(begun Wednesday 2nd February at 3.25pm...)
I’d been pulling weeds in the garden, and came in at about 3pm, in time to catch some of the Fashion Police on E. Needless to say, the screen was blacked out before the show ended, and I was shown a message saying This Channel is blocked from your country…. *blinks..
Work slow, Bali? They're cutting back on the jobs they give you to do, as you’ve now got a reputation for giving away more secrets than is good for the Blessed Project? Uhuh… *nods..
I've been a fairly obliging Text Dummy, all things considered, and I've gotten up grinning, from each brutal thump you’ve given me.. Too dumb to know when to stay down, TB? Maybe… *shrugs…
What many of you don’t see, is that your sanctimonious attitude towards those nabbed for corruption, becomes downright astonishing, when you consider the secrets, lies and criminal aspects of the Project.. That you will happily consort with villains like my Area Controller, and tell yourselves what? That he’s not actually been charged or convicted of any wrongdoing? *grim laugh…
It's much like our grand Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, Allen Spence, going about his business, shortening people's lives so drastically.. You know he’s doing it.. He knows he’s doing it. But it can't be proved, so tally ho – let's see how many more we can pop off before we're done… *gobs…
What goes round? His turn will come? Kak!! Don’t give me that twak! I trotted out those platitudes for way too long before waking up to the cold hard truth…. Allen Spence will NEVER be held accountable, and certainly not for handing Joe Public’s power supplies over to unqualified criminals to operate… Does he stand by amused, as his latest apprentice hits the wrong key, and destroys the appliances of people that can't afford to replace them, or they go down like a felled ox?
Is our Al a church-goer? Tell me that’s a no, for a more gaggable picture would be hard to envisage…
Thursday 3rd February at 3.45am..
I’d been up and about for ten minutes before the BF suddenly kicked in, bigtime, and I wonder how any individual can start the day filled with quite so much malice…
Course our Bali ain't just any individual, are you dear? *waves… Did the Project Authors bother to get a psychological profile on my Controller, or did he get the nod, merely on the Druglord’s say-so? I’m thinking the latter… *eyeroll…
Last night I bumbled into mybroadband as usual, and all it took was a glance at their front page to reduce me to chortling.. Mweb are using the Durban Metro fibre Network? Actually, once I'd stopped choking at that perfectly timed announcement, it does make a bit of sense… After all – Mweb = Naspers and were in bed with Telkom for an incredibly long time together, before the news was put out that they'd fallen out, and I’ve never forgotten that….*winks...
Would you now have me believe that the Muni-created Three-Core Electrical contractors seen shovelling orange and yellow cabling into the manhole on Tuesday, were doing it for Mweb? *startled…
The amount of posts praising the Ethekwini Metro for their fibre Network was pretty mind-boggling.. Are you serious? Where on earth do you live, that you find this to be such a clever thing to do? Do you have any idea just how much water will be lost, before the PTB are satisfied, or are we still the only province doing these enormous runoffs, as yet?
Have you still to experience the dubious pleasure of waking to find a river of water running down your road for hours, before it's finally shut off? To find on most days that your tap water is discoloured, and on others, that it smells odd? That on some occasions it slows to a trickle from the tap, and will seldom if ever, achieve the pressure it used to have? And this is progress FFS?
How serious are the warnings about a looming water crisis? If they’re indeed genuine, then your delight at news of the fibre network being made public, astonishes me….
Hang on – the recent thread on the merits of CFL’s was much the same, now I come to think of it.. Not one mention of the mercury contained in those bulbs, was made… *blinks.. Promoting the New Age attitude? Fark the water losses and the pollution, and the huge increases in EMR – it's survival of the fittest, and the rest be damned.. Fosho it is…
I see the Special Investigative Unit are still looking for Ismail Sheik, and it's now being suggested that this SAPS Reservist Zoneboy could be resorting to wearing a burqa as a disguise…
I've already suggested that Booysen ask Glen Nayager about the Stalker's whereabouts.. One-Eyed Jack would shop his own mother if the price were right…
Offer the Sex Offender another fancy rank, and I'm willing to bet he’ll produce Sheik within the hour..*vomits..
