Friday, October 16, 2009


(begun Wednesday 14th October at 8.10pm...)

I could barely keep my eyes open, sitting in front of the monitor this evening (looks at Fred), so I hiked up the stairs with the binocs and enjoyed the view instead... Not a SINGLE insect had buzzed or squeaked the entire evening... Not ONE.... *winks..
I was just in time to see the Courageous family's cars pull in, and eventually I came back down, amazingly refreshed, to chat here for a while....

It was only about fifteen minutes later, that the first of the electronic devices sounded cautiously... I snorted aloud and it died again...*roffels at her Controller... Freddie's Staffie, Butch, had been really anxious all evening, and calling miserably for hours... I was interested to see the eye-watering light on Fred's pool fence was activated and another set much further away as well... Maybe Butch's ears and teeth were aching, but it's not like he's going to tell... *gags..Was Freddie doing a baby-sitting job for my Master?

There was another small piece on the Sham family in the Tribune last Sunday. Someone like myself, refuses to let the matter be forgotten... Apparently they can't sell the house and it's no wonder, after the bloodbath that occurred there.... *sighs...
I'd dearly like to know who it was that was monitoring that property the night of the slaughter.. Where is the nearest cop shop, and was it there that the family's conversations were being relayed to? Was there anyone I know that popped into the Ops room for a visit, to join the Monitor and make sure the job was done properly? The murderers would have kept up a running monologue for the benefit of the Listeners, as they went about their business killing the family....spews...

The Good Super finally dropped by for a brief chat today.. We stood on the verge, rather too near to the fibre optic cable snaking up the streetlight pole for my liking, but my choices are very limited as you know...*winks..
I opened up my square of tinfoil and asked him to put his cellphones inside, and then I wrapped them up neatly and laid them down on the grass... Less than 2 minutes later one of them began ringing urgently, (!) but I just laughed and asked that he ignore it.. Crazy? Hell, I don't know, but the fun is in the trying....

We swopped gossip, and I think that each rather startled the other.. I guess I see a gap up at the Station, and would happily volunteer to fill it.. To sit down and to tell newly transferred officers and recruits of how the Zone is run and by whom.. Of how they should avoid judging ALL Law officers by the behaviour of the Exec up at Dodge City... *vomits....
In an already stressful job, can you imagine what it must be like turning up each day/night for duty to work for an unstable crook?
My hat goes off to all those guys up there who manage to keep out of trouble...

Turns out I was right about One-eyed Jack.... He tried to top himself back when he was still with the Dog Unit and having domestic 'problems', hence the drooping eye.... *looks at Bali... You and the Missus have already passed that info on to your adoring peers online, or did you forget? I imagine an ever-so gradual distancing from Tweedledumb has been taking place recently, right? *curious...
When the Toady show was at it's peak, it would have been der Kommissar this, and der Kommissar that ja? The Hero met ander woorde? (as I write now in the rough at the desk, more electronic crickets cautiously start up outside, but I've pretty much spoiled it for him tonight...*grins..)

And now? My Network Admin scrambles to shift himself away from his close relationship with the Sexual Offender, temporarily at least, from what just may prove to be a sinking ship....? Supt. Mngomezulu tells me he's already uncovered one attempt to have him taken out permanently....Presumably an enquiry put out by the Molestor himself, or an ardent supporter? I understand that the Super has contacted Hatman Cele for support as well.... Now this could get really interesting, could it not?

Will the Whisperers intervene in the matter? I'm betting that's a yes... Will Cele be told to ignore the Good cop's request for assistance? I'm not asking for much here - just that you sit up and pay attention and root for the right person is all....
Someone should go in and remove der Kommissar's wife and child smartly before it gets messy... Someone else should start a Fan Club for Augustine Mngomezulu and see that he survives safely until the next Court Hearing on 27th January 2010.
I've never had the privilege of chatting to him one-on-one before, and came away pleased that I'd made the right call on his character.... He will of course have left, convinced that I am round the bend, but that's par for the course...*laughing..

