(begun Tuesday 27th December at 10.07pm.. 28.0C)
For some reason I feel it's important, though I've no idea why...
I'd managed one step at a time, to drag myself up to the top to see the GW off to the shops.. There was a black bakkie tucked up flush to Balliram's gates, which were open.. I went into the garage and looked down into their courtyard to see the grey-haired Elim Pool guy shifting from foot to foot, and clearly waiting out of sight for the GW to leave, so that he could exit unseen...
A pleasant enough fellow, behaving in a most shifty manner.. *puzzled... He's no net pusher that's for sure, and I figure he's a Jack of all Trades, right Balliram? The odd adjustment to your electricals are well within his skills to achieve? Why did he appear embarrassed as he lurked down there? Is he fully aware of the additional mischief unleashed on our homes, and the increased pain we now endure as a result?
Back in March, when Balliram had achieved those stunning results on my wrist and hand, you'll recall the strange *whump!* sound and the flash of light that appeared as if something was shorting on the outside of der Bunker.. A phenomenon that had activated eratically for at least a week or more at odd times, prior to the massive infection in my wrist... Whether related or not, the current agonies both Sue the Book and I are enduring overnight with our hip joints, are accompanied now by constant dips to our power system.. Small but quite visible...
May I take a long shot and ask the pleasant man from Elim Pools whether there is a connection between these dips and our pain, just as there appeared to be, between the infection in my wrist and the strange 'fault' on der Bunker earlier this year?
Would I be stretching poetic licence too far to consider that the gentleman is well aware of the reason behind these engineered dips to our home, and the truly devastating physcial effects they're having on me, and that he's possibly slightly nauseated by his involvement in such criminal behaviour? All this speculation on my part, based on a brief glance from my garage window this afternoon, is par for the course, is it not? *grins...
As I recall, the ongoing *whump!* and flashes of light in March had eventually culminated in a sudden powercut of just our two homes at No. 6 and 8, and a team of droogs had arrived HERE to climb Balliram's streetlight pole and pretend to find a fault.. The power had been restored, but the shorting phenomenon had continued for a few days after that, before vanishing never to return...
I took enormous damage to my wrist and thumb joint over that period of time, as was proven by the subsequent scan.
Just how high does Allen Spence jump for Earl Michael Barnabas? Will he insist that his rank of Superintendent of Electricity doesn't cover Harris Crescent? Would he stick his nose in and investigate the cause of these latest myriad dips to our system, before I'm permanently crippled, or will he again shrug me off as a clown he no longer finds amusing? *interested..
LATER at 11.25pm
Some sort of device that causes the wireless signal that floods our home to become an almost pulsed emission thereby causing the lights to dip so frequently? For one whose sadistic appetite has become insatiable, I figure the results of this latest effort are satisfyingly delicious, as my misery is obvious, and so I've no doubt, is Sue the Book's... *shrugs..
LATER at 1pm
We'd gone up top to see the kids head back off up to the Midlands, at about 11.30am.. A Telkom bakkie was parked outside No. 6. Always interesting, as Missus C has long insisted they don't have an active landline, and why on earth would she lie to me on that score? *winks...
His car was on the driveway, and at 12.45pm their house alarm was run twice, briefly.. More adjustments?
The desk lamp here in the lounge didn't flicker once, since I began paying it attention at 5am this morning...
Should the power start to dip again later this afternoon, you can bet your bottom dollar my hip will, as it's done for the past week, begin to grow worse, until by bedtime I head not for Cloud 9, but for Hell... *shrugs..
I've tried spending the night both here in the lounge and in my son's room, but there's been no escape from the grinding pain at all, has there Balliram? Over roughly the same period of time that my VC over in Abrey has been complaining of mysteriously swollen ankles and painful feet, and it's a given that the same, or a remarkably similar frequency is being pumped into his home, in order to further amuse the Sick Bastard who's operating the powerlines...
The second and newest remote appears to have been abandoned for the moment, and I guess once I'd blogged it's strange *woop!* sound, it was considered too much of a give-away, what with the startling and immediate effect it had on me.. *coughs... My family have bullied me into resuming the useless Voltaren again, and I'm complying whether I like it or not..
Will our lights miraculously recover their stability before a repeat of my infected wrist occurs, but this time to my hip? You're absolutely sure of that, Al old son?
This mischief that you all continue to regard as a Game, has since been proven to cause irrepairable damage, and yet you continue to allow this Sadist to go unchecked.. What a hero!
Ooops! It's Varun Sharma on the box! Let me go enjoy the show before the screen blacks out again..Pfft... Happy holidays...
Wednesday 28th December 2011 at 4.06pm.