(begun Saturday 31st October at 4.30am....)
If indeed Captain courageous is working away from the Zone at the moment, there is a fair amount of savagery involved in keeping me tied to his apron strings.....
By 9.00am yesterday my ears were uncomfortable, and by 10am I could safely say I had full-blown earache. It lasted about an hour and stopped and hasn't come back since, but I confess to being fairly pissed off....*shrugs....
Oh ja, and the TV screen was taken down at about 2.45pm as well....
I was taken aback to hear of Missus C's misfortune (and as startled again, by my own reaction to the news). But I was frankly grossed out by the levels of 'what ails me' in our little house yesterday. Will my Network Admin. claim he was upset and distracted and can't be blamed for his startling excesses? He was touted as the best in his field by the Druglord Barnabas, which leads me to think the Info Theft Project is in trouble even at this early stage...*snorts..
Totally at his effing mercy as I am, I'm expected to endure every mood swing that takes his girlish fancy, and his latest domestic crisis isn't going to be much fun for this particular Test Dummy!...*chirps long and loud...
I found myself fairly shocked last night to find that the Political Science student has again been banned from This time for asking pointed and awkward questions on the matter of the unwanted iBurst tower in Craigavon, Fourways...*sighs..
Foolishly, I'd anticipated seeing the Strategist at his creative best, but it wasn't to be... This latest banning pretty much confirms that iBurst IS the guilty party, and not the apathy of the residents as was claimed.
Multiply this scurrilous behaviour a hundred times, as masts pop up everywhere, and you begin to get the picture of the desperate haste surrounding this invasive Big Brother scheme... Then consider who we have in our corner, up against this mighty Beast, and tremble..
Karl Muller and the Political Science Student, both of whom I'll hazard are already watched like hawks... Neither of whom can now move an inch without it being monitored and recorded...
It's hoped that Jannie doesn't take this discussion to the Private Message facility in an attempt to say he had nothing to do with the banning... *sniffs...
Frankly, I'm sad for rpm and his lovely wife, both of whom have been used and played like fish all along.. There will be those of you who snort at my sympathy and say that rpm has done VERY well out of the deal, and has knowingly assisted the Project recruitement drive all along.
I will stick to my guns and say that the changeover was done so slowly and carefully, and with such silken smoothness, that the site owner never felt a thing as he was sucked in to working for the Information Theft Project.
It's doubtful that rpm has had either the time or inclination to follow the trials and tribulations of the Test Dummies here in the Zone, and he would easily have been persuaded that in his area, things will be run very differently....*sighs..
The bad news is that they won't.
You've all seen how Mr. Rotunda, Glen Agliotti, grins and smirks under the spotlight as if he has private information to his advantage? And so he has. Just as our own Druglord Earl Michael Barnabas has been given so much control over the Info Theft Project here in KZN, will Agliotti have been blessed with similar gifts up your way. The Whisperers use the country's druglords to ensure the swift installation of the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System, and denied or not, these Criminals will have the upper hand for decades to come...
Agliotti and Jackie now perform a complicated and theatrical ballet before the court, both with inside information all the way... Short of a miracle, they will most likely walk away from the charges unscathed...*shrugs..
On a parallel to the charges laid against der Kommissar down our way, though on a much grander scale... Information IS power and the Whisperers in their wisdom have seen fit to hand over much of the control to Crooks....*looks at Schabir...
While the Strategist will earnestly and calmly reassure you that the Good have the matter in hand, from where I stand, things ain't looking too hot at the moment....
The minor glitches caused in the iBurst thread will be hastily swept under the carpet. Look how easily she's been silenced FFS, by a further banning order....
The sun has just risen behind St. Theresa's, and for the moment, I'm blinded... I must go...*waves...
LATER at 8.45pm
Since calling the Good Super on my CPF loaded Nokia last weekend, and the resulting immediate greying out of it's screen, it's been most unwell... *sags... el Monstro has successfully and finally killed the GW's spare entry level Nokia, despite that it worked perfectly and was Rica'd to the hilt...
Now he works determinedly to take out my precious el cheapo phone as well...*shrugs... Will it be 'permitted' to recover long enough to send out the CPF Meeting reminders tomorrow? What do you think? To hell with the Constitution and any right to privacy hey Bali? *grins...
*How odd that despite the cool evening, not an insect buzzes nor a toad croaks outside at this hour...*puzzled....*
I guess the damage Bali continues to deliberately cause our paltry assets, now forms part of some colourful brochure touted to Criminals as options that will be available via the Info Theft Project?
Thoroughly tried and tested on the Witless who dare venture out of line ja...
Our CPF Secretary's landline has still not been restored, and I have to hope that this small victory for der Kommissar overrides the possible anxiety he feels as he waits for his Mentors to bail him out of the dwang.. It's a certainty that my Network Admin. will never want for work in his lifetime, with the publicity I've given him here...*coughs...
The corrupt will be elbowing one another aside to knock at his door fosho....
Sunday 1st November at 5.00am..
I just went up to the road and sat on the top step for a bit, admiring the view.. Has it been denied that St. Theresa's orphanage is being utilised as a Mini base station? Pretty pointless, when I guess to a Wireless man even a cursory glance over at the toddler's dorms would confirm my allegations..
This morning there were three smallish orange lights shining out of the narrower windows on the upper floor... So? Remarkably, they were all in a row and all identical, and at five minutes to 5am they suddenly vanished...*cackles.. I can't honestly say I've seen such cleverness before...
The curtains in the dining room downstairs were drawn back to reveal a huge bright ceiling light that had burned all night.. A subsidised electricity bill then? *fascinated...
Just before I'd climbed the stairs, at about 4.35am, the hadedas roosting across the valley had set up an anxious chorus of harsh cries.... Hot on their heels, the 'cicada Choral choir' kicked in, and I found Sophie burrowing about under the blankets restlessly... She doesn't care for my Master's latest audio sensation at all..*winks...
The black rodeo sits at the foot of their driveway at this hour.. Has he been given the day off from his latest task? Told to keep up appearances by spending some quality time with the doubtless still shocked Sweeper after her nasty accident? It's unlikely this would have occurred to the disfunctional el Monstro without a nudge or three...*disgusted.....
The gumtrees move in a gentle wind, and a yellow-billed kite is silhouetted against the grey sky as it checks out it's options...
My head is crammed with so many thoughts right now, it threatens to explode.. What of the eight (now thirteen?) arrested ABM members from Kennedy Road? Where are they incarcerated as I write? At the mercy of the known Abuser? God forbid.
Have they found Sbu Zidoke, but can't touch him for the moment? You'd do well to pay close attention to the fate of these falsely accused victims.. What ultimately befalls them could set a precedent for brutality around the country... *sags...
Sunday 1st November 2009 at 6.49pm...