Sheik’s crimes are all against women, which won't be a problem for our ex-Station Commander at all, so Booysen's bribe had better be a good one….
In fact, why don’t you try the flat over in Mayville, where I'm told Nayager and his female fellow-officer hang out? It's possible the Stalker is living comfortably in a back room, in one of those sub-economic apartment blocks, protected by the Mob-connected Women Abuser himself….
I shake my head in wonder at your total lack of concern that the Government, and specifically the Intelligence Department, are so heavily involved in the Muni's fibre Network… Where were you, when I said the National Lotto are funding the 4-Phase upgrade across the valley, at the mini-base station that’s St. Theresa’s orphanage/convent? You still think the WUGS are started up and run privately? *falls over laughing…
I guess in the light of this magnificent achievement alone (Fibre Network), our Crooked Town Clerk, Sutcliffe’s, job is safe? Well, that and the fact that he has by now, access to as many Leverage files as he needs, to lean on any possible dissenters…
It sure looks like you're all going to get the fantastic Internet connections you’ve hankered after for so long, though it's going to take a while before you figure out the real cost to you and yours.. Viva progress?
I was still chatting companionably to my Area Controller when I put my bedside lamp out last night, and he gave me a few vicious jabs of BF for good measure.. What's the difference between a Sociopath and a psychopath? Don’t tell me to google it, I'm asking YOU… *squints through burning eyes….
LATER at 8.45pm
On the promised matter of eating crow? The GW drove me down to the stop street, and showed me the new manhole that’s been created right on the street corner… On it is engraved Neotel…*goes purple..
Once again the old toppie was right, and they weren't putting cabling into the water lines after all.. Crushed, doesn’t begin to describe how I feel, quite frankly.. It means I'm back to square one in finding and understanding the reason for the deliberate runoffs… *mutters furiously…
Otherwise? I had a great day all round, and we went over to Whysall's at the Pavilion to get some prints done, before the lunchtime rush..
There was another lady already busy at one of their machines, choosing her prints.. I'd not even put my memory card into the machine next to her, when her’s crashed totally, and try as they could, they just couldn’t get it going again..
Nice try Baliram! Remind me why that isn't a criminal offence? Damaging other people's property to amuse yourself and your equally corrupt chommies? *interested..
I’m damned sure there are those of you who can check on whether our Area Controller has a chum overseeing the Pavilion, or whether he himself can bounce up that far… Do it.
You’ve heard often enough of how he repeatedly damaged Ash’s machines at Foto-tech, until I stopped going there (Westville Mall), and I guess this is the behaviour that tends to have me look askance at this miraculous Project, and the criminals that are running the show… *yawns…
And now it’s Whysall’s turn.. Yeah, I know you’re only an Observer bwana, but I'd kill to hear your views on this aspect of the Big Brother scheme.. *waves..
Which reminds me – I was in mybroadband earlier this evening before 7pm, and found my signal quality sitting down at 50%..
Again I ask, is Ian Halliday aware that his stead-paying customers are being hijacked by so-called Government goons, who corrupt the service for their own amusement?
Ian? Speak up lad, I can't hear you..
As you're on first name terms with our Strategist, you must surely be aware of the unfortunate Test Dummies that support your business at tradepage, all unaware that their Network Admin is a cheap hood, that answers directly to a Druglord? *fascinated…
Since S N RETIC'S alterations and additions made to our streetlights last week, the dips to our power system are becoming more and more frequent…
Yes dear – you can rest assured I'll share all your exploits with the world, you clever thing!!!
The sky was still light when the AirWing chopper began circling overhead, before 7pm tonight.. Big circles, round and round, and every now and then a green light on it's side would flash on for a few seconds, and then switch off .. Not photos, but what? *winks…
The giant pressure-hose truck was busy flushing out the stormwater drains by the Blind Home just after 2pm today, and I'm none the wiser as to why the Muni’s contractors Three Core Electrical would be feeding fibre cable into Neotel's manhole.. *puzzled..
Yeah – I'm an ass, but give me credit for attempting to make sense of it all… Or not.. *stomps off to bed…
Friday 4th February 2011 at 12.57pm..