Sunday, December 19, 2010

(begun Sunday 19th December at 3.55am...)

Now I come to think of it, it was the evening of the day I'd told you about
I'd not even sat down to log on, and the GW wasn’t yet back from the shops, when the wee fellow outside our lounge window launched into a demonstration of such shrill magnitude that my nose began to run…*grins..
You’ve never heard such a carry-on, though oddly enough, it fell silent once my old man got back, and never uttered a sound after that… *winks…
It pulled the same routine again last night, but I quietly closed the window, and it shut up in a huff, and didn’t return…*laughing..

Did you know that hers was the very first picture that went up on my fridge?  Long since tossed in the bin, so I can't give you a link, but there was a picture of her sitting at a desk gazing smugly at the camera…
She was holding forth about the marvellous new Muni initiative that would link up the City online, and as far as I was concerned, it was the only thing that remotely resembled Allen Spence’s interest in our streetlights, and the crap we were enduring with our power supplies.. *shrugs…

Where does Jacquie Subban hail from originally?  Course I'd be ecstatic if it turned out she was from the Zone, but that would probably be too much to hope for…
The City Manager’s girlfriend?  Not in a million years…. !  If you’ve not yet visited, then it may be an idea to get a move on, as I don’t think it will last that long…
There's a strange, iffy odour to it, that I can't quite place, and I have to wonder if it's not some sort of honey-trap designed to lure dissenters into revealing themselves… *blinks…
Simply the old paranoia kicking in, or something else?  It's sort of creepy to see Sutcliffe sitting there reading all the whistle-blower's accusations, while saying zip in his own defense….

The temptation to write that toothy little heap of corruption an open letter and to post it, is great, but commonsense (oh, SHUSH!) dictates that I wait a while to see how the wind blows.. Disappointed there Bali?  Get over it…

I'd love to ask Sutcliffe to tellus again of that massive pollution in the harbour and the lies he trotted out at the time.. He could also remind us why we lost the Blue Flag status, while he’s at it.. Seems I was right all along, when I claimed the destruction was caused by the cabling running through the water/sewer/storm water lines…*spews….
Maybe the Town Clerk would like to shed some light (!) on the witless victims/test dummies of the initial tests run for this Project?  You'll remember that Spence had said there were only the two areas rigged up to test the monitoring technology?  Cocky bastard… *snarls..
Harris Crescent and Cato Crest had drawn the short-straws, according to that arch Prevaricator, only he gave a very different reason for it's installation.. Cable theft, Mistuh Spence?  *vomits…

Is that what causes me to hesitate when I study that naïve-looking website?  The fact that the whistle-blower has no problem with the basic premise of the Project, and that it all boils down to money?
Were the site to disappear today, it wouldn’t make any difference to our situation, though it's providing me with some long overdue entertainment…
Did you see where the whistle-blower dropped that delicious hint?  That the Evil Conspirators could often be found in a huddle over in Florida Road?
Sufficiently ambiguous as to have my antennae go temporarily nuts…*falls over…

Is it just me or was that an oblique reference to Spiga d’Ora, a venue well-known for it's patronage by the Whisperer, Schabir Shaik?  Do the so-called conspirators share a table regularly with Mo Shaik’s boetie, or is good old Jacquie aware that the place is bugged to the hilt, as she steers her targets to her preferred corner?
A corner where the ensuing conversations can be recorded and saved, to be added to some quite juicy Leverage Files at a later date?
Jacquie and Barnabas… Now there's a match made in heaven.. You want to do some serious digging at this point, guys… For I'm betting you that those two are old friends, but I guess you'd figured that out already..*beams...
Is that the Poisonous Rabbit I hear, snorting derisively at the unproveable allegations made on  Astonishing how no mention was made of the site on the mybroadband Forum, when it clearly involves communications, big time…*waits…

What orders has Jannie van Zyl issued to the forumites since the Independent published that web address? *fascinated… Did he ‘recommend’ you all remain judiciously silent, perhaps?  That it’s a storm in a teacup and will blow on over? 
I didn’t see Telkoms fiber network mentioned by name in the whistle-blower's comment, though my lack of comprehension skills are legendary, and I may have missed it… Red herrings?
That it’s the Beast’s own fiber network that forms the basis of the Big brother information theft scheme, goes without saying, hey Janneman?

