Friday, April 24, 2009


(begun Friday 24th April at 4.45am.....)

Am I too easily impressed? The votes were still being counted yesterday when the road gang arrived to fix the crater outside Sabeera's up at No. 18... A proper job this time, with tar 'n all... But wait! I drove down the Crescent mid-morning to find Owen Johnson's streetlight, that's been sagging alarmingly out over the road for months, now as straight as a die!

The Head Honcho in charge of that operation, looked remarkably as if he might have been in Allen Spence's Class of Electrical Engineers... He denied that they'd found water at the base of the pole, but then he would, wouldn't he? *laughing... Ye gods! I've enough photos taken randomly showing the constant river of water running down number 64's driveway, to call that particular Official's bluff... Never mind the road surface being visibly eroded FFS!

Does our crooked Town Clerk run classes on how to deflect awkward questions and prevaricate with panache? *grins... There are more whoppers being told on a daily basis surrounding the Muni Wireless Network System than were spouted back in 1969! One small step se VOET!!! *shrieks...

Whose totally dumb directive was it to say that only the Muni Road Works Dept. may fix the ghastly mess left behind by the contractors frantically laying cabling through the water pipes? Let the effing pipe-laying dudes be tasked to leave the roads in the condition they found them before they are paid out...

Though seemingly of little importance, the sudden decision to change the venue of our planned social evening startled me.. Has someone finally realised that the white box above our Meeting room door can indeed capture unwary conversations? *winks... That, fuelled by a half dozen ales several members could come to regret chatting freely somewhere down the line? Good thinking dudes! *laughs... I have serious doubts that there is a monitoring-free area left in the Zone, where we may hold a jolly get-together, and even if there were, the arrangements would have to be made beforehand over the tapped phones... allowing sufficient time for additional technology to be hastily added near the site, upgrading the audio quality for the Listeners pleasure.... Would I lie to you baby? *falls over screaming...

The Chief announced quite clearly at our Meeting last Monday night that he'd eradicated all the Rotten elements from Dodge City....*winks... Alas, not five minutes later he was made to eat those words.... The verbal threats and accompanying hand gestures made by the attending Officers to the terrified young Security guard were both seen and heard by one of the tenants.. Ooops!?
No problemo - 'Tell the guard he is to report to me at my office'...had me interjecting swiftly that the youngster would be unwise to go without an authority figure from the complex to back him up....*laughing..
Little Penny's ghastly experience is still fresh in my cooked head after all...*snorts...

Though I've admitted to understanding that brutality and torture are an effective means of controlling such a vast area, this obviously applies to the treatment meted out to criminals and not innocent witnesses doing their job FFS...
The damage was done, and despite the attempts at companionable conversation and obliging laughter thereafter, every Member in that small room will have noted the huge faux pas and drawn their own inevitable conclusions.... *sighs..

It remains to be seen whether the Complex Manager is made to pay for her report. Will there be a further spate of crimes committed against her tenants? *curious... The planned Loon Road Cemetary 'upgrade'? My guess is that bones will be replaced by the appalling tin 'temporary' dwellings erected right up to the boundary walls of the complex, despite any amount of formal protestations...*waits... That'll teach her hey?

Have you read the May issue of Popular Mechanics? Try the article on Page 24 entitled Weapon of Mass Destruction for just a glimpse of what you've so willingly signed up for... *grins..
I've blethered on for years now about the Airwing chopper as it flies endlessly overhead with its onboard computers, connecting each technological addition to the Grid for the Muni Information Theft Project...

If you find the magazine article to be overly dramatic and a scenario unrelated to this brilliant Project currently being installed in your back yard, then I beg you join me here on the Idiots Bench... You are more than deserving of my Tardish company....*shrieks...

Time now to give my Master his obligatory mention...*grins... Neither I nor the GameWrecker have a clue what the normal behaviour for our iBurst signal should be. Hovering the cursor over the iBurst icon on the task bar gives interesting results. Within the space of mere minutes the connection will now drop and rise from as poor as 60% back up to say, 98% and then down again... I repeat - within minutes....
I first picked up this oddness when I noticed how the connection quality degraded dramatically each time I signed into my gmail account. This is now happening when I log on to MyBB as well...
I've taken to bitching and whining over every aspect of our Controllers behaviour, and I think I may safely add this latest bad behaviour at our network Admins door as well... You of course are forced to accept whatever whoppers are hastily invented by the Courageous Couple to refute my allegations...*grins. A more creative pair you'd struggle to find... Ah - You'd noticed? Hooray!

I'm still getting used to enjoying the TV without the endless interference and being allowed to play the odd bit of trivia unmolested... This can of course be reversed at the drop of a black hat...*shrugs... I will however continue the bitchfest regarding my phones (the newer Nokia again rejected the SIM card by the time I got home yesterday and the Venus landline filled with static) and now this crazy iBurst signal where it used to sit rock solid on 100%...

You will concede I'm sure, that in the unlikely event the GameWrecker were to instead apply for an adsl connection, our problems would not go away....*winks...
As the only honest (however stupid)vocal Test Dummy you have, the fact remains that I've survived every attempt by your appointed Network Administrator to get me to toe the effing line... Whipped and bloodied over the years by the Most cowardly and corrupt means, both in the so-called real world and out there online in lala land, I stubbornly stand my shaky ground....*cackles..

I've finally answered the riddle truthfully, but hear no standing ovation.. Instead, Colin Balliram is permitted to continue using whatever means left to him to continue attacking our few assets...*gags... Jesus Wept as they say!! I give a toss at the excuses WhinyBoy gives you for his continuing bad behaviour and I fail to see why we don't now have an interference free landline, perfectly operating cellphones and a truly heavenly connection on our computer... Tis the very least I bloody well deserve! *laughing...

*the sun has yet to rise behind St. Theresa's as I watch a lone Egyptian goose heading over the gumtrees to land next to it's mate on top of the Mothership*

Your Game Plan is running fairly smoothly despite the odd fumble here and there.. You might then tactfully suggest to Schabir that my Master dumb down his attentions even further in the light of the Whisperers claims to give a shit about the man in the street...? *grins.. Or not.

LATER at 1.22pm

Wherever it is our Network Admin lurks, he appears to be in a FOWL mood.... There's to be no smooth problem-free start up for this toad as I attempt to log on and publish my blog today. Connecting now through the WAN miniport having resorted to a restart after repeated Server Not Found Error messages... Minor irritations I grant you, in the light of his irrepressibly bizarre compulsions...*roffels...

Peace julle...


Friday 24th April 2009 at 1.55pm.