Saturday, February 26, 2011

(begun Friday 25th February at 4.35am..)

*I figure I’m in for a rough ride, as I try now to update my blog…. Instead of my home-page in I was shown something completely different.  An error page claiming there were conflicting things going on, and that someone else may be trying to edit the site as well as me? Hau! *winks… I guess Balliram is home and bored right now at 11.50am? *

About when was it, that I began thinking I'd started making sense?  Can a toad be more deluded?  *falls over… Right now I'm being buffeted by persistent whispers of ‘pack it in’, 'withdraw', and ‘resistance is futile’….
All it took was that one puzzled question asked by the Mast Fighter yesterday.  Am I in Security?  You can stop laughing now Balliram.  It wasn’t that funny!   *snarls…

How to explain that I feel changing to adsl from iBurst won't make a blind bit of difference to our situation, is an impossible task… Our Vice Chair uses adsl, and his home is as easily accessed and attacked via the powerlines as ours is.. Tower or no tower, the Mast Fighter’s home is by now as contaminated and as accessible as ours, and she and the kid must surely feel it, each time her Area Controller hops on in to eavesdrop?  The wave of heat, and the pressure to their ears?  The sometimes magical change to the microwave buzzing in their hearing?  The different areas of their home, where they walk into sudden walls of heat, even now that the mast has gone?   Its possible that the layman Area Controller who controls her power supply is being cautious in the extreme...  That unlike Mr. GungHo next door, they have found it's not a good idea to mess with her, and they keep their visits to a minimum? 

Balliram would've heard how easily the GW agreed to change to adsl after reading her mail, and he would've been as astonished as I was, at the lack of fight or argument he put up..*cackles.. It remains to be seen how he feels this morning, and whether he changes his mind or not..
Ja, I suppose I can lay the very worst of the attacks via our computer, to the iBurst connection..
The excrutiating Knives to the Wrist while using the keyboard, and the resulting inflammation of both my elbows within weeks of each other…
The heat that would at times pour off the monitor screen, and the shooting pains in my hand as I hold the mouse…
Would changing to adsl remove these stunning options, available to our Area Controller?  I don’t think it would. Not now.  Not with the enormous power running from the Accountant’s and the Convent and being bounced off our Good Neighbour’s property so obligingly… *stumped…

Saturday 26th February at 5.05am

Whoa!  We’re having a heatwave…. *singing… Just kidding!  You'd think after all these years, his ardour would've cooled, but his hot embrace is as savage as ever it was.. *eyeroll…
The latest BushDweller beat me to it this morning, and I woke to Spanky and Nobby sounding the alarm loudly….
Apart from a really odd ten-minute downpour yesterday afternoon (while the sun was still shining, nogal), overall the weather's been great for a spot of outdoor camping down in the valley…
I smelled his fire a few days ago, and my first thought had been – does he check himself for ticks?  You remember how the Twins would dash through the valley and come up under my garden wall, literally covered in those minute suckers?
*a sudden deep ache in my lower left fillings, has my eyes watering.. Easy, bubba, easy…. *
So I have to wonder whether this latest BushDweller is an old hand at roughing it, or whether he’ll find himself sicker than a dog in a few week’s time.. *sighs…

Mountainous cumulous rear up along the skyline, and I bet it's bucketing down somewhere out to sea…
HAARP? Space Stream?  Man, I though I had it all pretty much figured out, until she tossed those words at me, and sent me cowering back to my kennel in dismay…
There's no room left in my head to suddenly absorb totally new ideas, though I admit it's cool to finally get an answer to the flocks of dead birds falling from the skies…

If our Head of Intelligence’s cosy relationship with the USA, includes running the HAARP technology, I'm screwed….
Up next to that, the voiping of individual homes seems like small potatos, and I still appear to be the only one who sees how useful this can be….

