Monday, April 11, 2011

(begun Sunday 10th April at 4.45am..)

I was snug as a bug on Cloud 9 when *blam!* and the BackFire kicked in.. Not quite enough?  Care for a bit of pain in your hip joints as well?  There's simply no arguing with the Boss *winks..When he wants you up out of bed, you may as well obey right away....
Once I'm up, the lower back pain vanished and leaves only the Sadist's favourite frequency, employed to burn me..
Hell, I can do this... He pretty much ran the BF at full-throttle for the entire day yesterday, and though somewhat subdued, I'm still here to tell the tale.. *shrugs...
Ever so carefully, he tries one of his 'nunus' nearby.. I spit, and it falls silent immediately..*winks...

As for durbanite - Why such a radically flamboyant effort to have you believe the corruption is restricted to a handful here in Kwa-Zulu?  Silly question....I'm certainly not about to change my story in any way, and if this lot of local criminals are to be tossed to the lions to distract you, then halleluja!

If I wasn't sitting here now, firmly under the sadistic thumb of local hoodlums, and if the GW wasn't back at the doctor's (this time including a physio), with a painful neck joint, would I be singing a different song?  'Fraid not guys..*shrugs... The introduction of the unregulated frequencies and power as a means of monitoring, entertainment, and control has if anything, increased my resolve to enlighten you..*teeth..
The years of calculated mischief and destruction pale by comparison to the physical attacks that the technology can achieve, and one has to wonder why Jannie van Zyl waited so long, before giving the thumbs up for this particularly nasty aspect of the Project to begin...

I was right when I said you visit the Wugger's irc channels regularly to cheer them on, was I not, Janneman?  To reassure those that have already developed the microwave buzzing in their ears that it's nothing to worry about, and to re-iterate that hacking into their neighbour's systems cannot, under the circumstances, be considered in any way illegal...*winks...
That's not how the little hair technologist from Reservoir Hills saw it back in 2008, when she said her husband had successfully accessed their neighbour's computer as per the instructions given him... Nearly three years on, and I'm betting by now they've been brainwashed into thinking it's the norm, and I'm a bitch for dragging it up again... The fact is, she wasn't happy, and said that both of them felt uncomfortable...
How many other Wuggers require that bit of extra pep-talk to overcome their distaste for this 'vital' initiation rite?

Who was it that finally persuaded godschild to break the Law?  A stirring sermon?  I can only guess that he's still not entirely convinced, despite his assessment of me as some sort of weirdo... His 'conversion' hasn't changed my opinion of him at all, and I continue to regard him as my Good Neighbour, despite the efforts made, to have me think otherwise...

It's now 5.45am and the sky is just beginning to grow light beyond the mini base station.. I wonder about Willie Hofmyer... Is he comatose and snoring as I scribble here, or does he lie awake running through his next planned operation?   Has he somehow managed to avoid acquiring his own Leverage File, or is he now being coerced into dancing to some shadowy figure's tune?
That's what it's been about right from the beginning, and there's no getting away from it.. Employing a combination of technologies that will ultimately have your every last little idiosyncracy and misdemeanour stored away on a database, to be used against you, should the need arise...

I put the bathroom light on and stood there tying up my hair for the day.. I heard the Pervert immediately.. A neon-tube hissing quietly?  A tap not properly closed? *check... Neither.. I spat audibly and it stopped instantly... Our so-Special Agent runs true to form and scuttles off in cowardly fashion, when detected.. Does Missus C know you're back in my bathroom, dear?

The GameWrecker walked the now well-trodden path back to his GP this week.. This time the doc's quota list included a trip to the X-ray department.. Naturally there was nothing to be seen but a vague 'indications are that it's rheumatism'.. *chokes... From there he was sent to a physio, though her efforts don't appear to have alleviated his discomfort at all...
Whatever it is that our Area Controller is pumping out of that signal enchancer only yards from the GW's bed, is working admirably..*applauds..
I guess I told you back when Einstein re-activated it, that it wouldn't be long before I reported the results, and here they most certainly are.. *shrugs..

LATER at 9.05am..

To someone obsessed with my every move and clinging avidly to each sound I make, it was dead easy to figure out that I'd be sitting out in my corner of the garden in about 10 minutes time.. Chirrup, went the Controller's remote, and sure enough, by the time I tried switching on my little porta-fan, it was a no-go... *yawns.. Thinking for one minute that this Poor Creature is operating independently, would be a massive error.. He continues his reign of destruction and physical abuse with the full blessing of Jannie van Zyl and Michael Barnabas...
There's nothing wrong with the fan, and it's been safely stored away for the months it's been too hot to sit outdoors, until today, when the Mischief-Maker isolated and blocked it...

I'm not oblivious to the fact that I'm now employed as a warning to Wuggers and the Chosen alike to toe the line, and in that department, I'm proving mighty useful, am I not? *grins at the Telecoms Agent....
I doubt the PTB even bother to deny my claims any longer, and rather adopt a 'she's simply getting what she deserves' attitude.. By now I'm a fixture, and a whiner that's easily ignored...

Monday 11th April at 3.55am..

There'd been some jolly noises coming from my Controller's pool area late yesterday afternoon. I confess that I'd briefly hoped the karaoke machine would be hauled out, like the old days, and that the festivities would go on for a while...  Alas, no.. Whether his friends and family don't much care to hang about in the open after dark, due to health concerns here in the valley, is unknown, but the gaiety didn't last long at all..
OTOH, when I'd gone out on the verandah later, it was to find the Mothership activated fully, after months of absence... *wipes eyes...  Is that why the cherry-picker was hanging around?  *curious...

The deliberate corruption to my gmail account has now spread to include the GW's account as well, and he struggles to sign out successfully.. There's been no sign of activity on in response to David Ludlow's latest blog post, though it's possible that my email advices are being blocked.. *yawns..
I imagine that key players were in a huddle over the weekend, figuring out what their comments should convey?  *waves to Mac...

While it's great to see localised corruption getting some exposure at last, will you allow it to divert you from the shockingly illegal activities practised by those at the very top of this steaming pile?  I would ask again - How many of those exposed Trough Feeders that appear now on a daily basis in the Press, are actually paying for their sins?  Ah, but the Courts are backed up?  I rest my case...
If Jannie would have you believe that continuing to employ the likes of Nayager and Balliram is vital to exposing more of the Porkers, I will spit on the idea ....

Glen Nayager was Jackie Selebi's pimp, as much as Colin P. Ballliram is Nayager's pimp, and until you go after the Druglord Barnabas and his mate Agliotti, and lock them away, I see little merit to the Project at all...
I'm flagging and exhausted by my Contoller's relentless physical onslaughts, so I ask that you forgive the possibly more-disjointed of my efforts at the moment...
It remains to be seen whether I can scramble from the Slough of Despond and bounce back again, despite the Sadist's determined ministrations...
About the fan?  I fished out another adaptor and re-set the whole thing from the wall at which point the fan recovered.. *winks.. Oddly enough, everything else on the original adaptor appears to be working, just not the fan..*finger to the Creep...

Some time during the morning, as I sat out enjoying the warm sunshine, a couple of kids came into the narrow passageway between der Bunker and the wall where I was sitting...
My Controller was there in under a minute, roaring at them to get away.. The newly treated floor hadn't set properly, or was something else in that narrow space between us, that might have been detrimental to the little ones?
It's true that very often I can stand out there and hold my hands up to der Bunker, and they will tingle and burn at whatever it is that pumps out from his hide-away...*grins...   Bullshit?  You may say what you like, but the RF Engineer knows I speak the truth..*beams..


Monday 11th April 2011 at 1.23pm.