Friday, January 08, 2010


(begun Thursday 7th January at 2.50am...)

There was always going to be mischief using the dogs... And so it was... Khaled's two animals looked after for months, and then suddenly out on the road daily? A hole made deliberately in my Good Neighbour's wall by the Accountant's gardener, allowing Joey to get out into the road? The increased appearance of Bali's three up on the Crescent? It was the holidays FFS, and the three pathetic amigos were downright BORED!

She'll have dusted off their endless supply of Injured and Outraged Innocence sometime on Sunday night, after she got my text. Anyone been treated to the "I'm tired of refuting every crazy claim that old bitch makes," yet? *winks....

I woke lying in a tiny patch of brilliant moonlight, to hear Cola calling for his missing sister... Tomorrow I'll probably turn over and go back to sleep, but right now I decided to get up and chat to you...*waves....
I told you Bali was entertaining on Sunday when Pepsi up and disappeared? I've since been told that the Gang were at his place... Not my choice of word... *sick... I just saw the extra cars and thought, visitors, as I was heading out to the braai...

I didn't have to ask what he meant by the Gang either, and I'm betting it included THESE two unfortunate CRETINS.. Even at this distance you can see Nobby's distress as he struggles to free himself from the pool net they've tossed over him...
Look at this one... where it's just getting tighter as he struggles, and they stand watching with amusement, my Controller included... *spews....
God, no wonder Missus C sounded flustered when she accidentally picked up my call the next day. She probably already had an inkling of what the usual suspects had been up to by then. When she got my sms Sunday night she would've asked the Charmer if he knew where Pepsi was and he would've lied to her as always... *shrugs..

Can he embarrass her any more than he's done already? Hell yes! I guess she's got a whole lifetime of shame ahead of her...*rolls eyes...You only have to check out the incriminating pictures of their big dog battling with the pool net to KNOW that Pepsi didn't vanish without some assistance....
Ag Bali, just shuddup there dude... Anything you say WILL be used against you, and justifiably so... *spits....

I've already remarked on the singular lack of interest shown by the Sweeper to her animals disappearance.. I told her I'd go down and check out the SPCA but she didn't bother calling to find out the results.... The landline rang only twice yesterday at 4.20pm before suddenly stopping.. Will she try using the tired 'I tried, but nobody answered' ploy? Pfft....

Were the little dog to miraculously re-appear unscathed as I write (HIGHLY unlikely after all this time), my disgust and contempt would be no less... *blinks... I have after all, a pictorial history of the Captain of Immense Courage's deliberate abuse of his own animals and without a doubt he is guilty as charged in this instance.... *shrugs.. Another proud moment Missus C?
I figured the Strategist had the power (as I type this into the road erupts with the sound of dogs going mad.... Am I surprised? Not at all..) to stop this Monster's antics, and I figured wrong....
So I guess I'll channel my feelings into pushing Karl Muller as hard as I dare on the mystery of the outdoor lighting... *grins..

Can you imagine the damage the so-articulate and well-accredited Rocket Scientist could do to the precious Project once he's figured out the answer?
Can you imagine the disaster were Karl Muller to make it known that the public should not under any circumstances be persuaded to add 'extra' lighting to their properties unless they research what they use thoroughly beforehand?
There might even be those who chose, after reading Karl Muller's findings, to remove all the stunning additional lights they'd been encouraged to install... *dances...
So yes, I guess she's right when she says that Karl Muller appears to make the Strategist rather more than just nervous....
Fingers crossed the few good guys who might bother to visit me here are doing their own investigations and are not leaving it up to one man to bail you all out of the dwang...

Dwang? Well ja... Just because there's been no conclusive findings on the possible hazards of exposure to microwaves made public, you KNOW they're not good for you... So why on earth would you want to obligingly add so many extra lights to your property and allow an unqualified Johnny to manipulate them via your power supply? You want a good, quick internet connection and care less about the deadly stirring that's taking place in some hidden recess of your brain? Great! *shrugs...

I told you before to pay attention to man's best friend, as they warn you vocally in their dozens... Never mind the confused and despairing barking that ensues when the system is activated... Watch how they go at their ears FFS! Mites? You think? So, take your animals and have them checked out and I'm betting you'll find their ears are as clean as a whistle...
Sure, fat Sophie has been exposed to more than her fair share of crud, as have Colin Balliram's own remaining animals, and all those surrounding St. Theresa's playing field... Those are the ones I'd stake my life have had their hearing altered forever..
Easy enough to test my theories? Yeah? And who would you trust to run these tests now there's quite so much big money flying around? Ondersterpoort? A mere whiff of interest shown in this regard would have the Strategist and his Superiors pulling out all the stops to get such tests invalidated, and you know it...

Is the Environmentalist even listening to me? Or has she too been justifiably distracted by Jannie's threats? Ja, that's what I said. That lawyer's letter had very little to do with rpm and EVERYTHING to do with the telecoms giant's Damage Control Team... And don't give me that iBurst, vodacom, Telkom crap either... Make no mistake, they're all working together cosily on this one and Telkom is calling the shots....

Back in the real world... Any of you Hackers with an aitch that can figure out why the little grey window has begun occasionally bobbing up unbidden on my screen at the oddest times? You know the one where you right-click on something and it appears with a list of options? It began doing it well before we bought a new mouse and continues to do it occasionally now...
It's almost as if it heralds someone else's arrival in our PC, as my Network Admin always bounces in with the 2nd Area Connection window at start-up.... *just curious..

Last night the points system over in's #triviaworld was corrupted... I actually tried sending their help desk a query but clicking on Send met with no response at all..*winks...
Has the pseudo-IRC cop that is my Master been leaning on the site-owner? Has he waved his so-called Interpol connections at them, and asked that they dissuade me from visiting their channel?
That behaviour was par for the course back in the day, and I continue to be made unwelcome pretty much wherever I go..... *belches loudly....
It doesn't matter that my Network Admin. has been proven to be as crooked as a bent nail. Out there in Cyberland man, he's a Cracker of note, and will be respected as such... There isn't a Good IRC cop that would dare take him on... *shrugs and looks at Jackie Selebi... There's a thing hey?

I'm sorry to hear that there's a fair amount of bitch-slapping going on between members of our President's harem.. Irritate him enough and it may well be Joe Public that bears the consequences... Geez Ladies! Get over yourselves! Stop swinging your Gucci handbags at one another and go drain your expense accounts rather... *sniffs...

I see from a letter written by one Moira of Gilletts in this week's Highway Mail that it may not be the Masts that are humming after all... Moira suggests the noise may be caused by the Buff Spotted Flufftail! You go girl!!! Has she been visiting the Chicken Coop lately? To dip into my Controller's stash of boom, paid for no doubt by Allen Spence, Superintendent of Electricity for Durban and Beyond? It sure sounds like it.... *roffels...

This last week has seen my kevlar upgrade itself to a degree I'd not thought possible, thanks entirely to the continued wickedness of Colin Balliram and his chommies... *curtseys... There'll be a time for mourning fosho, but it ain't right now...


PS On signing in to I find I have company in the form of a little green man on the right of the screen saying that I have 1 Follower. *falls on over laughing... That's a first, and I would rather it said 1 Stalker, but who's grumbling.... *grins....


Finally published Friday 8th January 2010 at 12.29pm.