Thursday, September 24, 2009


(begun Thursday 24th September at 9.00pm....)

If you were to ask me what part of the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System I considered the most criminal, I'd be hard put to answer....

Creating mini-base stations by using State funded Institutions, thereby exposing the frail and extremely young to reckless emissions of RF and EF, might well be the winner.
Unless you'd have a problem with lay-people being handed control of YOUR power supply by virtue (hah!) of a computer program? In our case, a Cracker with close ties to the Criminals controlling the Zone.

Better yet, the vast volumes of water being deliberately run off and wasted wherever you go... Tuesday's classic was in Jan Hofmyer Road on the Northcliff Rd. side of the bridge.. There had been no water there when the diggers had begun working, but by Wednesday you had to see it to believe it.... *gags...
The Muni have already begun to place careful articles in the Press using the words, water loss, crisis and stolen...*snorts... Much the same pattern as was used with Eskom's incredible powercuts and subsequent price hikes?

Anyone seen this week's Weekly Gazette? Try Issue No. 510 Page 9. And no, it wasn't me!!!! *falls over laughing...

Earlier this week some Chop decided it would be fun to mess with my cellphones... As you know, our landline has been shut down since the 8th September, when I'd brazenly aired my views on the Abuser's carefully choreographed Latino dive, taken at Dodge city in a 'private' call to a friend.
The first hint of a problem with my cellphone came with two calls which the Nokia screen insisted were from my CPF Secretary. Answering them, I got an unrecognizable man's voice, and in checking the Call Register found they weren't from her number either! Hau!!

Early that evening the Nokia rang again, and this time the screen said it was Supt. Mngomezulu. No one replied when I picked up, but a great deal of scuffling noises went on. I plugged the phone into the charger and left it while I went about my business. The caller (and you just KNOW it wasn't the Good Super that had dialled my number), cut the line quite soon after they realised I was happy to suck every last cent out of their phone...*grins....

It would appear that the creative options given to these criminals by Telkom/vodacom could now comfortably vie with those used via our power circuit..
Presumably our landline being blocked, and the ongoing corruption to my cellphone, have been sanctioned by Colin Balliram's Superiors? *fascinated...
Does this latest development fall under the heading of further 'testing' Jannie?
Personally, I fail to see how corrupting phone lines in this manner could ever yield a tax-dodger or even a white-collar criminal, but then of course I'm just a dim-witted toad....

Has it been suggested to the Abuser and his Idiot Monkey that they cool it on the excess emissions flooding our home and concentrate for a change on party tricks via the OWNED cellphones and now dead fixed line?

And here I swear, if I see one more cabbage-headed pseudo-intellectual on MyBB mention the term Paranoid Delusions I will burst a blood vessel! It's like a klaxon (sp) going off when I read those peurile and so -knowledgeable posts. Intellectual KNOB alert! *falls over laughing...
If anyone is entitled to harbour paranoid delusions, it's this wretched toad FFS... An unlikable retard facing a horde of detractors, solo, for how many years? Am I not entitled to see shadows where none exist? Pfft....

If I ever incorrectly toyed with the possibility that you were persuaded to join the Project, here on these pages, why didn't you contact me and put me straight at the time? *looks at the Political Science student... You were persuaded not to, or you felt I just didn't deserve ANY communication at all?
There may well be a number of you out there that I've misjudged over the years, but by your very silence you may just as well be guilty as charged. *sighs.. Genuinely good people who drew their own conclusions based on my wild disjointed ramblings, and who continue to sit silent as I am beaten to a bloody pulp....

In my previous blog published on 22nd September, I mentioned the dead appearance of a huge established tree on the Convent playing field at the head of our little valley.
The very next day (that would be yesterday), in spite of the steady drizzle, I was lucky enough to catch THIS unusual pole being raised by THIS odd looking vehicle HERE, tucked behind a pillar of the Freeway bridge. (as I type now, our power system just dipped* cackles)
I feel that by showing you these pictures, it would in some way add a great deal of credibility to my incoherent babbling.... Unfortunately, my 'paranoid delusions' preclude me from plugging my last remaining camera into a PC wholly OWNED by Colin Balliram.

So - moving on..... WTF IS this thing? A towering pole at the end of what looks like a highly specialised crane, raised to stand almost next to one of the overheads on the Freeway bridge.
If I go back through my albums, I suspect it's one of the two overheads that are always on and that face directly up the valley to the Convent playing field and the apparently dead tree...
Would Karl Muller recognize the strange pole with cabling running up to some very weird looking devices at the top? Was it intended to measure emissions?

