Sunday, January 10, 2010


(begun Sunday 10th January at 3.55am..)

It's an early start this morning, as tact and diplomacy have left this building fosho.....

How often over the past years did the pseudo-IRC Cop and 'Special' Agent that is my Controller put words in MY mouth out there on the web? How often did he delete sections and add or change words on my blog, as I've accused him of doing so many times?
Seeing hal's nick being used so easily without his knowledge only adds weight to my claims..*grins..
Who was it that finally paid attention to my shrieks and suggested to the Perverted Stalker he quit tampering with my blog? It's little wonder I'm persona non grata out there on the internet...*cackles... I struggle enough on my own to be understood, without all the additional crap you can bet the Snake-oil Salespeople have said, using my nick... It's pathetic how willingly you bought it all, lock, stock and bloody barrel..*shrugs....
The use of hal's nick pretty much says it all... So? A collective apology, a group hug, and no hard feelings? God forbid! *roffels...

My word, how long it's taken for me to show you the Truth! And how fortunate that evil will out, no matter how hard his personal Sweeper has attempted to cover for him...*sighs... How long have I warned you of her skills as a Used-Car Salesperson and you chose to ignore the obvious?
And still to this day, there are those among you who consider I exaggerate my Network Admins wickedness for reasons of my own... *cackles... I've no need to do that.. He is what he is, and if you don't see it now, you never will... *shrugs...

The Strategist will insist they've known that he's a liability as he plays his double game.. That they've long been aware of Bali's 'special' relationship with the Crooked Head of Sydenham Station and Earl Michael Barnabas, and found it amusing....
Bullshit! Sure, you knew that the Captain of Immense Courage was the official IT Security Consultant to der Kommissar because Mo and Barnabas put him there, but you had no idea how much MORE than that he was.... *snorts...

How many of you were aware that there was a specific reason that these two moved in next door to me a couple of years after the SBV Heist? When part of the stolen millions was being poured into buying strategic properties dotted about the Zone, by Barnabas?
You're going to tell me the Good Guys knew this Jannie? *falls over screaming...

Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Now there's an interesting question....
This Project has been simmering on the back-burner for well over a decade or more... Who approached whom? The Struggle Heroes knocked at Telkom's door or vice-versa? *fascinated...
I'm guessing the telecoms giant looked at the ShaikBoyz and decided they were sharp enough to use for their own ends... It would've been about the mid-nineties when the first serious talks of Big Brother began taking place world-wide....

Man, I'm only human (you had your doubts?), and would kill to know who it was that finally put the brakes on the Criminal next door. The way I see it, Jannie sat happily silent along with the rest of you as this goonda and his entourage drove me to the brink... *vomits..
I've always been regarded as the entertainment for the Troops have I not? The boring repetitious work that forms the very backbone of the Information Theft Project needed something to liven it up.... Can you show me exactly when it was that I was suddenly given support?
When and why the tide eventually turned? You can't. I was supposed to spontaneously combust, driven insane by Colin Balliram's special attentions, was I not Janneman? Before you allowed him to move on to the next Stooge?
It was never on your projected plans that the effing entertainment would rise up to snitch on all this wickedness....*laughing..

*The few clouds that hang across the pale blue dawn sky have just turned a soft rose-pink...*

I would have it on record here and now that so much of what I'm purported to have said over the past years may be attributed to Colin Balliram and his clever little Missus, and I thank the cretin who thought to use hal's nick, for reminding you all how simple this is to do...

Did the Strategist wake in the night to the sudden realisation that the ongoing cruelty was a bad thing and should be stopped? Alas, I fear that's not the case at all... *cackles... I would like to think that there are other shadowy figures out there who pay rather more attention to my cries of foul, than mere enjoyment at my struggles... That tis these faceless few who have forced the Strategist to rein in this seriously disturbed Cracker at last...

Did you know that my entry level Nokia brick's screen has not greyed out for at least 2 weeks? Did you know that our TV (apart from the noisy snowing at start-up) has run without a problem for even longer? Our phone lines? That's another story as Bali can get away with corrupting our calls more easily... Even our CPF Secretary has had her landline reinstated at last....*claps...

It's a given that the Cretin WILL grey out my Nokia screen after reading this, and it's quite possible we'll experience a few problems with our TV today... He is just so boringly predictable FFS.... My iBurst signal still fluctuates wildly, though once I've shown my interest it generally improves immediately..*gags...
And this is our Head of Intelligence's finest? This is the best Mo Shaik has to offer his Homies? Colin Balliram certainly considers himself to be the Top of the Range and irreplaceable... A concept you have fostered by your endless flattery and stroking...

