(begun Wednesday July 13th at 4.15am..)
This blog is kept updated purely in the interests of self-preservation. It is? Met ander woorde, it's a massive FAIL?
All that ink down the drain, and I've not preserved a thing, let alone my own health... *snorts...
I'd have been nearer the mark referring to it as a Charge sheet.. One with hopefully, at least as much credibility as the docket opened on by the whistleblower...
Juicy as those eight A4 pages were, pretty much all they've achieved is that it's given the perps named, more than enough time to get rid of the evidence... *yawns...
Who was it that contacted the Editor at Caxtons, and persuaded him that it would be in his best interests to publish a retraction and an apology? Northglen News, Page 3, 15th July. ( Mr. Haripersad of Manase and Associates? Hell, I could care less whether Sutcliffe and his offspring are guilty of those particular charges or not.
Tender-rigging and nepotism, even on such a grand scale as is practised diligently by the Ethekwini Municipality, is nothing compared to the murderous intent that pervades the Metro Connect Surveillance Project...
Back in 2004 (at this point it makes sod-all difference if I'm a year out here and there), it was the Chief of the Muni-affiliated Contractor Raw Power who himself had told me that only Harris Crescent and Cato Crest were trialling the anti-cable theft technology, aka Metro Connect..
Back then of course, our Al had yet to earn his larnie title of Lord High Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, or his position as Head of Raw Power. It's doubtful that that little treasure of a company was even created until much further down the line...
May I guess that by 2007 at least, many more areas here in the Zone had followed suit, and had the technology installed and linked up to ours? Most certainly by then, St. Theresa's was functioning as a mini base station, and I've the photos to prove it...
Wasn't that about when the little Convent suddenly acquired two sets of posh electric gates that forced visitors to wait outside on the road and request permission to enter? Standard security measures se GAT! *cackles.. More like precautions to prevent curious parties from arriving unannounced to see for themselves whether my claims were true.... Prevention was better than cure, hey Al old son?
A just-in-case back-up, to prevent the Human Rights Abuse from becoming public knowledge....
Much as all those ridiculous metal bars and the special finish were hastily added to the toddler's dorm windows as an afterthought? You cared less about the well-being of the young inmates and their Carers, and I'm betting it took some persuading to get the Druglord to agree to even go through the motions of safe-guarding the kids...
Should I offer my albums to the Rocket Scientist to study? Have I sufficient proof to persuade an International Court of Law that our scurrilous City Manager and his foul minions have rendered our fine Constitution to a worthless piece of bog-roll...?
Many of the Carers and GateKeepers employed over at St. Theresa's will have been told they may lose their fairly comfortable jobs if they fail to report any symptoms suffered by their charges or fellow employees... I'm willing to bet that over the last several years, more than a few wekkers over there have been 'retired' and orphans 'transferred', once it was established their immune systems had been wrecked by the copious doses of EMR flooding the area...
Were an attempt made to track down such victims, the ranks of wekkers would close as tightly as our Medical Fraternity are prone to do, when one of their own is charged with misconduct... *vomits...
Want to have a go Karl? It's a long way to come and be disappointed... I'd have to hazard a guess that every single picture I've ever taken has been recorded by my Area Controller from the outset, and is regarded as non-threatening to the Project.. Many of the photos are generally fuzzy and taken on full-zoom, but I can guarantee they tell a story of systematic abuse, like no words ever could..
On their own they could be laughed off as the crazed imaginings of a paranoid conspiracy theorist.. A self-portrait I've managed to consolidate almost single-handedly over the last ten years...
Take a chance there Mr. Muller, and next time you or the part-time Activist are down this way, drop by and see for yourselves.... Preferably before I'm bed-ridden, due to the nightly battering I endure from the Pig next door.. Anytime between midnight and 2am I'm now woken in pain, as the wireless Operator goes after my hip in a deliberate and stunningly successful mission to cripple me... *shrugs...
Ironic how I almost got away with it.. A family history of arthritis and yet I was untouched by it, and I have to wonder whether it was my love affair with Mr. Sol that kept me safe all these years... Yeah, yeah... What you win on the swings blah, blah, but just maybe it was all that Vitamin D that had my bones holding up for so long.. At least until 2005, when the assaults began in earnest, and increased so astonishingly with the arrival of our Area Controller's own Specialist RF Fundi, and his knowledge of the most devastating frequencies...
Could I now be the holder of some sort of record? The swiftest deterioration of cartilage over the shortest period of time? Is that what you're aiming for Balliram? Strange how old habits die hard hey? That you're patted and stroked for your amazing results by your fellow criminals, and yet I've the sense that you don't wish for the public to be aware of your newly acquired skills?
That for some reason you've seen fit to avoid sharing these particular activities with your loyal Sweeper herself? It would be foolish of me to consider there was any shame involved in the reason for your not keeping her in the picture...
Could it be that it's simply that old macho attitude held by the likes of the Whisperer, Barnabas and Nayager? All people that you admire and revere? That wimmen are indeed 2nd-class citizens, and should be kept in the dark when it comes to manly occupations, such as remotely assaulting innocent targets via their powerlines?
If this activity is so heroic, why not share it with your SO? Would she not admire your bravery and daring? Chances are that's a huge NOT.... That if she were truly made aware of the sheer cowardice and savagery that you employ against so many, she would up and leave you... So much more expedient then, to keep her out of the loop, right? Wimmen simply don't understand how these things work, hey Balliram? *winks...
It was on a thread begun by Human.Debris at mybroadband that BrokenLink casually mentioned going through two or three CFL bulbs a month... *bolt-eyed....
Dare I ask what he does with the duds? Tossed in the bin, or taken to an official drop-off point? Have those miniscule amounts of mercury contained in the CFL's already begun seeping from the dumps into the water table and from there into the rivers and dams?
In as little as twenty years time, will we be a nation of controlled robots, living in a wasteland devoid of flora and fauna? If the world-wide telecoms industries continue their push to harness civilization as we know it, chances are that's a yes... *yawns...
I can only suppose they have a specific goal, but it's one that escapes this Retard right now, as the sky grows light behind the Convent...
LATER at 10.45am
If I were to remove the line that sits beneath my blog title, would it change anything? *curious... A line that (with a really wild stretch of the imagination) could be construed as some sort of disclaimer? A loophole, David?
Indeed, I'm inclined to think it was decided that I could be 'dealt with' via the surveillance technology, rather than to threaten me publicly with closure...
The latter being something I would have shared with you immediately, with quite possibly embarrassing results for the heavies...
I pose no threat to the PuppetMasters, and therefore will continue to be steadily crippled, along with my friends and neighbours, (odd how it's also Missus B.Snr's left hip and knee that are now so bad she's considering a visit to the hospital?) in order to impress the corrupt investors in this scheme...
While the shockingly crooked City Manager may have achieved an apology from the Editor of the Northglen News, it's too little, too late.... Both he and his unfortunate son Warren, will hopefully be regarded askance forever more, if only for their support of the Metro Connect Surveillance Project... An unforgivable wickedness by any standards...
Only the lightest of breezes plays in the top of the remaining gumtrees.. The GW has just left to go about his business, and the power here in the house has been stepped up accordingly, as my ears are squeezed with pressure.. Do I regret telling you the truth, over and over again? Nope, not at all...
The flesh may be growing steadily weaker by the day, but bygod, the spirit burns as fiercely as ever...
Wednesday 13th July 2011 at 12.27pm.