It's now 5.30am and the rain has let up for the moment, though it doesn’t look like V will get much done in the garden today… Fat Sophie appears to be the latest target of choice by our Area Controller, and she's spent the last couple of days under my bed, as a result…
Special Agent Flamboyant has long since figured out the frequencies that most disturb the two little dogs, and doubtless he enjoys some sort of sick pleasure by activating them….
You have visitors staying Missus C?  Your Genius better-half hasn’t had the time, nor the opportunity, to carry out the crap I accuse him of causing?  Right..*snorts…

I guess I've shown repeatedly, just how much Einstein withholds from you, and how often you’ve been left out of the loop, only to read about it here, when you're forced to scramble and figure out suitable damage control….
You have THREE children Missus C, and it’s the last and largest you may want to consider committing to a Place of Safety.. There is little about him that is cute or appealing any more, and he's done sterling work at draining your own credibility..*sighs..

Provoked or unprovoked, he simply can't help himself.. You and I know that the only reason he rabidly activates the audio-monitoring in resident's homes, is to glean the most banal of everyday conversations, that he may use it to cause mischief and mayhem….
A wonderful legacy for your kids to inherit?  If he'd stuck with me, he could've gotten away with it, unpleasant creature that I am..
It was the spread of vindictive maliciousness to include so many other innocents, that’s finally revealed him to be one seriously sick bastard…

LATER at 6.34am…

Thunder rumbled in the distance earlier.. I went up top to fetch the Sunday Times and found there was no Times Extra tucked between the pages, and no mention of in the main body of the paper… Another good reason to regard the site with some suspicion, or is the Times Editor merely displaying extreme caution?  The fact that no mention has been made of the serious allegations levelled at Sutcliffe and his cronies, has me again questioning the validity of the site, though I fully intend enjoying it while it's up… *grins…

*It's just after 6.40am, and my Master gives a loud chirrup on his remote.. The temperature here at the desk rose dramatically and then subsided… yawns…*

It's been some time since I had any photos printed, so yesterday I took him up on the offer he'd made last week, and nipped into the Westville Mall.. It was almost an hour later that I heard one of the employees say ‘we’re having problems with the Printer’, but I stuck it out, and am pleased with the results…*finger to Balliram…
Check out my print HERE of the Scrabble-Player's garage signal enhancer, that clearly shows a part of it continues to be active long after the actual light is switched off.. *dances…
Have a dekko at Bali’s streetlight pole and THIS little protrusion clearly seen. That’s the one that gives off that tiny but brilliant red light after dark…
The zoomed-in picture of the Telkom tech that visited us yesterday HERE, is easily identifiable… What more could a toad ask for?  *beams…

Did you notice that I titled one of last week’s blogs Whistle-Blower?  One that I published on Thursday 16th Dec if I recall… Well ahead of the revelations on… It's not the first time that little wierdness has occurred, and I doubt it will be the last.. A glitch in the Matrix, that allows me to glimpse something ahead, but declines to give me the details?  Am I accessing random wavelengths while I sleep, or are they being fed to me?  *fascinated…

Did you see the brief mention given to the owner of Great Shift?  Hastily added, to pique the interest of unwary toads?  Apparently our Roy Moodley is a “bribery scoundrel” *falls over cackling… I’d never have guessed!
And here’s one for Major-General Bala Naidoo….  Do you admire the convicted Sexual Offender, Glen Nayager, in any way at all?  Would you whisper your honest answer into your Missus’ ear?   It's certainly not something you can reply to publicly.. You’d be damned if you did, and damned if you didn’t… There's a chance that despite your larnie rank, you're forced to dance to the Molestor's tune.. If so, how does that sit with you Bala?  *interested.. For all I know, he's the reason you're on your lofty perch, in which case, dance on mate… *shrugs..

Peace julle..


Sunday 19th December 2010 at 1.03pm