How ARE you these days Charlie? Spending as little time as you can over there in Grindrod Place? Sheesh, I hope so!
Any old-timers or servants on those properties, trapped in LOS to whatever is doing the tree in? *vomits... Is the tree just a very late bloomer, and will it recover as did the strangler fig tree blasted by the now deactivated SE on Bali's bunker wall?

While I have serious doubts that Klos is the Strategist's doppelganger, I guess in the beginning he was 'assisted' with his initial Damage Control posts. *winks.. But the later posts scream amateur, and to suggest they were written by voda3g would be foolish... I sent a pm to both depax the OP and to Karl Muller the night before last, but as yet have had no replies to either...*shrugs... Doubtless I've been easily written off as the bumbling Village Idiot *grins...
My emailed invite to Muller to visit the Zone also didn't get a reply....

Do you sneer derisively at my suggestions that the Captain of Immense Courage suffers from ADD and my repeated references to his penchant for a spliff or three? I probably have my own version of Attention Deficit Disorder as is evidenced by my erratic hopping from one topic to another while expecting you to keep up....*shrugs.. I certainly have no problem with the use of dagga either, and am all for it's legalisation...

My problem as I've said several times, is with the responsibility of controlling a power supply by whatever means... In mon Capitano's case obviously a computer program. Would YOU be comfortable knowing the guy who has control over the strength of electrical emissions to each jackpoint in your home was partial to smoking boom AND had ADD? Just asking hey? *cackles..

Paranoid delusions? Jeez Jannie, even you must silently agree that the self-styled geniuses you have about you, are as easily led as a flock of bloody sheep! *roffels...

If indeed that edifice/pole was lifted up yesterday by crane in response to my claims of the dead tree it faces, should I be grateful at the speed it was done? Should I grovel thankfully that someone out there is paying attention? I'd rather kotch my supper all over that larnie blue crane thing to be honest...
No - Rather bring me an International Human Rights Organisation and impartial Engineers to test my claims. While it's a simple matter now for such a Body's movements to be monitored and for emissions to be carefully dumbed down for their visit, it will be harder to hide the evidence and results of the reckless 'testing' done by the unqualified Colin Balliram at the behest of his Superiors..

And to cheer you up a bit? Go mail Dave Charles at and ask whether they have a website where you can read this weeks issue No. 38 Vol. 06? In the Letters section you may care to read Mr. John Bassett's contribution, and either laugh or cry...

I'm going to stick with my assertion that the Crooked Town Clerk has been living a fabricated lie and that his dark secret has long since been uncovered by members of the ruling party and used as a means of controlling his actions...*shrugs.. I give a toss whether you believe it or not. It was always going to be something really big they had on him to get him to play along in such a bizarre fashion, and I guess being a Closet Queen fits the bill nicely...

Friday 25th September at 4.00am..

It's fairly warm this morning and so far, Bali hasn't activated the device outside my window... Has it occurred to him yet that all might not be going swimmingly after all these years?
That someone may just have taken the trouble to contact Johan Stolz and Manuel Correia (names that I feel sure have been used along the way to endorse my worthiness for the years of ongoing abuse meted out to me by der kommissar and his Monkey Colin Balliram). That these two good but foolish guys have admitted to the Station's illegal practise of eavedropping, long before the new upgraded law was pushed through.

That they had no idea of the means that would subsequently be handed to the Criminal running Dodge city to upgrade and refine this abuse via our power supply....?
We now sit without a landline for no other reason than the Sexual Offender is ticked off at my latest efforts to reveal the truth of the choreographed fisticuffs debacle... Another Proud achievement by the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System aka Information Theft Project, working closely with the country's finest to bring the crooked to book?
Someone had to be the Test Dummy and we down here in lower Harris Crescent were chosen... *nauseous.....

Just prior to typing out this blog, I sent an email to our Director of Safety & Security, Mr. Holson Mbhele.... I've been in touch with him before and the addie works just fine. I've asked him to step in and have our landline reinstated, as he will be fully aware that the Abuser is in control of our fixed line. I also sent the Director an sms asking him to check his mail when he gets in to the office. I wait with interest to see whether he responds. I have to start trusting someone, and Holson and Hamilton have drawn the short straw in this case! *laughing.....I figure if I don't hear from him, I am allowed to assume the communications were blocked by Colin Balliram?



Friday 25th September 2009 at 8.12am.