Monday, October 31, 2011

(begun Monday 31st October at 4am...)

Right now I strongly suspect I may have been too late, and that I tried closing the bloody door on an already empty barn, but I've no doubt I'll find out soon enough..*shrugs...
*Oops!  Mr. Enthusiastic next door just set off his alarm, presumably in error?*

At some point yesterday I'd headed over to to find that young Leon's farewell post 'Durbanite or Not' still sat sans any comments at all, so I'd typed up my contribution and hit the Add Reply button, only to have it sit deader than a dodo..*grins..  Had Balliram himself set up that neat little tweak in advance? Not necessarily, for I was then able to go over to another thread and ask Esme whether she knew if there were general problems commenting on Leon's post...
She'd replied almost immediately that she'd not yet tried it, at which point I thanked her and said I'd post my reply to Leon here on my blog instead...
The mere fact that I was able to get away with that mini plug would've infuriated my Controller, but dem's da breaks dude... *beams...
So Leon - this is what you would've seen, had I been allowed to post my reply on your site:

>Though there were no visible comments to your post, I'm betting your Private Messaging is alive with howls of anguish..
Don't give me that kak about failure, Leon.  If it weren't for you I'd never have met Yogesh the Good, or David the Delicious, or for that matter, Miguel the Maniacal!   I'd never have been given the whistleblower's gift of A Better Life For All, and by proxy, the dodgy H20 operations...
Your attempts to get the Councillors to interact with their constituents were magnificent, but you can lay odds they've been unofficially told to avoid durbanite like the plague, or else...
All I can say is to keep working hard and making your folks proud of you, and don't stop twisting Mr. Ludlow's arm, for he'd make a great site Admin.  I'm honoured to have met you kiddo....<

It's quite possible that my Submit Button had been set to jam no matter what I'd written in my comment, as my posts on that site have always been tightly controlled, not so Balliram?  *winks.. No doubt it was just another little bit of fun set up for you and your fellow mischief-makers to enjoy, though who they are I couldn't say...*grins..

Will you look at the time?  It's now 4.35am and my head is on Scramble, dammit...
Did she genuinely believe his sales pitch?  Coming from one who'd built his Empire on destroying other people's lives?  I guess he left her to think about it for a long time before he approached her again, and by then he would've had the Crumb running back-up, to confirm his rise to greatness and power... Impressive...
The carrot?  Man, do we not all want the very best for our kids, be they 13 or 35?  Did he whisper in her ear that it would be a pushover with his backing, while running the same line to the opposition?

Did he call her and apologise when it didn't work out, and insist that next time it would be different, and besides, there were other 'areas' where she could be useful?  If she could persuade my Chair that the Trojan Horse concept was a good thing, he'd be indebted to her forever?  And that was about when the wind had changed so astonishingly that I'd been frankly stunned, hey Earl?
The poor fellow simply didn't see it coming, and was overwhelmed and hog-tied in a very short space of time.. Your next target Mr. Barnabas?
It could go either way at this point, and I have no expectations at all...*blinks....
I would have to guess that her natural desire to see her kid flourish and prosper, over-rode her usual caution and scepticism, and that she is now as much a convert as those other seriously Good women...

Had the Authors a contingency plan in place in the event that one such as Karl Muller would arrive on the scene?  Did they consider that Jannie van Zyl was all the Firewall they needed to hide the truth from being revealed?  Oops! While all my musings on the Druglord and the methods he uses to recruit and enrol his pawns are an aspect of my blog that must be shared with you, it shouldn't be allowed to distract from the appalling human rights abuse that is the very backbone of the Wireless Surveillance Project...

How long did it take for 'Oom' Earl himself to become interested in Karl Muller's writings?  Was he encouraged to ignore them when the Rocket Scientist first appeared on the scene?  Can you still remember that far back, Earl?  Did you eventually discuss Karl's warnings with Mo Shaik and decide to invest in as much protection as you could, just in case, or have Janneman's Superiors convinced you that the technology is perfectly safe?  *interested....
Have you built your own Bunker similar to Balliram's, across in Randles Road?  Have you so much as bothered to warn your army of recruits that there's a chance they could pay dearly for their involvement with this dangerous combination of technology?
Hah! Just a doggone minute there!  You're a Purveyor of Banned Substances, and earned your reputation by destroying people's health, and certainly not safe-guarding it... This leopard isn't about to change his spots, no matter what grandiose tales he spins you..  He's merely expanded his business operations to include the sale of information.

