Monday, October 17, 2011

(begun Monday 17th October at 4.05am..)

How does our Mo regard his possible posting to Japan?  With resignation, (!) or pleasure?  I've no doubt he'd be feted like royalty and installed in a quake-proof mansion in the larniest suburb outside Tokyo, with a string of geishas to do his every bidding.  Never mind the official residence, for I guess Kyocera will see that he gets the best of the best..
Would his new home be wired? Does a bear shit in the woods? *grins..
IMHO, removing Mo Shaik from the picture here, would muddy the already murky waters surrounding our Intelligence Department, and I'd hazard that's exactly the situation desired by the Project Authors...

Balliram's bird was even earlier than usual this morning... Not a species I'd ever be able to identify, but you can bet it's a legitimate nightbird.. It arrived here outside, somewhere by the coral tree, at about the same time as the wirelessed crickets/grasshoppers were set up on our property, and it begins it's calling at I guess roughly the same time every year..*winks..
A true creature of habit, it sits safely unseen, and runs through the exact same notes it's carolled out for several years, before it begins to move down towards the Highway, singing at each point it stops, when it often turns and begins to head back the same way..
In fact, it appears to have a love affair with Telkom's white boxes that are tacked onto the telephone poles bordering our boundary walls onto the valley... A clever amusement, or does it actually serve a purpose?  *fascinated....

I only got round to checking out the Sunday Tribune yesterday evening, and was unsurprised to find young Rajiv Narandas heavily featured on Page 7 'How gym lifts Rajiv's weight', in a most sympathetic manner, and I would have to say that the promises that have been made are being diligently carried out... *applauds... Can you say whitewash?

Those of you that have been following will know that the only reason Rajiv contributes regularly to this blog, was his suspected connection to the tampering with my VC's vehicles as they sat shut on his property overnight, and the small fortune it cost him to have them repaired...  Too long a shot, even for me?  Not at all folks, and I'll stand by those particular accusations, if you don't mind...
Payback for perceived slights is, and always will be, a trademark of the Curry Mob, is it not, Pigman?  *looks at the felon, Nayager....
With the access to the surveillance technology handed to you and your IT Monkey by Allen Spence, doing Narandas a little 'favour' was a doddle, was it not?
Besides, the chap's forthright honesty was already driving you nuts, and I bet you leapt at the opportunity to score brownie points with those two wealthy families? *gags..

What was the price agreed to, in return for this latest engineered assistance, or did Rajiv's new Mentor employ his usual ambiguity and forego mentioning that the young man is now OWNED for life?
The ripple-effects of this collaboration will be felt by more than just the Narandas family, and it goes to show that the wealthy endure tragedy as much as the poor, though naturally on a more comfortable scale... *sighs...

LATER at 5.20am

I was delighted to find my sometime proxy Dominic King of Capell Road on Page 5 of yesterday's Tribune Herald.. IIRC he only ever attended one of our CPF Meetings and at a guess, that would've been purely to gawp at the Freak.  *waves...
The unfortunate fellow forwarded me a misogynistic spam when Balliram first hooked up with him, and in doing so put himself firmly on my Dodgy list forever... *grins....  Does he have as mean and vindictive a streak as our Area Controller?  Does he sit and eavesdrop on private conversations and become sufficiently irritated with a particular charge to surge their appliances, or have I elevated him above his station?

My Master drives a BMW as you well know.. Is this the connection that has Dominic so often lurking in my gmail when I sign in?  You can bet on that one...
Mr. King is another who considers I talk too much, and I can't argue with that, though I would ask what alternative I have?  Where has the enforced secrecy surrounding the Wireless and Fibre over Powerlines Project gotten you, Dom?  To be compared with a blatantly criminal thug such as Colin P. Balliram?  Ouch!   *grimaces...

You can console yourself that my loose lips are costing me dearly, and that I'm being systematically beaten to a bloody pulp, albeit now as stealthily as my sad Special Operative knows how... *snorts... That every day my disintegration increases, until soon you won't even remember I existed... A happy thought, Dominic?
Whether the commission earned on an upgraded Beemer is sufficient to cushion your inevitable irritation at being singled out, is unknown...
I would suggest however that your time would be better spent searching out ALL of Karl Muller's posts, and acquainting yourself with the Project manual's Chapter on Health Risks as a side-effect of the technology.. A chapter that never made it to Publication, as you now know...

Any headaches Dom?  Knee problems?  Buzzing in your ears?  Adrienne? The kids?  Go read what the Rocket Scientist has to say on these symptoms and you may begin to view the steady stream of lies you've been fed in a different light (pardon the pun).
Can Jannie van Zyl's Damage Control Team recover from the repeated knocks dealt the Project by Karl Muller's revelations?    You can guarantee they're going to have a darned good try...
Will you stand and fight, or will you continue to take the perks handed out in return for your silence?
A silence that ensures the horrific and deliberate abuse of hand-picked targets via their powerlines, is set to continue unchecked...

So Dom - If your relationship with this cowardly but well-connected thug of an Area Controller is based on the commission of the sale of a Beemer or two, and the promise that he will point his colleagues in your direction, I can understand your willingness to assist, as someone has to put food on the table...
OTOH, it would pay you to remember that it appears you have aligned yourself to a band of murderous thieves, however unwittingly...
Once you've found and read Karl Muller's posts, I'm guessng you're bright enough to see how neatly you've been shafted, and I'll keep my fingers crossed you've given this lot absolutely nothing that can be saved in your Leverage file and used against you, should the need arise...

Assumption has been both my friend and my foe, for as often as I've nailed a situation, have I galloped off after ghosts... *sighs... It would be a wondrous thing were I to have you pegged all wrong, and you were in fact an innocent, who just happens to hang out visibly in my gmail on so many occasions.. Your call, I believe?

LATER at 7.45am

Try Page 12 of the Tribune to find a City Manager so adept in the art of corruption and prevarication that he earns himself an obscene R2mil per year... Doubtless he would argue vociferously that he is no more than a middleman in this giant technological experiment, and that like his trusted henchman Allen Spence, he was merely doing his job... *vomits copiously...
Allowing financially embattled institutions to be kitted out as mini base stations for the Wireless Surveillance experiment, without so much as researching the appalling physical backlash this could have on the innocent inmates, formed a large part of Herr Doktor Sutcliffe's contribution to the City of Durban...
Covering up the pollution to the Bay caused by H20's cable fumblings, and happily losing us the Blue Flag status on our beaches for the same reasons, pretty much describes Sutcliffe's management 'skills'..
Quite frankly, he makes the likes of Sbu Mpisane and his charming wife look like angels of Mercy...

Are you startled to see that Manase and Associates have not produced so much as a preliminary report on their investigations?  One can only imagine the nimble footwork and juggling that Mr. Haripersad and his colleagues are being forced to engage in, to ensure that Sutcliffe and his chums escape scott-free from their corrupt activities....
I certainly have more than a passing interest in seeing the Town Clerk behind bars, charged with Accessory to Murder for sanctioning the Metro-Connect trials to kick off here in the Crescent without our knowledge...  You wish to defend yourself against my accusations Mikey?  Or are you still supremely confident that nothing can be proved, and therefore you remain content with Barnabas the Druglord running the Show here in the Zone?

However well you may have started off, you have certainly become one of the most evil and unprincipled puppets the Project Authors could've wished for, and it appears you're not done yet... And no, I'm not that interested in your blethering on about the Bigger Picture, and would rather discuss the destruction and misery caused to so many hard-working ratepayers while under your watch.. No? I didn't think so..


Monday 17th October 2011 at 11.39am.