Sunday, September 06, 2009


(begun Sunday 6th September at 3.30am...)

That was undeniably silly ja...*sighs.. I shudder to think how often I miss mistakes like that in my attempts to self-edit, but I would guess it's a pretty regular occurrence, ensuring that I remain the Clown I've always been .... *grins..

The GW asked if Klos had posted HIS credentials yet and alas, I had to say no, not unless I missed them... But by golly, when he drops his voice back down to normal levels the Damage Controller sounds familiar? *winks... For the rest of that particular post I'll stick with what I said, though I no longer pay much attention to activation times and the dog's reactions... It's one of those background things like the Wireless song, and I now have to actively listen for it...*shrugs...
Sitting here without reference to Klos reply, I'd have to say his suggested experiment involving a Faraday cage would be pretty vile. Who knows whether the animals hearing was changed during only two sessions of unacceptably strong emissions, or over a period of months?

Something I've wondered about a good deal. Talk about Ripley's hey? They'd discovered almost immediately that B.Snr. had fluid on the brain, but how long had it taken for it to build up like that? Were the strength of emissions so devastating on the 15th November 2005 that in the couple of hours he'd been out there working in his garden, he'd gone from zero problems to a life threatening situation? Or had he been outside regularly working in the days PRIOR to the 15th, unwittingly taking hits from the Mast?
For an action-replay to have occurred exactly one month later, on 15th December 2005, is what makes B.Snr's experience truly memorable...
He'd been back working in exactly the same area of his garden as when he first got felled...*bolt-eyed... Once again, did the fluid begin to build back up as soon as he was discharged from hospital, or was he genuinely in the clear right up to the 15th December 2005 when *boom!* he was nailed again...?

I truly struggle to say what I mean, and can only hope that some of you understand...
Nobby's been here since well before 2005 AFAIK, but I don't know about the others, despite that so many of them display similar symptoms..
Could there be a spot, narrowed down to a couple of feet, facing the mast panel, that you'd have to stand in, to take damage on that scale? *fascinated...
Dogs would surely react immediately and take themselves out of such an area, were it to exist, leaving me to think that changes to their hearing would've taken place over a period of time rather.

It's like those dogs in particular that are affected, now have a slower response time? Not that they've suffered hearing loss per se, but that their natural senses are now confused.. I bet if you could ask both Spanky and Butch up at No. 12, they'd both confirm the microwave buzzing for starters, and yet there's a good chance that they just miss the fullon glare of the mast panel that faces us.... *baffled... No man! Wake UP! Just because you got A+ for Science at school and could have phrased my stumbling questions clearly and concisely, doesn't mean Idiots are exempt from asking dammit! *snorts..

I'd always figured that immediately after the second time B.Snr was hit, some serious and hasty adjustments would've been made to the Mayville Mast (or rather, the Mothership and overheads that I'd thought were the cause of the disaster). Karl Muller speaks of surprising changes in readings taken at a mast they were investigating, simply by shuffling a few feet to the left or right... Did B.Snr. innocently position himself directly in one of those escalated emission spots?

My Network Admin's terror at being seen to be involved in the fiasco with B.Snr. has long since vanished... He was easily persuaded that there is no way it could ever come back and bite him...

As I sat in front of the PC on Friday night, following my usual routine, he took it upon himself to increase whatever it is that comes off the monitor, to astonishing levels. RF? Hell, I don't know... I've remarked several times previously of this phenomenon, but he took it to a new level that evening, and I even contemplated fetching my tape measure in order to give you an idea of how far back I could move from the screen while still feeling that wall of heat...*mutters...
Cut him some slack? It was a Friday night and he was enjoying a spliff? *chokes.. I said aloud yesterday that I was going to nail him for that little bullying demonstration and unsurprisingly, I had no problems with heat from the screen last night at all...*looks at the Strategist...
Ai Jannie, it makes absolutely no difference to you how bent and crooked your designated Controllers are hey? As long as they don't get caught...*spews....

Caught by whom I ask? The more exposes that appear in the Press, the more obvious it is that EVERYONE has secrets... It doesn't matter how Good you consider yourself to be anymore.. Were you to take a stand right now, against the injustices and corruption surrounding this very Project that I voice so regularly, YOUR system would be activated promptly, and you pretty much know it by now...
How long would it take your Controller to hear something said privately that you'd rather not share? You're squeaky clean and offended by the mere suggestion? It's a crazy feeling knowing that in a few areas at least, this Retard can run rings around the hordes of self-styled Intellectuals out there... A crazy feeling and believe me, a worrying one...*sags..

For if even the Brightest among you steadfastly refuses to believe what I carp on about so endlessly, there IS no light at the end of this tunnel and never will be..*sighs...

I'd written one and a half blogs prior to this effort, and then scrapped all those words brutally as having a whinging tone to them... We can't have the Test Dummy presuming to whine now can we? I didn't miss Klos' dig at my blog when he said he found it hilarious... Fosho he didn't mean he found my writing humorous in any way, but rather it was the content he was laughing at...*applauds... So yeah kiddo, despite the kind tone (note that I didn't say patronising), the Damage Control Machine was still working flat out..*winks...

I'll continue to report here of exactly what your protege gets up to when he's bored, stoned or just plain ratty... You may continue to stroke and pat him and applaud his so-called genius, for all I care.. There are those who hear me and say nothing.. Those who see the choices made by the Project Authors and who begin silently to question whether all is indeed above board with this technological miracle of surveillance..

The Kurrikane Thrush is hard at it out there in the dark valley. The little Twins have finally shrieked themselves to a standstill and are silent for the moment.. Ooops! I spoke too soon, as something has just set them off again..*laughing... Have you been blessed in recent years by neighbours such as the Courageous Couple? A family determined to make their presence felt and who are totally unfamiliar with the term er... common decency? Who have a 'special' relationship with top officers at your local copshop? Who knows but that you are now living right next door to what the Project Authors consider sterling material for a Controller...Good luck mate! You're going to need it...roffels... Knowing your way around a PC is one thing, preventing entry to your home and castle via the power lines is a whole new ballgame...

Who was it that suggested you put up all those extra CCFLs on your walls? Which electrician did you choose to do the job? You can't remember? Silly you! Would you even KNOW if one of those stunning lights had a tiny device added to it, enabling it to push out way more microwaves than a standard light?
Too busy with the excellent contracts you've been awarded, to notice or even care?

FFS! All I'm asking is that you wake up and see the light! *collapses with mirth.. Talking of mirth... my Master and his pupils/cronies would have been rolling about on the floor at my struggles to register on the Yahoo Groups forum ... Were the pack of ankle-biting 12 year olds awed and impressed by your lame efforts to make a simple task so difficult? It would be beneath even you to deny your pathetic games as I battled to register... Whilst your pupils may be foolish enough to find you clever, I would guess there are plenty who now see you at last for what you really are, o Saddo of my Life...*grins..



Sunday 6th September 2009 at 2.23pm.