(begun Friday 11th December at 3.30am....)
Their numbers have grown in leaps and bounds over the years, and still they increase. Many of them have been there for so long they're hardly noticed anymore... *shrugs... Until now that is.. As the new technology is added, the silent towers begin to wake and to hum disturbingly.... As predicted, the strangeness of it is accepted unquestioningly by all but a few of the masses.... Sounds like some crazy science fiction scenario hey? *grins..
When I tell you again that a second after I hit Publish I've no idea what I wrote, do you snigger at my ridiculously short attention span? *curious... Check out how long ago I began this blog and look at it's title why don't you? Humming Along FFS? I can't remember where I got that idea from and how neatly does it fit with what's happening right now....? You bothered to have a look at my Here be Spooks offering? No man, I'm frankly freaking myself out here...*falls over laughing..
That sudden rush of blood to the head, when all I could write was stuff like The Ballad of Cacklin Tard? That weird flash of inspiration stopped almost as soon as it began, and I was forced to try stringing proper words together instead... *grins... What a struggle it's been, as I continue to speak a language so few of you can comprehend....
I swear I would've achieved the same results had I just filled all those pages with the words WAKE UP and nothing else.... *roffels...
Walking along the river bank yesterday among the sheep and donkeys (and even a cow), made all this crap seem far away, and like some sort of odd dream that I could hardly remember...
The red bishops busy in the reeds, and a group of wattled cranes standing watching our progress.. Three spur-winged geese took off noisily as we approached and you could see it was the youngster's first long flight as it seemed to be shrieking 'omigod' as it flew, with it's parents encouraging it alongside....
Despite the beauty and peace of the countryside, I found myself longing for my little home, long before we'd even reached Howick, on our return journey.... *blinks... And here I sit again like an automaton, scribbling my incoherent and preposterous sounding warnings to your amused and disbelieving ears.... *grins..
A few of you are well aware that what I tell you is the Absolute Truth, but of course you can't admit that can you? *peers at voda3g.... Some of you will know that the pages and pages of vitriolic sounding diatribe I direct at One-eyed Jack and his Monkey, Colin Balliram, are merely an effort to demonstrate the type of character being used to instal the Information Theft Project... That this charming twosome are in fact the prototype of what's to come in your once peaceful suburb...*shrugs..
Telkom had to admit to setting up it's Wimax System once it became obvious.. Why isn't it being sold to consumers on a grand scale? Because it's reserved for the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System.... *sighs...
It was decided years back that, to persuade the population to increase their use of the energy-saving, wireless-friendly lights, crime should deliberately be allowed to run rampant..
And so it was... Panic stricken residents began plastering the things on every available wall... The part these lights play in enhancing the signal is huge, but everyone I speak to inevitably gives me a blank stare...*shrugs and moves on....
Back at ground level I sit and wonder whether there were celebrations last night as the Creepy Chief walked from the Court, cleared of all charges yesterday... *gags..
Attorney Anand Nepaul will by now have a queue of clients stretching to the horizon, all waving their sacks of ill-gotten gains and crying 'Save me, save me!'....*laughing... Did he ever in his wildest dreams imagine such good fortune awaited him? I'm betting he really loves his job, and even wakes in the night to jot down some of his more brilliant strategies... The Information Theft Project will of course be his secret weapon, and he will have contacts situated only a call away, should they be needed to quietly find the juicy bits necessary to win a case...
I figure you're going to get quite familiar with this latest character I've introduced to these pages, as he is hired to defend much more prominent crooks than the Puppet, Tweedledumb...
It does however give you a better idea of just how important the Abuser is considered to be by a certain Sector... How much they are prepared to fork out to keep him running Dodge City along their lines... *interested...
His shadowy Masters don't give a hoot for the drugs saturating the Zone, and have no intention of shutting down Earl Michael Barnabas' enterprises... Tis after all, a simple matter to claim the Nigerians are behind the drug running and leave it at that...
Has Earl been elevated to the point where he deals *coughs* directly with the Shaikboyz? Were they all on a nodding acquaintance way back during their schooldays here in the Zone? It all ties in so neatly that it can't be just some wild imagining on my part...*beams...
Where is Pieter Bezuidenhout, possibly by now EX-Telkom, Roggebaai? You found him? OldBoys Network perhaps? *winks...
Jump. Have you ever converted a bitmap file to JPEG? Course you have.. Like when I do a drawing in Paint and it's huge so I change it to JPEG ja.. You can watch the disastrous results right before your eyes as the picture degrades... That's EXACTLY what the opening page of looks like these days...*cackles... the graphics are a mess and I guess my search is being re-directed to the point where the page has lost any definition it ever had...*bows to it's Controller...
Redirect is a key word when it comes to the Info Theft Project, not so Captain of Immense Courage? My calls are redirected be it cellphone or landline and my searches online most certainly are as well... How many of our CPF Members are experiencing problems with their landlines today? The rain? You think? *keels over shrieking...
The more I write of Colin Balliram and his Chief's corrupt practises, I guess the bigger the perks they'll be given... *snarls....
My Chair has to my knowledge, three different cellphone numbers. Each one now kicks in with a weird voice-over as he answers, always different, that renders conversations pretty darned impossible... He says it's not bad his end, though on occasion it's that loud he's admitted to hearing the interference himself.... Network problems SE GAT!! *grins..
Bali no longer bothers to hide himself, and one can almost hear his heavy breathing on the line a nano-second after that musical ping sounds as the tap is activated... I've things to attend to right now... Cheers...
LATER at 1..00am...
Alas, I see the Whisperer is on Page 3 of this morning's Natal Mercury. He denies breaking his parole rules in order to play golf over at Reservoir Hills on several occasions... Personally I just wish he would emply the No Comment rule and STFU....
Any aura of power that may just have clung to several of the characters I blog, has been dispersed as soon as they've attempted to defend their behaviour.... Sad but true...*sighs...
So what if Schabir went further from Innes road than he was supposed to, and survived the experience *winks... Be grateful he's running the show down our way, as things could be a LOT worse...(I'm not sure how MUCH worse, but I feel it's the right thing to say at this point...*cackles..)
BTW, kudos to Sue at tradepage who just called the GW regarding an error she picked up on his account.. Well saved.... *applauds...
Friday 11th December 2009 at 12.05pm