Tuesday, November 02, 2010

(begun Monday 1st November at 5.55am...)

*It's been a relatively pain-free day until……. I was sat in my corner earlier, watching the Weakest Link, when the Slimeball saw fit to crank up our system.. Both insteps threatened to cramp up and my fillings shrieked repeatedly…. There's no excuse for this, apart from sheer spite… I'm not ducking the taxman, nor do I hide State Secrets, and he has no business in my home any longer..yawns…. Read on….*

I bet it's been said more than once that I'm making a big deal out of nothing… Then let me run this by you and see what you think…
I went to bathe later than usual yesterday afternoon, and as a result I had to switch the bathroom light on.. Just before I climbed into the water, the ceiling light dipped the once and I automatically greeted the Pervert….
Fact.   Dips of any strength don’t occur to individual lights in our home, unless they're being manipulated by our Power Controller or there's an electrical storm nearby… *shrugs…

Would Missus C care to give me a valid reason why her husband finds it necessary to join me in the bathroom FFS?   Is she fully aware that his dedication to duty includes sharing my ablutions on a regular basis?  *curious…
If I were she, that fact alone would have me off and running for the hills… There's simply no legitimate excuse for this perverted behaviour… *eyeroll…
I know it should bother me, but after all this time, I'm bizzarely comfortable with the scenario, and play to the gallery accordingly… *grins…

And I'll ask again – Did Balliram attempt to distance himself from Nayager’s sexual misconduct enacted while he was Head of Sydenham Station?  Did the Cracker insist it was a plot to smear his innocent chum, or that he was unaware of the incidents in the first place?
Come on guys!   Surely you can't have forgotten his reaction already?  From where I'm standing (albeit shakily), there is very little to choose between the characters of these two puppets employed by the Druglord Barnabas, in his role as Operations Manager of the Zone for our Head of Intelligence…

The only difference would be that Nayager got caught, while our Mr. Shifty next door still manages to evade capture… If Balliram were sticking to the book and merely monitoring us, he could be easily classed as a glorified Peeping Tom.. The fact that he blatantly uses the powerlines he controls to cause mischief and mayhem in ours, and several other homes nearby, makes him somewhat more than a textbook voyeur…*vomits…
Has the Sweeper prudently shut down all rational thought in this area?  Conveniently turning a blind eye to something she knows has developed a life of it's own, that she has no control over?  *fascinated… It’s a shame that her steadfast loyalty is repaid in this manner, and her humiliation must be as great as that of Missus Nayager's was, over in Chats… *sighs….
To hear of her husband's ongoing sexual exploits held in his office at Dodge, as he degraded and abused his female officers on a regular basis, must have been hard to bear….And Balliram is different, how?

Don’t I beg you, suggest at this point that I'm employing any sort of prevarication… The Scum has since been found guilty as charged by a Court of Law… *shrugs.. The similarities between Nayager and Balliram's behaviour are glaringly apparent, though I've no doubt the Damage Control Team have pulled out all the stops to have you believe otherwise….

Due entirely to Allen Spence and Balliram's fumblings in 2005, I am a now a freak of nature and can feel the slightest changes to the engineered emissions in our home and surrounds… All the more shocking then, to find that Balliram was capable of battering away at the GW’s natural defences till he too experienced the problems with his joints, the brick-red face and even temporary ‘tinnitus’… He employs the same heavy-handed attacks against my friends and neighbours, and has breached (sp) their defences as well….
Apparently none of this concerns you in any way, and you're content to buy the cover-up and ignore our ongoing plight… There's simply no accounting for folks..*snorts..

I've no doubt at all that the Telecoms Agent continues to trash my accusations, as he foolishly attempted to do with those of Tracey-Lee Dorny and the other Craigavon complex residents.. Something that in my case has been a doddle to achieve, due to my inherent retardation..*chokes…   Our worth has clearly been weighed and found wanting…
The Crackers value OTOH, is such that his monstrous perversions must be overlooked in favour of the continued installation of the Blessed Project.. He continues unchecked to be allowed to meddle with and corrupt every aspect of our lives…*blinks… No, Mistuh van Zyl, you may stop insisting that you’ve reined him in in any way, when in fact this Criminal is being treated with kid-gloves, and his victims ignored and left to rot…

