Friday, July 30, 2010


(begun Friday 30th July at 3.45am..)

I've scrapped yesterday's effort and started again... No, don't ask me why.  I just read it through and it's okay, but for some reason that escapes me I won't be publishing it...

It's been great to see all the Forum threads on WUGs recently out in the open, and I'm sure their appearance has nothing to do with my increased interest...*winks.. The PTAWUG in particular was most helpful, and I followed the link and clicked on Installations to find a chap putting something that looked remarkably like THIS pipe on the side of his home...
Course, MY album picture shows a pipe sticking out of the base-station/convent's roof, carefully painted white and directly above that odd square of silver material added to the orphan's roof HERE.  A great thread, and proves my point that Wuggers seem for the most part a friendly and helpful bunch..

You don't find it strange that absolutely no mention is made of the Municipalities' contribution and assistance to the WUGs?  That the appearance is given that it's been left entirely up to individuals to find or create the best LOS between each other or a wireless tower?  *puzzled...
Did I miss something?  Why is Leonard Els of the Physics Department at Howard College not regarded as a god for playing his part in creating the biggest Wireless Station in South Africa?
Wrong thread?  Try skydog's WUG?  I doubt it's mentioned there either..*baffled..

Come, let the Idiot in on the secret if you will... Why would an orphanage in the middle of a densely populated suburb be converted to a mini base-station unless it was to promote the local WUGS?  It's not like that up in Pretoria?  Rubbish, of course it is!   You know very well that many of the Government aided institutions will have had copious amounts of technology added to their premises to give maximum benefit to the WUGS..
Why isn't this mentioned anywhere on the thread?  Why do I not read of a would-be Wugger being asked whether there is an old-age home or Children's Home nearby that he/she could approach and start the ball rolling to have the Pretoria Muni rig up extra technology there to help the new member?   Poorly said, but you follow my reasoning I'm sure... *grins..
That the PTAWUG is ahead of the rest is IMO, clear proof that all usefully sited institutions have already been harnessed to the Grid and kitted out to promote the Wireless signal..  Why is this not mentioned? Why not give the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Networking System the credit it obviously deserves for enabling these local WUGS to run so well?

You don't want the average Wugger to realise the true purpose behind this delightful pastime?  You wait till they're well and truly hooked and then gradually feed them a watered-down version of the Information Theft Scheme?  That yes, the Government (Mo Shaik's employees) can now access your system with ease, using the Network Admin's skills.. A Network Admin that you've been introduced to, or that remains in the shadows?

It matters not the ease with which my allegations are tossed aside.. For all my incoherent plodding, I've nailed it..  The majority of sheep will snort derisively at the very idea that there are criminals frequenting their so-friendly WUG and that their lives have become an easily accessible open book...
The Telekoms Agent will have by now been forced to concede that many of my allegations regarding the partnership between Nayager and Balliram are spot on..
He will have admitted that yes, it appears that Earl Michael Barnabas is the Overseer for the Zone and that he reports back directly to the ShaikBoyz on the Big Brother System that saturates the area, operating via the WUGs..

I'm obviously curious to know whether Jannie has tried to convince you that Barnabas is no longer a Druglord, but that for the past ten years he's been a reformed character...*falls over hysterically laughing..
If anyone knows the truth of the matter by now, it's Mistuh van Zyl...
With all that's at stake here, would he open up and admit quietly that yes, Barnabas has more irons in the fire than his squeaky-clean businessman image lets on..?  He would not.. *grins...
As with the vehement denials regarding the invisible cameras now able to be activated on the streetlights, will my claims about Barnabas' true nature continue to be refuted... *yawns....

It simply wouldn't do for the few remaining individuals who haven't been hypnotized by the Wugger hype to sit up and see the real picture... Of just how vulnerable you all have made yourselves in your quest for companionship and the odd scrabble game...
Speaking of which - Who was digging outside the Scrabble-Player's home at No. 10 in the late hours one night this week?
A stench of sewage has hung about for the last few days and a red and yellow striped marker has been stuck in the ground below Bernies at No. 17...
Someone tampering with the lines again?  Contaminating the tap water?  I swear our kettle is making those popping sounds again, as it boils, which I guess means there's something odd in the tap water... *looks at the Creep.. Is there sewage in that small but steady leak coming from below No. 17?

Here's one for you Balliram... Do you unofficially allow Mr. Nimble (the quick-change artist and acrobat that's been visible in different guises here in the valley over the past 3 weeks) to camp out in your empty servant's quarters?  Do you?  Security conscious fellow that you are, have you replaced the padlock on the door of that little room?  The one that Missus C said was hanging open?  Have you had the security gate fixed yet? The one she said had been bent back enough for the contortionist to get through? *snorts...

Or have you left it open that young Mr. Nimble may seek shelter when he requires it? *fascinated... Granted, you've left your electric gate arm unhinged since I bumped into the visitor on your front deck. Ostensibly to allow the ADT guard to now access your property when you trigger the alarm..*laughing..
Mr. Nimble will of course know to clear the wall with his belongings and keep a low profile until after the guard has left..*winks..
Outrageous?  Uncalled for insinuation?  Oh, FFS Creep!  By now one would have to be in a coma not to realise how criminal you really are!
If Johan Booysens didn't already have more on his plate than he could handle, I would say for him to check out the so-called Pietermaritzburg Curry Mafia and YOUR ties to that charming organisation...
I would ask that Booysens find the connection between these hoodlums and our own Druglord, Earl Michael Barnabas..
I would suggest that an extremely profitable partnership has been created over the last ten years or more, that may even go back to the infamous SBV Heist.. Koobair the Squat may also have links to these snakes up at Sleepy Hollow... *shrugs...

The fun and games with Balliram's good buddy and Mentor Nayager, continue, and you may read of him in the Natal Mercury and Daily News most days this week.... Last night's front page report of the continued intimidation of the main witness for the prosecution was the cherry on top, and I have to wonder whether Nayager's attempt to stall the Hawk's trial will work...
To openly threaten the Trouble-Shooter in the carpark just prior to the start of the court proceedings broke der Kommissar's bail conditions and had him locked up, as you will see...

That shots were fired at Matthyson's home the very next night, should surely influence the Judge's consideration of the case before him? *beams at the Good Cop.. Fingers crossed dude.. You promised you'd nail the bastard and against all odds, you may just get it right yet....
I've absolutely no desire to queer your pitch, but when you've finished with Nayager, you'd best hurry back and remove Lazzie and Balliram to a Place of Safety as well..
Harder nuts to crack?  Man, I can see you love a challenge, en ek maak staat op jou.... Barnabas may be happy to settle for Salacious Crumb as Shadow Head of Sydenham Station, but it would be a mistake to leave him there.. Colin P. Balliram and Laz more than deserve to be kitted out in the Correctional Service's finest garb.. No pressure... *sits back happily to wait....

Our PC lurches and lags so badly when I sit at the keyboard, there's no way of knowing whether you read my words, or whether I yammer on in a cloned, unseen by all but the criminals.. *shrugs...
Should I choose to stop blogging for any reason, rest assured I will tell you, as I've done in the past...
My microwave buzzing (tinnitus) is back and running at fever pitch, and I'm just off to steal a few more zzzzzs... *waves..

PS:  I'm still busy editing at 2.30pm and Balliram's house alarm goes off raucously... Meaning?  He will surely have to arrive home in a great rush....*winks... 


Friday 30th July 2010 at 2.27pm.