Saturday, February 20, 2010


(begun Friday 19th February at 7.30pm...)

Right now I'm torn between delight and disgust.. Delight at the sight of Malema's chubby cheeks adorning the front page of today's Natal Mercury, and disgust at the realisation of the extent you've all been conned by the Courageous Couple...

Everyone suspected young Julius had a taste for the finer things in life, and it's grand to see the full extent of his greed at last.... Will Comrade Vavi call for a cut-back to the Porker's self-enrichment? Twenty-eight years old and he's already wallowing in luxury FFS... *snorts....
What's it to be guys? Got the balls to follow through with this one? Or like the others, it's all revelations and no retribution?
I've noticed how certain cases can be queue jumped when it suits you to pander to public opinion.. What's holding you back on actually nailing the big boys? We'd stand a better chance of a kangeroo court dealing with brash, greedy Government officials than our judicial system.... That's not going to happen either way, as Julius urges the poor masses to attain and match his glittering lifestyle, not through education and hard work, but by liberation, using fair means or foul...*spits..

Though the embarrassing front page article on Malema caused me to grin, your cleverness still sits firmly in the FAIL column....
Pass us a bucket now if you would, for my gorge is rising again... In the very same article, we have a promo on my Network Admin's career path....
I've circled the possibility several times in previous blogs that SARS was being used as an excuse for the Information Theft Project...
That revenue recovery was the Cloak of Respectibility used to drape over shoulders as corrupt as the very worst of thieves and vagabonds.... Who thought to hide this Cracker's activities by giving him SARS Agent status FFS?
Jannie? Any clue what idiot came up with that idea? I've read before of the appalling destruction caused by Crackers, only to have them rewarded by being given some top Government Security position...*pukes uncontrollably...
You thought you could harness this shifty creature and get him to behave?

Hey Earl!!! *jumps up and down.... You following this at all? You're aware that this Coward will shop you at the drop of a hat? *roffels... Bali moonlights for Schabir's boet AND SARS? Which Branch of SARS does the Druglord himself purport to work for? Investigative? *falls over screaming...
No wonder Pepler said that Barnabas astonished everyone some years back by meekly paying out thousands in cash that he owed in taxes! If he was going to get a finger in the SARS pie he'd have to be ultra-sterilized!
The Lout next door wasn't employed by the tax man until a couple of years back, when Missus C told me suddenly that he has access to hospital records and is a Tutor... *smacks itself on the head...
Who was it that was quite so impressed by the damage he caused to our electrical goods plus his Toady Show, that they deemed this crook worthy of employment at SARS? *grins.. Do I smell a wee bit of nepotism here? I look at one of the local Directors at FNB that bears the same name and a remarkable resemblance to my own Stalker, and I wonder...
Would the Banker's word carry weight if added to that of the Druglord Barnabas? Yes, Mo?

Let me run this by you all.... For how long did you sit and cheer this Turd and his GOOD friend Nayager, as they made my life a misery, PRIOR to his upgrade as a SARS Agent? When did he carefully begin to sing a different and disgustingly opportunistic song? About the same time Captain Lazarus had his epiphany and jumped ship? That wasn't till after M was deliberately shot on behalf of the Druglord so.... not that long ago at all... *snorts...

No wonder you all sit like rabbits frozen in the headlights...The tax man cometh!!! You don't have a problem with Allen Spence setting up the monitoring devices in an area where the majority of residents were law-abiding battlers? Where the local SARS Agent has a cosy working relationship with the crooked Station Head , the Druglord, his Mistress and his Mistress' son?
Where the afore-mentioned SARS Agent, himself as corrupt as a bent nail, worked happily alongside his equally bent chommie, der Kommissar?

And you're still thrilled to be a part of all this crap? Pramith? No, don't answer for god's sake, for odds are your Tutor may be in your home and listening when you speak, and you'll be visited by yet another band of thieves, while the camera aimed at your home is fortuitously said to be de-activated....
Cameras spread throughout the Zone hey Laz? Now there's a fine admission! Nobody to monitor them, se GAT!!! You have Special Agent and SARS Recovery Artiste Balliram to type in the pole code of each and any camera you want activated...

Geez guys, doesn't the very idea reassure and amuse you? After all, it's only your amiable Tutor (that's always up for a lark, especially after a spliff or three...)...
How'd you guys up there cope with the 29 hour power cut? Lucky he didn't treat you to the extra two days Sue the Book endured hey? Despite she had the slips to prove her account was up to date... Neat one, you Pathetic Pervert, AND you killed her freezer as well.... boner time? *vomits..

You intend removing One-eyed Jack to mollify Nathie and Willies, but you leave behind a nest of vipers equally as rotten...*startled... However much these two Creeps vehemently deny involvement in corrupt practises, you're well aware that they both deserve jail time, including their mentor, Barnabas.... *looks at the Network Admin and the SAPS Comms Officer....
I'm certainly not holding my breath for justice to be served, as you play your pathetic games...

It took me three tries before I was finally permitted an iBurst connection this evening, all the while studying my Network Admin's 2nd Area Connection window... *gags....
Our TV screen was blacked out again earlier... No, no storms in the area, just manipulative crooks...
What is this behaviour intended to achieve? An honest tax return? The deliberate interference on our phone lines mainly when speaking to other CPF Members? WTF does that have to do with tax investigations?
Let me be the first to tell Nathie and Willies that while der Kommissar may well meet with his deserved incarceration, your problems are only just beginning...
Until you deal with the Druglord Barnabas and his dodgy assistants, Colin Prakash Balliram and Salacious Crumb, your calls will all be monitored and your lives manipulated to the hilt... Wherever you go cameras on poles will be activated and audio systems cranked to the max...
Is this what you want? It's not escaped me that the Good Super hasn't dropped by this week... Orders? *winks...

There are many Good Officers up at Sydenham Station. Captain Lazarus isn't one of them. *sighs..
Ask me who I would choose to run Dodge City and who would be his second-in-command? Ask me!!! I guess you'd be pretty shocked at my choice, but I swear I can still tell the good cops from the irretrievably rotten... *shrugs...
For too long they've had to obey the orders of a deranged criminal and now they've been persuaded that the Crumb is honest?? *laughing... So it's business as usual, but with a different band-leader is all.... I've no idea where the interim Station Head sits in all of this, and will wait with interest to see if he allows the games to continue unchecked...

Saturday 20th February at 3.25am....

Why has Balliram suddenly decided to dispose of his more visible assets? The jet ski and the black rodeo for starters? Why are there people regularly viewing his property? *interested... 'Just in case', safety precautions?
The ceiling fan in the room where the GW sleeps has begun grinding noisily this morning and the Network Admin's two remaining dogs are noisily restless...

The latter is possibly due to a stray cat arrived in the area, while the former can safely be ascribed to mischief...
Is the Community Award Winner yours Laz? One of the pleasanter chaps I've grown to know, with a history that screams for closer scrutiny... *grins and waves at D. I'm well aware that if you chose to help, the scum could be flushed out of Sydenham Heights overnight, and yet it isn't... *blinks... It's complicated? *laughs....
While so many of you have willingly chosen to buy into the SARS and Mo Shaik coverup, I'm here to insist that it's bullshit, and that the Information Theft technology has in many areas been handed on a plate to gangstas to control and run...
And run it they do... in circles around your stupid heads! Sit there and consider my words, and take your time why don't you? After all, we're no more than insignificant test dummies here for your entertainment, are we not?



Saturday 20th February 2010 at 12.57pm...