Sunday, November 15, 2009


(begun Sunday 15th November at 2.35am...)

Earlier than usual? Don't ask...*shrugs...
The kitchen lights over at the orphanage blaze out, and there are some big ones running out of the toddler's dorms as well. The smart-finish on those windows only works it's trickery when you stand higher up, nearer the road. Right down here from the house, you get the true picture. It doesn't matter what I can see, as long as anyone sniffing around up in the Crescent is fooled right? *winks..

The temperature has dropped for the moment and I'm kitted back out in jerseys and woolly boots. Will Bali warm me up as usual? *waits...
The poor guy has been at his lame posturing again. As I typed up yesterday's blog the desklamp began dipping wildly and the telly screen picture plunged into darkness...*grins... He's lost none of his perverted obsession at all, and even took to following me into the bathroom FFS! On two occasions yesterday the bathroom light started dipping and I had to wonder what on earth he hoped to hear as a 64 year old took a bath...*grossed out...
Even by the Spy Manual standards (fairly low) it shows an unhealthy dedication above and beyond the call of duty...*blinks...
I guess that pretty as she is, the Sweeper just doesn't cut it for him any more, the poor sick Saddo.... *sighs.... By now I guess he's acquired a bizarre taste for listening in randomly to bedroom, bathroom and even toilet moments, and most definitely not just in our home...*shrugs..
You recall how much fun he used to have with the white Telkom multiplex box on the telephone pole facing our bedroom? How the active pilot light was clearly visible from certain angles? You're absolutely positive it's just you and the wife in bed at night? *spews...
My Controller's tastes are not that different to those of his now outed Boss, for all he tries to hide under a cloak of respectibility...*snorts...

A report landed in my gmail last night from the Abahlali base-Mjondolo group. Apparently members of SAPS Sydenham had arrived at the Pemary Ridge Settlement in Reservoir Hills at about 8.00pm Friday night, in what will no doubt be officially referred to as a blitz raid. (No good me giving you a link as they don't appear to work). Take yourselves over to the ABM website and find it for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
For all the pretense at searching for liquor and weed, the fact remains that this settlement is home to the ex-Chair of the ABM Movement, and his shack was targeted as well...

There is as usual little finesse being employed in the systematic and deliberate targeting of these Members. Why? What have I missed? AFAIK the ABM were working very well with the authorities up until recently. As little as I know, it's clear to me they genuinely want to improve the lot of shackdwellers in the country.
Why does the ruling party consider this enough of a threat to react so violently? Willies? Surely you should leap at the chance to work WITH the ABM and their international backers?

Am I to fit all this mayhem into the Distraction column, as the droogs work frantically to wire up the monitoring devices in each settlement? *grossed out... Why does there have to be organised bloodshed merely to allow the authorities to erect their floodlights and hidden cameras? Calling the Elders from each Settlement together in a civilised manner and arranging for the lights to be erected wouldn't work? Why not FFS?

Sbu Zidoke painted der Kommissar in his true colours online for all the world to see.. I guess that Tweedledumb is taking vicious pleasure in having these blitz raids carried out, as there are personal scores to settle...
Go read up on their site and see what you think. Don't turn your backs callously on this engineered injustice, and say it's politics and you won't get involved. You ARE bloody well involved, if you love your country and the people that make up it's backbone!

Register on the ABM site and send them words of support and encouragement. Something you never felt the need to do in my case, but could remedy now.
The ABM are NOT anti-Government, so you've no need to fear reprisals from Mo and the Boyz if you think you can use that excuse for turning your backs.
der Kommissar has shown how partial he is to publicity. Do him a favour and pick up the bloody ball and run with it.
Read up on the reports of the Friday night raid in Reservoir Hills and blog it and take it to the Forums. Give the Abuser the coverage he surely deserves... Go look for Calvin Goldstone the journalist, and ask his opinion on the matter. Ask if he's felt any backlash at all since his run-ins with the Molestor became public knowledge...
Put your articulate sharp-tongued savagery to good use for a change and quit hiding behind the 'there's two sides to every story and I'm interested in neither' BS..

You know by now that if Tweedledumb is involved, there's only one side, and that's his and whoever is pulling his strings and issuing his orders... Surely not the genteel and civilised ShaikBoyz? A sobering thought, but I would hope that they aren't involved in this particular nastiness.. It smacks somehow of being much closer to home though, and as I said, could easily fall under the Independent Distractions column...*vomits..

I look over at the brilliant lights burning at the orphanage to promote the precious signal at this ungodly hour, and I wonder whether the eleven who were arrested at the Pemary Ridge Settlement on Friday night, are asleep as I write... While der Kommissar's actions may delight his Superiors, I say let Public Opinion win the day..
Where you've sat uncertain and silent over the years, watching the abuse of honest citizens here in the Zone (due to my admittedly incoherent rambling), it's time to stand up and be bloody well counted!

Last night I looked at some of the pictures rpm posted of the much touted Telecoms Conference, and was thoroughly disappointed by the insignificant numbers attending. Where were the throngs of people voicing their discontent? Not invited? Instead, what appeared to be an orderly, neatly dressed bunch of geeks sat dwarfed in a huge auditorium...*sighs...

No Jannie - I'm not smiling at you today, despite that you hold all the cards... You backed the wrong horses in allowing Tweedledumb and his Lackey to run rampant here in the Zone for so long..
You are privy to every sordid detail about this animal and his monkey and though you sit complacently knowing that there's enough monitoring technology in place to keep all and any dissenters under control, I'm frankly grossed out.... I guess you and your Superiors in turn always knew that Human Rights were to become a thing of the past? That's pretty much the whole point of the Info. Theft Project, not so?

It's the crude and blatant methods used by der Kommissar that I find so offensive. Any pretence at civilised behaviour has long since left the building.. He's proved to be a useful tool to the PTB but the two of them are way past their sell-by date... You'll be the judge of that? *snorts... I credit you with more power than you actually have?
See, I don't think I do... I think that you have the ears of those at the very top of this stinking pile... *nods at the Strategist..

It's like you've decided so what if you erect towers illegally and people are adversely affected... So what if you employ criminals as Monitors? There's effall anyone can do about it, right? Prove that I'm wrong and fix what you can, despite that it would be but a smokescreen.. Get your Masters to pull the dogs off the ABM and see that Tweedledumb gets the justice he deserves.... *hears itself endlessly farting in the wind....

It's pretty hopeless by now, and more likely that the Abuser will once again be rewarded handsomely for his efforts, despite his clearly criminal behaviour... *spews...
For a short while, way back, I'd foolishly thought the fellow had balls, but have come to see that the only similarity we share is that we are both failures in the art of self-removal...
An unremarkable feat for a toad of little brain, but astonishing for one appointed to oversee a Station filled with men and women doing such dangerous work... *curious... Brutality is necessary to maintain law and order?
Brutality run by a now recognised Sadist, all the better? You think? Easter is long gone and it's time to rather play hunt the cojones dudes... Any takers?



Sunday 15th November 2009 at 11.26am.