Tuesday, June 14, 2011

(begun Tuesday 14th June at 3.25am..)

There's always a chance that you missed the first hundred times I told you, so I'll try again....

When Allen Spence handed our power circuit over to the Cracker Balliram to control, it was with the full knowledge that our calls would be routed through to Sydenham SAPS and Nayager, and that ultimately when Metro Connect's so-called Sherwood Network was up and running, the Molestor himself would be able to listen in to the private conversations taking place in our homes, while he sat in his office on the Hill, eavesdropping...

And so it was... In our role as designated guinea-pigs for the all-invasive surveillance technology trials, our drab and boring lives became of great interest to One-Eyed Jack, as he and his IT Lackey grew more adventurous with their malicious games...
Why us?  You'd have to ask the red-eyed Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, and hope that he still remembers the truth....
First off you should remind yourselves that Michael Barnabas, UberDruglord, and Sydenham SAPS, have between them controlled the Zone for as long as I can remember, and that when he got wind of the Information Theft Project Barnabas would have put in the winning bid for the Trials with I suspect, a good many of the missing SBV Millions...

As luck would have it, the little valley turned out to be topographically ideal, and once they'd got the Convent on board as a mini base station, it all came together...
Choosing this particular site for the Metro Connect Trials had little if anything to do with us personally, though we turned out to be a highly entertaining bonus for the crooked thugs running the Show...
I'd already caught the interest of the mafia-affiliated Station Head Koobair, back in the mid nineties, when we'd tried to get a Neighbourhood Watch up and running.. Needless to say it eventually failed, but not before all our phone lines were tapped by Koobair's contacts at Telkom Overport... *waves to Saleem Moosa...

Does my version of the truth in any way tally with the tales told you by the Courageous Couple over the years?  Did Balliram ever admit that our lines were all bugged, well before Metro Connect came along?  Somehow I doubt it... *shrugs...

LATER at 4.15am

The pressure in my ears is immense right now, and my jaw on the right aches intensely... *spits at the Sadist next door....  Where was I?  Ah - I was trying to clarify Glen Nayager's role in the steaming pile of rot that is Metro Connect...
How the options offered by the technology eventually had him believing he was a god, and as such totally untouchable... Oopsie!  *chokes...

I was sitting in my corner of the lounge yesterday, scrolling through the TV channels, when I fell into a replay of Carte Blanche, and there was Tracey-Lee Dorny's iBurst mast filling the screen...  I have to ask - when was that little satellite dish attached to the tower, and is that what rpm was trying to say?
While the masts themselves most certainly screw with an as yet, small percentage of people's health, it's the darned satellite dishes that are being attached to existing masts that are doing the real damage..

Do you live in sight of a mast?  Has it had a small white dish or two added to it recently?  If not, it's likely there are very few health problems in the area.. You'd do well to keep an eye on it though, for it WILL eventually have a dish or two attached at some point, and that's when the fun will start...
Foolishly, I found myself crushed by the degree of irritation in rpm's tone as he defended the cellmasts, but I guess technically at least, he's partially right..
I've no idea when the mast was originally erected across in Barnard Road, Mayville, and I'm sure it had no affect on us at all...  Only when they'd added the little dish in 2005 and nailed us out in our gardens, did things take a dramatic turn for the worse...

BTW, I see work has finally resumed on those blocks of apartments right next to the aforementioned mast.. Go check it out on google street view and you'll see that any tenant stupid enough to occupy the space upstairs nearest the mast, could practically lean out of the window and touch that fake tree.. *bolt-eyed..
Oh ja - and those pretty little white houses with the green roofs at the base of the mast?  That's like a mini retirement village, and you have to wonder how many of those oldies have been feeling the impact of the added satellite dishes.. *spews... Dishes added purely to promote YOUR Muni's Metro Connect invasion of privacy project... *snarls..

To the posters who gaily commented how they've been living in the shadow of a mast for years with no adverse effects, would they post again AFTER their mast has been embellished with a satellite dish or three?  Once the tinnitis has kicked in, and the inexplicable joint pains become a regular occurrence?  After their clueless GP has diagnosed them with bursitis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or even the ambiguous tendonitis?
Will you appear back on mybroadband to post that you'd been wrong?
That the explosion of cellmasts and antennae across the country will indeed prove to be a slow and agonising cull of massive proportions? Unlikely ... *shrugs....

LATER at 9.15am

Just after 7.30am I logged on to go point Leon at durbanite to an interesting piece in this morning's Times.. (Try Page 5 - Website to battle Secrecy Bill, www.timeslive.co.za).   Balliram was waiting for me.. *grins...  I guess he'd set up his latest bit of mischief after the last time I'd messaged Leon, and has had to wait all this time to try it out.. *snorts...
I typed a greeting into the Subject line to find it greyed out, and I was given a dropdown window of what looked like random reminders... The one I found the most interesting said:  Help Alex.  Flat G2. Block B..  *blinks...
Frankly they meant nothing to me, though each time I tried to type into the Subject line a different set of reminders appeared...I gave up and went instead to the Secrecy Bill thread where I tried to post a comment for Leon...This time I typed in that my view of Leon's Page appeared hacked by Sydenham SAPS .. Needless to say when I hit publish, only my greeting to Leon remained, and the body of the message had vanished ..*winks...
I persisted, this time leaving out my mention of Dodge City, and my post was published correctly. *for the second time in an hour, the TV screen has just summarily been blacked out...*

Is David Ludlow aware that my so-called Freedom of Speech is an illusion?  *curious.. That in all likelyhood, my blog is being edited as I type?  *interested....
That I may post on durbanite, but only if the Cracker Balliram deems my words permissable?  *snarls...
I called a contact over at Block B, Sydenham Heights, shortly afterwards, to ask if there was an Alex at Flat G2.. He replied that no, it was a lady living alone in that flat.. So - who is Alex and what help does he require that involves Flat G2 over at Sydenham Manor, or had my Area Controller simply made up nonsensical dropdowns to pique my interest?
I guess someone is going to have to keep a lookout for Iris at G2 and see what transpires?  Does anyone perchance have their eye on that particular apartment for themselves?

Did you read David Shapiro's column in this morning's Times?  The Gauteng version of our Metro Connect Information Theft Scheme is fumbling it's way about Shapiro's neighbourhood... Go check out Beryl Road to find the correct suburb up that way, and if you live nearby, you can anticipate powercuts and burst water pipes in plentiful supply... *winks...
If you're lucky, you'll be invited onboard the Local Network for your area, and if you've half a brain, you'll accept without demur... If you're reading this, you'll know that it wasn't your scintillating personality that initiated their approach, but the fact that your property is needed to promote the wireless signal that will relay your every move and sound back to a nearby Area Controller, and quite possibly your local Copshop as well..*beams..  A comforting thought?   Bwaahaahhaaa!

Will your Controller have a penchant for accessing the privacy of your bedroom after dark?  Will he turn out to be similar to the sad, sick creature that lurks here at No. 6, and who passes for our Area Controller?
I guess if you're a standard Thickskin you won't be aware of the stealthy invasions of your privacy, though the fact that you're a willing member of your Network shouldn't fool you into thinking you'll be in any way excluded from his/her clandestine visits.. You won't..



Tuesday 14th June 2011 at 3.18pm.