Wednesday, June 16, 2010


(begunTuesday 15th June at 6.05am...)

What is it that keeps so many honest people from speaking out?  What exactly is the threat used, were a wugger to let the cat out of the bag? Expulsion from the WUG?  Or the far more sinister ' we know where you live '? *interested...
Have my cries for help over the years in fact assisted the Project Author's cause?  My ongoing litany of the delights that await you should you oppose the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Networking System or WUGS in any way?  With each fresh outburst, I end up reminding you that remaining silent is your wisest, if not only option?
It's true that I've always advocated that you employ caution, but I guess a part of me had hoped foolishly that there were those among you who could see beyond my carefully manipulated and magnified faults and sally forth to the rescue, despite the risks involved...*laughs...

Is it a measure of the Beast's Damage Control skills or the realisation at last of this technology's stunning abilities, that keep you silent?  Understandably so... (Where is Gary's laptop? *curious..)  Why is neighbour forced to lie to neighbour while the local youth are encouraged to mingle on the WUG and be tutored in the art of hacking by in our case, a criminal?

It's a fact that you've been conned and that many of the options the technology offers those at the top of this steaming pile were not mentioned to you when you joined the scheme/WUG... The ability to now isolate your property and control your power supply and water supplies wasn't spoken of in the sales pitch?  A fact that had you known, may have had you immediately questioning who held ultimate control.. The ShaikBoyz?  Telkom?  And weren't we all enchanted by the concept of the OldBoys Network being able to ferret out the Corrupt?  *falls over laughing...
They've certainly come up to scratch in that area, though of course hardly any of those exposed have paid for their sins in any meaningful way..  Not the OldBoys fault, but that of a failing judiciary system and a lack of correctional facilities..? Bah!

Billions upon billions of both foreign and local investment have been poured into this Big Brother scheme and you wish to tell me it was an oversight that extra prisons were not built and the legal profession not boosted financially at the onset of this massive initiative?  There was never any real intention to stop the corruption, is why...
The crooks merely become more creative and the country continues to be destabilized by corruption.. A perfect scenario for the Big Brother engineers and one they don't plan on changing, despite their assurances to the contrary..*shrugs...

The genuinely good Network Boys will eventually be picked off at leisure by the wicked... Undermined and jeered at when they attempt to point out the criminal injustices employed by the Crooked Controllers.. One by one they will be persuaded to fall silent or pack their bags and head for somewhere they imagine to be safer... *yawns...  Cancers will rocket and you will blithely tell yourselves it's due to ciggies, the sun, stress etc... Anything but the huge unregulated amounts of EMR that already flood the Zone, right boys?
So you consider investing in a tri-field meter or the like?  How do you plan on doing that without your Controller noticing?  You ARE the Controller? Good luck then mate....

The Beast has chosen it's puppets well.. The heavier Players would have been studied for years before they were approached, to ensure they were suitable material to head each Province's version of the Big Brother operations.... It's probably been nearly ten years since the Druglord, Earl Michael Barnabas, was told to clean up his act, and that only then would he be permitted to buy the Zone with the 'missing' SBV Heist millions... Lovely.... *spews...
Check out the Porker Agliotti's smug and satisfied grin and tell me he hasn't been afforded the same privileges as Barnabas?  That he and the area HE was sold, aren't ten steps ahead of what's left of the Law, at all times?  His kids set up a WUG?  A nephew/niece?

I have issues with the deployment of state-aided children's homes and old-age institutions being rigged up as base-stations.. So what?  It was the most convenient way to go, was it not?
I see a new and equally powerful light has been attached to the recently erected change rooms by the Convent Swimming pool?  While the GateKeepers now regularly run the giants over on the outbuildings at the Michan Road end of the property... All done on the specific orders of an unqualified petty criminal with a seriously corrupt agenda of his own...

How you doing there Gav old son?  You and SITA dance to Mo Shaik's orders no doubt, and you don't dare venture a personal opinion?  Man, your collective geese are so cooked and you're all OWNED every bit as much as this gibbering fool of a toad... *cackles...