Our resurrected landline was steadily degraded throughout the day, and if my Controller sullenly tells you that it's working, that would be BARELY.... The CPF Secretary hasn't called to say that her line has been restored either... Just whoTF is in charge here? Barnabas?

I've got competition...*sits up... I smell a little band of conspirators attempting to take the Sexual Offender down as best they can.. Cocksure as they are, I have to wonder whether THEIR phones and conversations are being followed every step of the way... There's the matter of THIS Telkom bakkie, regularly parked up by Chris Stall's home at the head of Hugo Road... Whose team does he bat for, dudes? Does he take his work home at night and bounce your private conversations right over here to Bali? Just a thought you might take into consideration....

Thursday 15th October at 9.00pm...

The much awaited sms from Telkom arrived this morning, and the one call I made since, was fairly interference free...*curtseys... I'll let you know how long it takes to get the CPF Secretary's line switched back on shall I? What on earth did she say that had her line blocked? *fascinated...

I flew in to Dodge City on the way back from the shops and found Navi dressed to the nines and looking absolutely stunning.. She said she was speaking to the newspapers later today, and I passed on the info in a text (on my monitored cellphone), to the Good Super after I got home... Sort of pinning my colours to the mast, if you will *grins...Quite probably twas merely a herring to match her sari, but I hope she is cautious, if indeed she was going to be interviewed.... *yawns...
I still struggle to believe the incriminating photos were anything other than posed, but then I'm biased in her favour, idiot that I am...
As I pulled away from the Station, I discovered 6 or 7 Muni bakkies parked on the verge and their drivers took off in convoy with some SAPS vans, heading for...... Kennedy Road? Floodlights se GAT!!! They're going to rig up the same 'invisible' cameras that decorate the overheads here on the Freeway, onto the floodlights they're erecting throughout the Squatter camp! *snorts....
Not one Metro cop did I see, so tell me, as this surveillance technology spreads, who is to man the Monitors? Will they be activated at Dodge City, only to watch some pre-arranged violence or organised unrest occur? To check that the ABM Members don't begin to filter back into the community? *vomits freely...
Mon Capitano will have insisted that he wasn't manning the cameras when thieves broke the lock on Sue the Book's gate and took first the kid's unpaid for motorcycle, and then some months later their little ancient banger... Don't you believe it. You know by now he is every bit as bent as his Boss FFS....

Friday 16th October at 3.45am..

I imagine that you're all delighted with the results of the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Networking System so far? The now almost daily revelations of corruption revealed in the Press which, without the ability to ferret about in private computers and to eavesdrop in homes and on phone lines, would keep those sins tucked away out of sight... Never mind that it's doubtful the perpetrators will ever pay for their wickedness..*shrugs...
At what huge cost (oops, as I sit and type this into the GW has just remarked that we've lost the TV screen! *waves to the Chop....) have you allowed the Information Theft System to be installed? I always refer to the Oldboys Network to mean Telkom/vodacom, but it appears that there may well be another old boys gathering as well... How many graduates from the Gandhi Desai High School in Sydenham Road are in top positions in Government today? Interesting hey? *winks...

The cherry-picker was up and 'adjusting' a streetlight outside the Archbishop's residence in Innes road yesterday... Driving around the King's House revealed massive work still underway... By now, I bet they've dug an underground escape tunnel to Schabir's most recently purchased property nearby...*grins...

Beautiful, established trees have been butchered wherever you look, and streetlights ran active throughout many areas... *blinks... The shocking behaviour of those controlling the Info Theft Project here in the Zone, is but the tip of the iceberg... *shrugs... Go re-read Karl Muller's posts on in the iBurst Forum... Where he tells of the huge increase in cancers, and decide whether you can afford to continue fooling yourselves....



Friday 16th October 2009 at 10.43am...