A classic example of this practise would be blocking me from irc trivia online…  To all intents and purposes I appear to have been painted as the villain, have I not?  A perpetrator of stupidity on a grand scale?  The jury gave their verdict a long time back, and the case can't be retried?  Bugger that dudes!
Stand the Strategist in the dock for a change, and have one of the few remaining Good OldBoys make the Witness sweat for a bit… (whether he's programmed with that particular app. is anyone's guess)..
Let the Good override Jannie's glib defence, and FFS, let justice prevail.. Frankly I'm sick and tired of meekly accepting being tossed about for the amusement of the Seriously Wikked… There was always much more to this tale than just the sorry account of a complete Cretin, though you happily chose to believe otherwise…

There are still plenty of genuinely Good people out there, though I've woken at last to the fact that by naming them I'm not doing them any favours at all..*sighs… A Moron displaying caution at this late stage?  Now there's a concept for you!  *chokes…
Come – rise up and stun me with your courage.. Give me cause to drop my yellowed stumps on the floor with delight, for all the right reasons..
Show me that the Good do indeed still have the upper hand, despite the reverse appearing to be the case… Or not…*stomps off muttering…

The sound of a cadet band floated across the valley from the direction of St. Theresa’s, yesterday afternoon..  Just the drummers it was, and what a fine toe-tapping sound they made.. Why so seldom heard?  I found it briefly uplifting, and would request they play more often…
The ice-cream van has trundled by several times recently, playing it's piercingly tinny tune.. I’ll have some whoonga with choc sauce and sprinkles?  *winks.. Malicious gossip is all?  You think?   *cackling…
The banned substance industry is more lucrative than ever, hey Earl?  Who’d have thought that a Dealer from the Hood would one day be sitting at the right hand of our Head of Intelligence?  A Pusher, given the technology to make or break the lives of his own community, by way more advanced means than just the sale of drugs… *spits casually…

Tuesday 2nd November at 3.35am..

I couldn’t keep my eyes open last night and packed it in even earlier than usual.. As a result I was awake before 2am.. Though both my hands died briefly, nothing else untoward happened…*yawns… Low profile, much? Balliram? 
It’s the same old pattern and nothing's changed… The wide-eyed and offended denials, backed as always by the unfortunate Pooper-Scooper, who has more than enough reason to take offence…

Certainly not at my accusations, but at her laughingly termed Better Half and the ongoing humiliation he causes her..*sighs.. There may well be a brief respite in the attacks on our home, but it’s a given Balliram and his chommies will take out their vindictive frustrations on other innocents in the meanwhile… Innocents unable to share the results here with you..*vomits…
While the Project Authors are doubtless delighted with the overall results achieved by Barnabas’ recommended Puppets, between them, these two have managed to reveal the real underlying agenda of the Big Brother Project, and the unbelievably sickening methods being deliberately employed in their race to get the technology installed..*shrugs…

It's more than just an ugly picture, and you'd prefer to pretend it's not happening?  
The ongoing outing of greedy and corrupt Government officials keeps you comfortably sitting on your hands, despite it's obvious they're seldom brought to book and forced to pay for their crimes..
Several factions jostling for power?  You got that right!   I guess I find the Project Authors cold and clinical approach to the New Age as disturbing as the savagery they promote to attain their goal..
The robot-like Telecoms Agent, programmed to do little more than deny and deride, and certainly not to make any genuine effort to correct the monumental injustice that continues down here, with the employment of Balliram and Nayager… *snorts..

The Moth Cottage Tenants were assured some years back by the Illuminati, Brian Osborne, that their rentals would never be increased by more than 10% a year.  Last week they received notice that their fees are to be increased by R900 per month..
Partial blame for this was laid at the increased use of water and electricity by the Tenants themselves…
Hogwash!  Does someone smell a huge property investment on the land occupied by these five cottages perchance?  Stretched to the limit as he surely is, I'm betting if Brig./Major-General/Colonel Johan Booysen were to get the Fraud guys to ferret about over at the Flame Lily Management, he’d come up with some interesting findings…

The installation of the unruly and increasing number of tenants to the communal servant's quarters behind the cottages, was engineered by..?  *looks at Charles Newton, one-time purported member of the Flame Lily Board of Trustees…. Anything you want to share with your fellow tenants there Charlie?  *snarls….
Anything at all, about the huge water and light wastage going on back there?  
The deliberately raucous and bad behaviour by the frequently sozzled occupants now living up in the servant's quarters?
As blogged previously, the current Cottage tenants simply don’t have the means to relocate, though this fact doesn’t appear to have made any difference to the methods being used to get rid of them… *vomits..
I'd be grateful if Messrs. Booysen and Loggenberg would add the Flame Lily Management to their To-Do list ASAP.. Preferably BEFORE the stress alone begins to kill off the innocent occupants… Time to go..



Tuesday 2nd November 2010 at 7.37pm.