Friday, August 13, 2010


(begun Thursday 12th August at 8.55pm..)

The mini-base Station is lit up like a Christmas tree, and so is the Scrabble-Player's property next door... *grins..
I'm curious.. How does he reconcile his beliefs with the lies and subterfuge surrounding the heavily restricted and By Invite Only WUG he's joined?  How does he reconcile the fact that on the one hand the Public are constantly exhorted in the Press to save electricity, while allowing himself to be encouraged to run more lights than ever?
In No. 10's case of course, the encouragement included Balliram sending a 'visitor' to access their property uninvited, which I'd predicted would have the enormous lamp now by their front door activated as required... And so it was... Tonight however, even their back light is on...  By special request perchance?  *winks.. You couldn't ask for a better demonstration of just how easily the majority of wuggers are being manipulated...

As a good christian boy, would he care to share with me the astonishing reasoning behind the WUGs and precisely how they are to save the country from ruin?  No?  He's been sworn to secrecy?  *falls over in a heap... Strike one.
He's always regarded me as odd and I guess he's in the majority there... I OTOH, have told him on several occasions that I consider them to be excellent neighbours...
Could it be my lack of interest in discussing matters of faith that raised doubts in his pointy head?

Heh - It's all water under the bridge at this point, as predictably it appears that the very staunchest of self-proclaimed christians have in fact been among the easiest to convert to the Project... *grins... I myself currently battle with the Sin of Smugness, and five Hail Mary's just won't cut it...*snorts... The cynical old 'I told you so' itches to bubble forth, and I stifle it with effort.. Maybe bed and my book?   Cheers...

Friday 13th August at

It's been a good few years since your pellies running the Project arranged for the energy-saving bulbs to be distributed, and they were touted as the next best thing to sliced bread.
Plenty of time to have come up with a foolproof method of disposing of these charmers safely... So what's the plan Stan?
It's a State Secret, but we can rest easy knowing it's taken care of, and the mercury contained in those bulbs won't ever find it's way into the water table... Pardon me?
As with most things, I guess you regard this as someone else's problem and with all the extra lighting you've had installed so obligingly, you prefer the cheaper option anyways... *eyeroll..

Needless to say the GW swallowed it hook, line and sinker, but found they blew just as often as the standard light bulbs.. My word, but we've lost a few over the past ten years...*looks at Mistuh Petty...
I've told you how I would cart the defunct energy savers up to the Philips Collection box, at one time installed at the entrance to the Hofmeyr Heights Pick n Pay.. How I'd asked the Manager if he knew what Philips did with them, and he didn't... *shrugs...
The few pesky tree-hugger types that had voiced their concerns eventually fell silent and gave up, as the Project Authors knew they would... Not a few of the Greenies would themselves have resorted to utilising these slow-killers, as a wave of crime hit their suburb and they were encouraged to believe extra lighting would deter the criminals, in addition to your local Muni's whacking up the cost of electricity by a mile...*winks horribly...

Then followed the destruction of the trees.. Row upon row and stand upon stand of established trees were suddenly said to have developed white ant problems and be a danger to the Public, so down they came..
Off you went to the office only to return at the end of the day to find the giant ficus that had graced your verge for fifteen odd years had been reduced to a stump.
Parks officials have had to become more creative when dealing with irate citizens enraged at what appears to be wanton destruction, haven't they Manisha?

Piling brush around the base of the trunk and lighting it to burn stolen copper? Riiight.... Announcing a countrywide drive to eradicate what have suddenly become invasive aliens made the job a little easier in some cases did it not?
You will pardon my nausea at the downright hypocrisy displayed here.. I guess the Durban Parks officials are currently running as many energy-saving mercury-containing light bulbs as the next member of the Public, both inside and out of their homes?
Bulbs that I would suggest ultimately pose way more of a threat to the blessed water table than thirsty gumtrees for instance?
The climate of lies is being nurtured and spread throughout every facet of your daily lives and you've been brainwashed into accepting it happily...*blinks..

The Project Authors continue to fill the Press daily with juicy revelations of fraud committed by our Government's trusted officials..
Details discovered now with relative ease, due to the wondrous Big Brother technology....
Are these criminals being incarcerated for their sins?  Enough with the bail applications.. Let them remain in custody until their trial FFS... 
There simply aren't enough Prisons, and the Judicial System can't cope?  If these revelations are the foundation on which the Big Brother Project is based, I'm insisting you've been bloody conned...
With the billions poured into this scheme by international donors alone, (and here I'll stick my wrinkled neck out and include both the Libyan President and Bill Gates), why has there not money been set aside for new and improved Correctional Facilities or to bolster the flagging Judicial System?

At the age of thirty you think you have all the time in the world to sit back and wait for the miracle to unfold and for this gigantic project to save the country?  You haven't noticed we're running on Fast Forward?
You're going to wake up one morning soon and finally see the destruction wrought across the land by an initiative you truly believed would save you and yours... *sighs..
The uneducated criminals who hold a gun to your head and happily take your car keys, pale by comparison to the Brains behind this project... *nauseated.. A more clinically callous bunch it would be hard to find...

As you nip about in one of your three cars, trying to meet the deadline on the huge contract you were awarded, why would you see the Information Theft Scheme as anything other than a brilliant source of revenue, and in the meantime, you're quite happy to wait and trust that in the end all will be well... Basic Human Nature 1 as discussed around the table by the Project Authors and their bedfellows, the ShaikBoyz, back in the nineties... *cackles...

The sky is clear and in a few hours time I'll be able to peel off some of the layers of warm clothing I need right now.. Another perfect day here in the Zone...
For all my apparent Doomsayer babble, do I have a solution?  Of course I don't...
All I can suggest is that you take life day by day, be aware that you've been had, and be as kind as you can be... *beams...
Step back and see the bigger picture for once, and never EVER stop asking questions, however futile the situation.. To trot out the 'we live in interesting times' would be the understatement of the decade fosho...
Life is bloody enchanting, and I guess I'm lucky to be around for the moment....

LATER at 7.15am..

The biker-chick tannie we'd chatted to at SpyWorld yesterday had said that monitoring someone is a costly business and you'd need a satellite to achieve the best results... (pointing up to the heavens as she spoke) *roffels...  Though she was extremely entertaining, it was glaringly obvious she's out of the loop and behind the times..
Strange how the smallest remark can help fit a piece of the puzzle into place though..
When she mentioned needing a satellite, she should rather have pointed to the nearest cellmast and the little dishes that are being surreptitiously added to existing masts, should she not? *wink wink, nudge, nudge....
VOIP me baby....



Friday 13th August 2010 at 7.22pm.