, I intend to continue petitioning Tamara here on my blog until she comes to her senses....
In return for which I have no doubt whatsoever that I will be dealt with violently, by every means at your disposal... A not inconsiderable arsenal, I'm sure you'd agree Mistuh Spence?  Oh, and by the by, if I'd ever thought for one moment that our Allen would grant me one or two concessions, that stupid idea was blown right out of the water by young Kennedy of Howard's Electrical, and his parroted lies delivered to the GameWrecker... *spews..

LATER at 9.26pm

Check out the kettle HERE... The GW had called out long before dark to say that the tap water was running a solid white.. And so it still is...  If I were to ask B.Snr would he say they had a similar problem?  I wouldn't count on it.. They've been working on the waterlines?  Care to say where?  Bullshit.  I've told you repeatedly of how the new set-up allows easy access to individual waterlines, and if a psychotic Pig cared to arrange for a little additional something to be introduced to our line, it's now relatively easy to achieve.. *shrugs..

The GW told me that last week he was twice treated to a blackout of the TV screen, though in his case each time a message had floated across, and he'd had to restart the set... Today was my turn, and Balliram didn't bother with any niceties whatsoever, but just slammed it off while I was watching...
So much for the upgraded SmartCard supposedly alleviating that 'problem'..
Did I not say a couple of weeks back that the sudden renewal of snowing at start-up was a sure-fire indication that the Cracker had re-infested our decoder?  Multi-Choice messing about?  The only messing about Multi-Choice did, was when they signed on with Telkom to play such a big role in the Surveillance Operation, thereby giving the nod to Area Controllers countrywide to access their client's decoders, and to use their satellite dishes to enhance the blessed ruddy signal.... Can you say Naspers? *winks...

*Man, right now my feet may just as well be going round and round in the microwave on Medium, the crazy way they feel... Something to tell the kids about when they're a bit older Rezah?  Sure it is....*

Wednesday 21st December at 4.10am

In the end, how much time was spent at the COP17 conference on discussing the energy-saving CFL bulbs that the Government intend forcing the population to use?  One two-hour session maybe?  Was a committment made to ensure the safe disposal of these deadly bulbs?  It won't really matter, as by the time the mercury seeps into the water table in large quantities we'll all be sheep anyways....
It's actually a matter for grave concern, and yet it was given only a fraction of the attention it deserved, pretty much proving that the entire conference was a money-squandering farce, with no real intentions of making a difference for the better, at all... *gags...

Mr. Dawood's digger trundles about noisily across the way, as it races to get the foundations laid despite the enormous number of objections from the local Community... What's the rush, dude?  I wouldn't be surprised to find that on completion those three apartment blocks stand as empty as their twins just across the Freeway, and I guess their purpose is clear...
To demonstrate how by-laws may now be flouted and ignored simply by having the right connections?  A pretty expensive means of making a point, but extremely effective... *waves to Mo Shaik..
Just a tiny part of the grandiose promises you had to make to your community so they'd invest heavily in this ghastly experiment, right?
Any feelings of remorse since you discovered how you've been shafted by Vodafone/Telkom?  Were you told that fall-out from this technology would result in a cull of massive proportions, or not?

Since reading Muller's warnings have you rushed to adjust your own home accordingly, and invested in as many emr/wireless repellant means as are on the market? *curious... Black glass, plenty of metal bars, specially treated curtaining and so forth?  That's all well and good hey Mo, but you've got to go outdoors eventually, and there's no ways you can guarantee the raised levels of emissions won't find a chink in your ThickSkin armour eventually... Hell, all it took was a stiff breeze for Balliram to crank up the emissions here in the valley to a noticable degree, and that will affect everyone, not just his chosen targets...
What's so different about your larnie suburb?

You figure your guys can keep Jannie's guys out of your home and surroundings, with their deadly airwaves?  It's now 5am, and sitting here at the desk I note that the Casio has dropped down to 25.5C from the whopping 28.C it read next to my bed a couple of hours ago... You getting the picture here? You want to bet that Balliram tries to laugh it off as a fault on the Casio?  *spews...

Selebi took a turn for the worse?  Think about it for a bit.. How hard can it be for an Area Controller to access wherever it is that they're keeping that little fellow, and to flood his room with the most devastating amounts of EMR and wireless frequencies?  To shut him up permanently?
Sure, he may be employing a similar line to Schabir's tactics, but I've got a feeling he's not putting it on at all, but is being systematically attacked via the power lines of wherever it is he's incarcerated...
You've seen for yourselves the devastating results that can be achieved, even on a sturdy tank like myself... Selebi is a wisp of a man who has already been diagnosed with diabetes, and it shouldn't take much to knock him off for good.. *waits...

The cozy relationship between Sutcliffe and the Mpisane's seems to have gone very quiet?  Did Mr. Haripersad of Manase and Associates come to an arrangement with that delightful trio?  Something that suited everyone, and will ensure those corrupt dealings are never revealed in all their filthy glory by either a forensics audit or a whistle-blower?  *winks... Speaking of which, I'm not holding my breath for A Better Life For All to reappear on the interwebz anytime soon, and I guarantee that nine out of ten of those delicious allegations were spot on...

LATER at 7.45am

Did Mistuh Michael Barnabas give you a hand getting your business off the ground back in the late nineties, early 2000's? Such a kind, caring bloke, since he saw the light and decided to go straight... He can't do enough for the Community, and not a day goes by without he's on the blower reminding someone that he's their No. 1 friend.. *falls over choking..
I'd be impressed, but for the size of the Strategic Planning Committee set up by Vodafone/Telkom in the pre-natal days of this enormous experiment....
With so many pointy heads contributing, it's hardly likely that our Earl's make-over and ongoing schmoozathon was ever going to fail....

'Man I'm on the straight and narrow these days, and I heard you're battling, and therefore I would like to give you 10ks to bail you out, no strings attached...?' Kiddo the Glass?  Remember him?  A prime example of a beneficiary of the Druglord's astonishing altruism..*chokes... Often seemingly insignificant members of the community, but add them all together and they make a pretty powerful PRO machine for the SlimeBall...*chokes...
Moles all across the Zone, just waiting for a chance to return Barnabas' kindness?  So, when all they were asked to do in many cases, was to add some additional lights to their homes and boundary walls, sheesh, there was absolutely no problem in complying... *winks..



Wednesday 21st December 2011 at 11.27am..