Monday, January 04, 2010


(begun Sunday 3rd January at 3.30am...)

It's the blue moon that has the valley lit so brightly at this hour, with sound effects by Bali.. The sky is clear for a change, and right now it's the best time of the day.. Once the sun has risen, January in Durban isn't my fave time of year... *shrugs...

Where is Peter Williams these days? You'll recall he took over from the irascible (sp) Brian Osborne of Flame Lily in, amongst other things, getting the tenants of the five Moth cottages to toe the line... A guy who carries a business card that reads Surveillance Specialist FFS! *falls over laughing... Hopefully by now he's had them reprinted to read Importer/Exporter... Board of Trustees SE GAT!!! There's an oxymoron if I ever saw one!
I'm still determined it's his team of droogs that slither about the neighbourhood after dark, trespassing on more than just Flame Lily properties...

The dozens and dozens of noisy transmitter/receivers dotted all over the place didn't just fall out of the sky... *snorts... I guess my suspicions were confirmed the day I watched the three guys heading down Khaled's servitude into the valley. They'd seen me standing watching them and had decided to have a bit of fun....
I'd raced down the stairs in time to see one of the three bob up on my Master's front deck with an agility that was staggering, and showed that he'd clearly had a great deal of practise...
They'd somehow known there was no alarm system rigged up on that side of Bali's house, and probably that my Controller was out as well... *shrugs... Most definitely members of Peter William's Team used to place the electronic gadgets where they would be most beneficial...
Drive through the suburbs at night and listen. They're everywhere now.. Will they fall silent when winter comes round? Not a chance! *grins... You really should start paying more attention to your surroundings...
Do YOU have a noisy 'cricket' that bursts into song each time you cross a specific area of your property? A 'cricket' that never changes it's location, and yet is happy to announce it's presence to every other natural predator nearby? *winks.. A 'cricket' that apparently leads a charmed life?
What their main purpose is, remains a mystery to me, and Early Warning System will have to do for now...

I wasn't charmed to see the picture of my new friend partying at Sbu Mpisane's palace on the front page of Saturday's Witness Jan. 2nd. While I admire Hatman's lack of discrimination, I hope rather optimistically that he was there to work undercover... Despite the Spin-doctoring efforts by our Crooked Town Clerk, the mystery surrounding the ex-Metro Police Constable 's wealth remains...
To find our Police Commissioner on his guest list will raise more than a few eyebrows... *sighs...

LATER at 8.55am...

I was with the GameWrecker Thursday before last (24th Dec), when we drove down from Ridge Road to Brickfield Road. A river was flooding down Kenilworth Road HERE at 1.00pm.
My feeling of deja vu increased as we sailed up the hill through the water and passed either Booth or Browns Roads nearly opposite the cemetary. I swear that was a Caucasion on his own, up to his waist, digging in a hole in the road. An unusual sight as we flew by, and one that reminded me of all the work done in the Crescent HERE outside No. 14, as the Engineers themselves mucked in and struggled to get the pipes sorted...
A matter of such great importance that the Head Honchos themselves were prepared to get their hands muddy? Makes you think hey? *winks...

The wind is howling outside to match my ears... Ye gods, but I guess there's a fair amount of kak in our home right now, hey Bali? You wouldn't know? Pardon? Raaait..... *snorts...

*I heard Cola barking down in the valley after dark last night, and went down to find I'd not unblocked the hole under our wall.. *sighs. The dogs spent most of yesterday out on the road as the Courageous Couple appeared to be entertaining... The Twins had been over once too often and I'd lost track of the wire grid across hole... I sent Missus C an sms to say I'd not got Pepsi, but didn't hear anyone calling for her after that... Cola spent the night on my bed and still this morning, not a peep from his sister.... *

I see the Tribune got the exclusive on the ex-Metro Constable's New Year's bash...
One can only hope that Mpisane's neighbours in larnie La Lucia were honoured by the nearby presence of so many celebs, and awed by the firework display including 'some of the loudest in Durban'... *vomits copiously....
Of all the coverage given to this glitteringly opulent affair, the most interesting details were in the last few paragraphs on Page 3.. Turns out Mpisane himself owns several enterprises, including a chop-shop oops, a panel-beating workshop in Durban North...*winks hugely.... Get your heads around that one folks, and it all begins to make more sense... Though I'm still at a loss to understand the Crooked Town Clerk's kow-towing to the Billionaire... I guess good old Sbu has taken up where Schabir was forced to leave off, and now he sees to it that our President wants for nothing? *chokes...