My message isn't one you want to hear, and besides, what credibility do I have? An ancient crone in the last throes of mad cow disease?
Will you survive to enjoy the juicy tenders Barnabas arranged to fall into your lap?  To bump up the ladder of promotion?  The National Lottery rigged to drop vast sums into upgrading your little church or school?
In this world gone bananas, I figure the Project Authors knew very well that your attitude would be to live for today, and to avoid thinking too much about tomorrow...
Do you seriously consider that the Surveillance technology is being employed simply to weed out the corrupt?
Sue the Book and B.Snr are what could be termed irritatingly Good citizens, and yet you've heard at length how this technology has been used to batter them systematically in their own homes... If Barnabas were genuinely well intentioned, why has this behaviour been allowed to continue for 6 YEARS?  Could it be that our Earl finds us most useful as a clear message to those who might consider changing lanes at any point? That you couldn't ask for a clearer picture of what will happen to you should you renege on the Project?
So you're happy to exchange one set of greedy rogues for another far more dangerous and insidious band of criminals?  Seriously now - Would a Druglord consider your health in any way a concern?  He's reformed?  *falls over choking...

While I read the thread at mybroadband on outdoor security, it came nowhere near explaining how the beams that now criss-cross our property operate... The systems obtainable over the counter are, as far as I can ascertain, tangible objects to be placed in strategic positions about your property.. The wirelessed nunus are a different kettle of fish altogether, and though I agree that you have to stand between two 'sensors' to activate the alarm that warns Balliram of movement, what those sensors consist of, seems impossible to discover... Yes, Vincent is tasked to keep specific areas clear on a regular basis, and fosho my Controller has seen me pinpoint those areas precisely.. A fat lot of help Millie's been in that department..*snorts..
Though she shrieks aloud when I stand next to the bird table or down in the corner by the avo tree, there's no way I'm going to stumble over any tangible evidence... *sighs..

I occasionally toy with the idea of putting four-fold black shade cloth from HERE to HERE in the rockery, just to see what would happen, but I can't seem to summon the energy to actually do it.. *eyeroll.. I guess I've grown accustomed to being live onstage 24/7, both in and out of my house, and have accepted that that's the way it is.. Hell, it's just a mind-set is all...*shrugs...

How's the Struggle Acitivist been since the last Motherbody Meeting? *curious.. Did you manage to obey Barnabas' directions and forego arranging for her to be smacked for her temerity?  Jissie, but she had you cold there, hey Crumb?  When she revealed your so obvious personal attitude to wimmen that you consider irritating?  She wasn't raped?  It was consensual? She's a repeat offender, so let her run around the Station half-naked, soaked and traumatised, and maybe this time she'll learn her lesson? *gags...
Your carefully created image took a serious nose-dive there dude, and hopefully she's noted it, and will watch her back accordingly...

In all the years he's owned the Zone did Barnabas EVER imagine the additional fun that he'd have with his pawns, once the wireless technology was installed?  Will he go the same way as his Puppets, Nayager and Balliram, and cook his brains on his own importance?  You can bet the Authors will discard him just as soon as he's outlived his usefulness...

LATER at 8.30am

There's that odd smell again.... This time as I went out of the courtyard door some 15 minutes ago, and I thought thats it!  It must be the smell of newly washed laundry.  But when I'd checked Balliram's windy-dryer, it was as good as empty..*baffled..
It had hit me full-on when I unlocked and opened the verandah door first thing yesterday morning, and a day or so earlier, had been unmissable by the bathroom outlet in our courtyard..

Something being pumped through the waterlines?  It's not an unpleasant smell at all, and reminds me of talc or laundry powder, so STFU and let it slide?  Was Julie-May ever a Zone girl?  Maybe she'd like to bring some of the COP17 delegates out here to quaff OUR tap water?  Then again, maybe not..*winks...
Peace julle..


Monday 31st October 2011 at 10.01am