(begun Saturday 26th December at 3.50am....)
Did I give up? Did I hell! Despite the polite, glazed expression that came over the Aviator's face each time I broached the subject of SE's , I persisted...
Without fail, I got up more confused than ever.... *grins...
Our Controller was home next door, and listening to me as I struggled and stumbled with my questions. At one point I felt I might spontaneously combust with frustration. Why no-one seemed to be aware of the sudden huge rise in temperature I couldn't say... Again I can only suppose that whatever natural immunity we all have, was in my case cooked off back in 2005 when B.Snr. got nailed so neatly as well... *shrugs... So I'm 'special'? Not a chance! I'm betting there are thousands of us out there by now, rendered hyper-sensitive to the invisible crap that surrounds us...*yawns...
Did I get anything at all from the Aviator? Only that I shouldn't mention lights and wireless in the same breath, for it just doesn't compute apparently... *sighs... After I'd worn the chap out totally, he said kindly that not that many years ago the concept of Skype video had seemed impossible, and I got up and went away cheered after all.. Whatever means are being used to run the Project is not a technology that he's familiar with, despite that I foolishly think anyone blessed with a brain should be able to figure it out...
Has the Rocket Scientist long since thrown his hands in the air and given up? The Aviator is a Wireless man, and though it plays a huge part in the Project, it doesn't involve the Signal Enhancing Lights? *sighs.. Tempting though it is to just STFU and concentrate on the corruption surrounding the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System, I can't do it..
There's no chance in hell I will EVER get the science of this particular technology right, but I plod on regardless...
Microwaves then...? The SE's push out microwaves to each other? I tried to tell the Aviator of the trees felled and of trees brutally pruned, to give these wall lights an unobstructed view of each other, but his blank expression remained... I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I also suspect there's the means to activate individual cellphones remotely and to use them to audio monitor private conversations in some sort of Conference Call mode... *cackles..
Here's another chuckle for you sceptical bastards.. Something my Master activates when he bounces uninvited into our home has begun to cause us to sneeze! *laughing... Despite your hoots of derisive laughter at the mere suggestion, it's true... It's neither house dust nor pollen, but it happens now so often, that it has to be caused by my Network Admin's presence in our home..*shrugs...
It's now 4.35am and the hadedas have just announced the new day.. Do they feel a shift in the air as Colin Balliram taps the relevant keys to enchance the microwave signal? Only he would be able to answer that, and I doubt he's telling any time soon...
Only he knows whether my claims that he can now set off specific dogs in the neighbourhood by increasing emissions of the frequency that upsets them so badly, from the nearest digital transmitter/receiver device.... *belches..
That me and the dogs, and most likely some of the orphans across the way, and possibly even Sue the Book, have had our hearing radically altered...
While I'll concede to having ultra-sensitive hearing all my life, it's changed to an astonishing degree... The ordinary noise made by a jet liner going overhead, or by something as mundane as the rumble of thunder, has me stopping in my tracks... *coughs...
It's by no means unpleasant, but still, after 4/5 years, it's odd enough for my own built-in alarm system to hit 'puzzled' mode when this phenomenon takes place... *grins..
I seriously doubt the boffins running this show are remotely interested in these tiny details I persist in sharing with you... Nonetheless, I'm smiling here as I write, and am thoroughly amused by my own undiminished enthusiasm, despite all the odds stacked against me...
As Dido said, there will be NO white flag above my door...*laughing... The lights speak to the lights, and if it's not wireless it's microwaves...*shrugs.. Get over your abhorrence of all things stupid and figure it out... Powerlines, Masts, iBurst Towers, fibre optic cabling..yadda yadda...
Whereas we have the likes of the bullying and criminal Station Commander poking his corrupt nose undetected into homes throughout the Zone, will you fare any better?
Your boringly predictable answer of 'I've nothing to hide' sounds hollow.. Who was designated as Drug Overlord for your sleepy middleclass suburb by Koobair the Squat, and how much licence will he allow HIS IT expert/Monkey, when testing his new powers?
Will the list of Presidential Pardon applicants now sitting on Jacob's desk, include Pierce Naidoo of SBV Heist notoriety? Fosho it will... His 48 year sentence will fall away in a flash as the screws are tightened and favours called in.... That was a shit-load of cash handed over to the Whisperers in the late nineties, and it's time for our President to show his appreciation.. MK struggle se GAT!!! *falls over laughing..
Koobair and his colleagues won't be able to merely pick up the phone and hire their usual hitmen to deal with Jacob, should he drag his heels, as they did with the unfortunate Banker, Attorney Sham and his family.... It could get seriously interesting if our President decides to exert his authority and ignore the threats made by Schabir and the so-called SBV Heist Kingpin, Pierce Naidoo..*blinks..
In fact, snitching on the finer details of the Arms Deal and our President's part played, wouldn't bother me in the least bit, and I would hope that Mistuh Zuma realises that nobody really cares, and doesn't allow himself to be pushed one way or the other..*waves...
Despite my continued incoherence, I can only hope some of you have finally tied it all together...
The millions missing from the SBV Heist, used to buy into starting up the Information Theft Project/Muni's W/B Network System. To get the ShaikBoys interested enough to have Jacob Zuma, a long-time friend, installed as President, and to bring the Government owned telecoms giant, Telkom on board...
The interest shown by other countries, as this vast experiment rolls out, has meant that bucketloads of cash have been tossed our way... Funding that won't have been declared to the public...*looks at Ghadhafi (sp) and Bill Gates keenly...
The SBV Heist millions were a drop in the ocean to what followed, but Pierce Naidoo is feeling justifiably pissed off at his lack of recognition for services rendered..*winks... Will Jacob bow to the pressure these goondaboys are exerting? *interested..
Has anyone told the President that Schabir has now the means to audio monitor every corner of the King's House? That EVERY muttered word and inadvertent fart will be recorded?
For all I know, Jacob is aware of this, and perfectly content to share his personal life to such a degree...
You see now why the Aviator's total inability to make head or tail of my endless questions hasn't dampened my zeal in any way? Dear Lord, but the interesting times are becoming even more fascinating by the day, and right now I'm filled with curiosity....
Karl Muller is going to figure out the importance of the SE's needing DLOS and what part they play in invading your privacy. He is. Even if the answer comes to him while he sleeps. Even if I'm not around to see it.... *shrugs... You'd be a fool not to aid him, and as such you can begin by supporting the Political Science Grad against the peurile bullying tactics being used to silence her.
There's a chance that without her, Karl Muller will focus his genius on the wrong areas. For some weird reason I see the two of them together achieving far more than they ever could flying solo...
Despite that the two established trees below my Master's in the valley have indeed sprung to life over the past two days, the indiginous tree fundi I'd shown my pictures to, expressed her surprise at their dead appearance at this time of the year... Again I ask, what is slowing down the growth so radically? Stopping just short of actually killing the tree, nonetheless it's odd enough to be worth recording...
Saturday 26th December 2009 at 6.30pm.