(begun Sunday 11th October at 7.00am..)
That verdomte would-be bird caller is back, and doing his Cook's Tour of the horseyard/valley... He seems to have given up trying to pass himself off as the real deal. Though I'm unaware of which bird it is he attempts to emulate, I'm sure it's not on any endangered list...*feeds some more pellets into the barrel and waits hopefully...
Let's go back to Leonard over at the Physics Department at the biggest Wireless Base Station in SA.. Karl Muller says the guy has some seriously fancy technology which is able to monitor emissions. My word, but he must be in great demand right now?!
Has he been requested to carry his oscilloscope and tri-field meter readers over to Barnabas' palace in Randles Road? Not yet? Judging from reports of the amount of illumination saturating that particular property, and the direction that one of the panels on the Mayville mast faces, may I suggest a visit from Leonard is a must? I give a shit whether Barnabas glows green in the dark and is deafened by microwave buzzing, but I'm told his wife is a lovely person and deserves some precautions taken, however late in the day it is....*sighs..
Will Leonard be asked to check the levels of emissions regularly, over at the King's House and at Schabir's new bolt hole? Or has the Whisperer imported his own specialist in this field, and Leonard remains oblivious to the real activities taking place?
It will be vital to train ALL of the Controllers employed, in the art of dumbing down the strength of emissions should an official visit be paid to their area to measure the output...*gags... How many of these Controllers will be loose cannons like Colin Balliram remains to be seen, and you most certainly won't hear of the unfortunate victims of these power drunk Chosen...
My Master changes the colours of the signal enhancing lights dotted about the valley.. They range from blinding white, to a deep orange, and if you would have me believe that this phenomenon is due to their 'warming up' process, kindly pull the other one...*snorts..
While it SEEMS that the orange lights upset the canine population more than other shades, which colour could potentially be most harmful to humans? *interested... What colour was my Network Admin's Bunker SE running after I'd gone to bed most nights? When the strength of emissions from that light alone, almost proved fatal to a large section of the giant strangler fig in it's path?
My hearing has been altered since 2005 and I begin to suspect there's some damage as well.... (though this could always be ascribed to my advanced age....) The Idiot is apparently employing a modicum of caution lately, as he goes about his unstealthy vendetta.. He's told you he doesn't crank up the emissions in our home any longer? And you choose to believe him because..? *shakes it's head...
One joint is all it takes for THAT statement to fly on out of the window, and you know it! *mutters... As a helpless hostage to the Corrupt Dickhead running the Sydenham Station, we have NO rights at all, so why do I even bother ranting on of the unlawful surveillance and attacks via our power supply?
In the hope that you will wake from your sheep-like trance in time to protect YOUR family as best you can, from what may turn out to be similar circumstances to ours...*sighs...
If you're quiet and well-behaved, why would you be subjected to any attacks? If you've been following and keeping up at all, you will know by now of the true nature and 'quality' of those being handed control of the power circuits... They don't NEED a reason to ruin your life FFS! They will do it for no more than their own amusement and self-gratification..
Monday 12th October at 4.15am..
The GW has the Times newspaper delivered. I fetched it down yesterday and paged through it, but found no references to either Kennedy Road or the Games being played at Sydenham Station...*curious..
It took the GW to point out a bit later that I was studying the Sunday Tribune and not the Sunday Times... Hau! Though I've often suspected the occasional non-delivery had my Master's hand in it, it was the first time that the Sunday papers had been swapped..*cackles...
Not a problem, as I was heading over to M's a bit later anyways, and picked up the Sunday Times at the Engen garage shop on my way.... As luck would have it, I was given some very interesting information while I was there, and I have to wonder whether the monitors picked up our chat, or whether they were enjoying a Sunday morning lie-in....*grins and decides to keep it to herself for the moment..
Isn't it true that just when you think you've seen and heard it all, along comes a total surprise? Luckily I was sitting out on M's verandah enjoying the misty damp morning, when I finally had a look at the Sunday Times supplement, and so I didn't actually fall to the floor in shock... *grins...
You want to know what I felt as I studied that picture? Hmm.. I must concede to a flicker of total revulsion ja, but overall a massive wave of disappointment...*sighs...
For as you are no doubt aware, it turns out that I do know the Senior Admin Clerk in the picture, as well as I know anyone up at Dodge City...*sad.... I doubt very much that it was the only compromising picture taken, and ask how long it took between you all to choose which one to give the Good Superintendent? *curious.... Was the clerk allowed a choice as well?
The picture conveys a damning intimacy - or does it? I've already told you of the time they spend travelling together and of how carefully the Abuser has kept Mr. Hyde hidden from her... *shrugs...
I've decided to regard it as merely another useful prop in a theatrical production of rather more flamboyant proportions than usual... She was smiling her beautiful open smile when last I spoke to her a few days ago, and I only hope that she was aware that the picture was to appear in the Sunday papers and had given her blessing to it...
I see it as an attempt to water down the charges hanging over One-eyed Jack in the High court. A far more serious problem than merely getting rid of an Officer that refuses to join in the corrupt games being played on the Hill... *shrugs... Come, admit it! You see the picture and think, if the Chief has such a beauty at his beck and call, why would he sexually abuse defenceless young policewomen? Does a doubt not creep into your mind? That possibly the charges by the (originally 5) three young constables were fabricated? Bollocks! Tweedledumb is easily as unstable as Colin Balliram, despite that he regards himself as the sharpest cookie in the tin! *laughing..
Did your sources ever find out the connection between my Network Admin and the Balliram cop at Sydenham that supposedly shot his wife? It must have been sometime during the last 4 or 5 years and I guess you will have to find the right person to fill you in on the details... It may well have been a similar sounding, though differently spelled nick, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the Lout of my Life...*shrugs... OTOH, it may be interesting to check and find out?
It's nearly five, as I write my ears are suddenly squeezed and a wave of nausea besets me... Mornin' Bali! *waves happily.....
I was admittedly surprised to find that Jannie had ceded his title to Shaun Green, but found it a kindly gesture and probably deserved... I continue to ask, especially in the light of the current Press revelations, that my landline be re-instated, and that of our CPF Secretary. You could not ask for clearer confirmation of the collusion between certain Telkom employees and the Molestor...
If my fixed line remains blocked, I guess it's safe to say the order has come from someone higher up the food chain? Would that be you Earl? *interested.... Again, I ask the Strategist to set aside the mounting problems in Gauteng, and to embark on what he would no doubt find an amusing exercise... Who rules the roost? The Good or the Bad? You've done young Shaun a favour, and now it's MY turn....*grins cheesily.....
Override these thugs and create a minor miracle... Remove control of our fixed line from the reach of the Chronic Abuser and his Lackey.. There's no way the deliberate blocking of our lines can fall in the category of testing or even surveillance... Flattering though it is, that these two arseholes might consider us a danger to their schemes, my CPF Secretary and I would appreciate a genuine effort made to reinstate our lines... After all, we're both on the Good Team are we not? *beams at the Strategist and waits...
Monday 12th October 2009 at 11.52am...