Ag, never mind that, I've been laughing at how wrong I was to predict the Top Dogs are waiting for some sort of natural disaster to strike before they hand out those Presidential Pardons, while everyone's nicely distracted..
Also in the Tribune, this time on the front page nogal, it turns out the natural disaster is going to take the form of the release of the Vlakplaas killer, Eugene de Kok FFS! Pardoning and releasing the serial killer would certainly allow the Whisperer and his Fund-Raiser SBV Heist Kingpin Pierce Naidoo to slip quietly under the bloody radar without causing hardly a blink... *grins..

Who was it that drew up the plans and details for the SBV Heist back in 1995/96? Who figured out the entire operation and yet was NEVER fingered over all these years? You can guarantee Koobair the Squat was sitting at that table.. Bumping him up to Druglord Co-ordinator for SA after he'd been expelled from Sydenham Station in disgrace, shows just how high up the ladder he really was..
Water under the bridge hey.. Besides, all the millions he raked in won't have staved off the march of time, and he'll be either an old man by now or dead... *shrugs...

We had a pleasant little social gathering over in Asherville yesterday afternoon.. A braai that this time One-Eyed Jack made sure to attend.. *chortles... He arrived wearing civvies and driving his official Crookmobile... Ja, the same one he's been ordered he may not use after hours or off duty.... Pfft.. He pretty much sets the standards for petty criminals countrywide, as he flouts the law himself with blatant disregard.... *belches...

He had his Gucci handbag with him as usual, and if that youngster doesn't need counselling in the next 5 or 10 years, I'm a Rocket Scientist....
Does he threaten his wife when he goes to collect the child? Does he fiddle suggestively with his Service Revolver while she watches? You'd better believe it... *spews.... His back-up only arrived at the braai much later, in the form of Augustine's replacement Head of the Crime Desk, Supt. Singh.... Old as I am, I confess to thinking it a pity that such a good-looking boy defends such scum.... *sighs.. The Station Intellectual, Salacious Crumb, had clearly deemed it a gathering to avoid... *grins..
All in all it was a great afternoon and I've the pictures to prove it...

Did I tell you that when my Chair got the photo of me and the Police Commissioner I'd mailed him, he thought I'd Photo-shopped it? *falls over laughing... He's really jumpy these days poor guy, and I gather someone is messing with his head... No details alas, as I've been sworn to secrecy and threatened (albeit laughingly) with dire consequences should I share the matter with you here, despite I've no idea what he's on about... *chokes...

My Chair has yet to figure out that keeping secrets these days can be dangerous, and that the Information Theft Project now ensures that nothing will remain hidden for long... While I've no hand in whatever it is that's currently bugging him, he clearly thinks differently... *yawns... It all smells like the good old AmDram Society at work once again, and it's certainly achieving it's aim.. Ambiguity Rules! *laughing...

LATER at 6.30am...

I have to smile at how our Network Admin. has chosen to leave off the SE outside my kid's room where the GW now sleeps... Would he sell you the idea that he's not sending increased emissions to our home, simply by de-activating that beauty? *roffels.. I know diddly about powerlines and microwaves, but one thing is fosho - el Monstro still controls our power supplies and certainly doesn't need any lights activated to continue the deliberate abuse, you Nanas! *winks...


PS. I just rang Missus C who picked up without checking first... *grins.. I said she hadn't replied to my text sent last night to say Pepsi wasn't around and she apologised and said it was her first day back at work... Hmm... I asked if her three dogs were home and she said she didn't know and would call me back...
*waits.... I recall how the Mother insisted unasked, that the daughter was a good person... Different strokes? *sighs....


Monday 4th January 2010 at 5.21pm....