Though it's costing me dear, I would say that it's payment enough to have been allowed to continue putting the record straight.. *nods...
You will know by now that I've been uncannily correct with my claims all along, and that when I again insist that Colin Balliram knows what happened to his little dog that went missing last Sunday, I speak the truth.
I don't want to know the details, for they would sicken me even further, but I would like to think Pepsi's disappearance is pretty much the final nail in el Monstro's own coffin.....
A coffin he has constructed more or less unaided as his megalomania took over... His once legendary IT skills will already have been overshadowed by younger, sharper contenders...
The only contribution he makes now is to continue highlighting the criminal activities surrounding the Information Theft Scheme.... *blinks... Is this good for the Project?

Is it not time for the Authors to re-assess this Cretin's worth? He has proven incapable of sticking to orders, and now finds it difficult to choose between impressing the Druglord or the Oldboys Network FFS! I'm guessing that by now you regard him as a clown himself, but I will persist in saying that both he and his One-Eyed Boss have become a serious liability...

You consider he deserves a second chance? Are you kidding me? *shrieks... An ageing, opportunistic, self-serving Cracker who is rotten through and through? You consider he remains a sterling example of just what the Project needs? *vomits copiously...
Colin Balliram has seriously over-estimated his own cleverness and compromised the Big Brother scheme in doing so.... He has been dancing for two masters all along, when in truth he serves neither... His own satisfaction is and always has been, his priority... *yawns...

You put him there, and only you can remove him... How swiftly has he attempted to distance himself from the Molestor at Dodge City, once he saw the writing on the wall? Too late mate...*snorts...
Your skills are old, and you've exposed yourself to one too many doses of the same medicine you force down the residents throats... *laughing.. Your goose is in fact, cooked....

The sun has just appeared on the horizon above St. Theresa's... An innocuous little establishment that has grown to become the symbol of all that is wrong with the means used to install the Project here in the Zone... Who cares....? *shrugs...

LATER at 7.45am...

You awake yet Mo? Been sitting up at your desk for hours already, passing applications deputising any old criminal to act as your Special Agents? You left it to Schabir to get the Project up and running here in the Zone? Schabir, who has a chip on his shoulder the size of Everest? Who thought it a cunning plan to use the local Druglord to install the Project and who in turn would use HIS Lackey, der Kommissar to test it out?

Of all your flaky brothers you disappoint me the most hey bru.... *sad.. I would've put you as Least Likely to Cockup... Wrong again... *sighs.... Your Protege made headlines on the front page of the Sunday Times Extra this morning, and for all the wrong reasons...
Let's face it, he couldn't have done it without your support, now could he?
You and your brothers have sold your own Community down the line brilliantly... If Jackie Selebi's appointment as Head of Interpol turned out to be a farce, I regard yours as Head of Intelligence to be the joke of the Century....

Where's my compassion gone FFS? My sympathy for your lack of suitable material to use as Spies? The answer is simple, though nothing that you'll ever understand... It left, along with a nondescript little white mongrel, a week ago... *shrugs...
Nayager and his equally perverted right-hand, Colin Balliram, continue to expose your brilliant scheme for what it is. A pack of carefully created lies and half-truths....
Sure, we have to have Big Brother watching us. It's the way of the world right now... But Zuma is no more a criminal than I am, you RADISH!!!!

Who was it that so eloquently talked the President into joining the shady Arms Deal in the first place? *snarls... Who was it that led the President down the garden path from the getgo, counting on his lack of schooling to blind him to the obvious? *spews... Could it have been the same be-robed and serene Messiah-wannabe pictured in the Press some time back? The one studying the Holy Book while draped across a chaise longue? *falls over laughing...

Let the many genuinely good followers of Islam see that they've been taken for suckers.. Let them finally realise that there are gaping holes in the story they've been fed... That the ShaikBoyzs are no longer freedom fighters (if they ever were), but opportunistic self-gratifying IDIOTS! Ruthless enough to give almost supreme control to a known Druglord to enslave their own homies here in the Zone...
As long as mon Petite Merde remains in charge of the power lines and is deputised as your IT Spy, I cannot fail to see you as anything other than a joke... A dangerous Joke.... One who heads a Department which has surely become the laughing stock of the world by now..

Meanwhile, I would humbly request that Holson, Willies and Mamunye put their everything into establishing the identity of the Go-between employed by Mo Shaik to liaise with der Kommissar.... Earl Michael Barnabas is adept at keeping a low profile due to the very nature of his business... I would have my claims verified ASAP that the Druglord and schoolchum of the Shaikboyz is indeed the Link for the Project here in the Zone.... Quick as you like...*beams...



Finally published Monday 11th January 2010 at 8.34am.