Daylight reveals a blustery day here in the Valley of the Blind.. Who among you will be chosen to be a victim of some not-so-random crime today, by der Kommissar and his IT Monkey, Colin Balliram?  To further promote fear among the community and to fool them into thinking that a WUG and dozens more lights installed on their property may save them?  *falls over shrieking...
Come, sit here next to me on the Dimwit's Bench, why don't you?

LATER at 7.55am..

The Pair left a short while ago to the accompaniment (sp) of chirrups and albeit briefly, their house alarm.. Check out Balliram's gates HERE and see that he's unhooked the arm again...
What's it been now?  Like 10 years or more that we've been at the mercy of this cheap goonda and now his dodgy gates?  He will insist it's a problem created today by the strong winds... I will tell you the problem is his obsession and his strangle-hold on our power supply... *belches...
Has Lungi been warned that the gates are now easily accessible?  Well, more so than usual, as even when they're purported to be working, a man can easily push between them...*snorts...

Wednesday 16th June at 3.35am..

I'd not yet signed in and was reading the front page of Mybroadband last night (specifically a thread on the PTAWUG) when I was thrown out and Firefox said it couldn't find the Server... A request made to my Network Admin by some less-than-bright and defensive Wuggers?   *squints...
Should I speak in hushed tones and avert my eyes when addressing you all?  Should I can the lip and adopt a reverential demeanour in your presence?  Fark that!  Bleeding and whipped I may be, but a stroppy old fart I remain.... *By the by, I see as I type here into blogger that my Saving option doesn't appear to be functioning at all.....

OK, so answer me this if you would?  Why would Muni's across the country want to assist WUGS by rigging up the afore-mentioned institutions as base-stations with the millions provided by the National Lottery?  It's got nothing to do with the WUGS? Do you believe it's a completely separate issue and is being done for the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System only? *falls over laughing...
It's one and the same thing you nanas, and while the intentions of some of the WUG creators may have been honourable, many haven't...

Wuggers are encouraged to hack into unsuspecting neighbours systems? What reason is given for this?  No - seriously, I'm interested... The more members, the more lights, the stronger the signal, I can understand, but the WUG created at Howard College is of gigantic proportions and I question why on earth would this fine institution give a toss about a few local User Groups?
Again, you will tell me it's a totally different operation?  *laughing... Why don't you just collectively climb down off of your high horses and accept that you've been conned?    That you haven't just been invited to join some jolly group of local wireless users, but instead have, one way or another, handed yourselves over to the massively corrupt on a plate...
Why has Telkom installed fibre across the country, which has the capacity to handle vast amounts of data, if not to steal information from an unsuspecting community?
Yep, I know less than squat about technology, but I'm insisting that by joining these groups you've made it that much simpler for your privacy to be invaded...

Why would our local councillors be so keen to participate in a Wireless group?  Your interest isn't political?  Aziz?  Alex?  *cackles.. The boosters in Councillor Baig's roof and now the metal scaffolding holding up his front verandah are for?  *fascinated... How much assistance have you had personally from the Strategist himself or his equivalent?
None at all?  He's not so much as pointed you to 'contacts' that could help you set up your own WUG?  You sure about that?
Am I delighted that the picture has finally swum into focus? (Though it's taken me an astonishing length of time).  Actually, no.   I'm suitably shattered and on the brink of admitting total defeat...

There is absolutely no way I'm ever going to persuade you that your tight-knit User Community may harbour a snake or three, with direct connections to the ShaikBoyz and the Seriously Corrupt, and that just by accepting the invitation to join, you've compromised yourself forever... *sighs...
Hell, no wonder no-one dare approach me for anything other than a giggle *waves to hal... You've all bought into it lock, stock and barrel..

Tell me now Pramith, when your new house alarm goes off for no obvious reason, is your local WUG Network Admin. among the FIRST to offer suggestions to help prevent this from recurring?  *winks.. Does he contact you and offer his superior technical skills to assist in resolving this ongoing problem?  If I were to attempt to deflect suspicion, that's the way I'd go fosho... Spike the alarm system and then contact the victim and pretend to offer advice?  Keep that WUG tight and helpful?  *falls over laughing hollowly....



Wednesday 16th June 2010 at 2.38pm.