Shall I give you a hypothetical ‘for instance’ here?
Just say you were stood up in Dodge's parking lot, chatting quietly to a good cop.. (Now you all know how heavily that particular area has been covered with listening devices, right?)
You’ll recall how soon after speaking his mind so freely in the identical spot, the Trouble Shooter was forced to return to his base in Pinetown? How his home became the target for a drive-by shooting shortly afterwards?

Okay – so you're standing there chatting, and you enquire after a fairly large haul of confiscated ganja that was reported in the Press…. You say you’ve heard rumours that it might not have made it to the Evidence room.. *winks… The good cop heads off to check right away, but comes back to say the Evidence room keys aren't available, but that a check will be done first thing in the morning..
This takes place and voila! A certain amount of dagga is found just where it should be, the next day..
Who’s to say the conversation wasn’t relayed to the original confiscator of the dagga,and a mad scramble ensued to replace the possibly missing evidence by morning?    (Easily achieved, as Nayager will have keys to every room on the property, and you better believe it).

The stuff could be replaced well before office hours, and no-one any the wiser..
That, my dear Watson, is the beauty of the technology that sends even the most softly uttered words in that quadrangle, straight back to the Druglord’s puppets… Guaranteeing he and his runners can stay ten steps ahead at all times….
It pretty much makes a mockery of any planned ‘surprise raids’ as well, does it not?

Standing out there after the Exec Meeting the other night, the BF had suddenly kicked in bigtime, and a couple of ‘crickets’ had begun their noisy chirping, despite the human disturbances… Remarking on it, had me put firmly in my place as a blithering idiot.. Nothing new there, hey Laz? *grins..
You OWN Dodge right now, and you're welcome to it.. That is, at least till after 26th March, when the shit may or may not hit the fan… Can you adjust to playing second-fiddle after all this time?  We’ll have to wait and see, won't we… *anticipation…

Mind games?  I'd say that was putting it mildly right now, and it's not only the seriously good cops who are being tormented, unless of course you're privy to Barnabas’ game-plan? *curious… Does the Druglord intend reinstating the simpering Sexual Offender and if so, may I suggest you book the Trauma Counsellor well in advance?
I swear I felt a flicker of sympathy for you the other night, but all I had to do was picture your grinning face up close and personal, saying you hoped the photos I was taking at Siripath Field weren't destined for the Press, as ‘we didn’t want to spoil the Reservoir Hills Fun Day, now did we’, and my fleeting concern vanished… *grins…
Don’t bottle it up dewd – Go scream at a few innocent women, and you'll feel loads better..

My last thought before I hit the sack last night, had been to cut back today.. I look at the stinking, overflowing ashtray next to me, and question when last I stuck to anything..
Oh wait!  I've somehow managed to stick like crazy to a tale of corruption and sanctioned dirty deeds, the likes of which you’ve chosen to ignore..
Obey the whispers and give up?
Succumb to the near non-stop battering of BackFire my Courageous Captain currently (!) employs?

The GW was back at the chiro yesterday, and even I confess to feeling the odd deep twinge in my joints.. We’re taking a beating down here, and I'd hazard that Sue the Book's explosive experience with her ancient banger at 'Yusuf’s' in Mayville yesterday, was more engineered entertainment for the Mob…
A creepy lot indeed, and they need constant feeding at other’s expense, not so Balliram?  *spits…
You going to win Employee of the Month again for that nasty bit of entertainment, or is it Nayager's turn to bask in the glory?  A fine pair you make, fosho….

I can go to bed at night, wallowing in the Slough of Despond, and yet by 2 or 3am of a morning my damned indomitable spirit has risen again.. Do you grind your pearly-whites at my dogged endurance, and insist that my words are only aiding the Wikked?
That would be a crock of the first order, and I'll pass on the renewed cries of FOAD, if you don’t mind…
I guess that each new day, I wake in the hopes that I'll hear the thunder of hooves in the pass, and however dim-witted and futile that is, I'm stuck with it, and by default, so are you… *grins..  PS I don't remember when my Word gave me quite so many problems updating this blog... Having fun Creep?



Saturday 26th Februarty 2011 at 12.34pm.