Tuesday, February 10, 2009

(begun Wednesday 11th February at 7.50am....)
You're eight blogs short. I stopped dead in my tracks after publishing Small Mercies back on Wednesday 28th January. Why? I've absolutely no idea, other than that I suddenly felt I should wait....
If I was hoping for a sign that it's OK to continue, it ain't going to happen... So I struggle back into my kevlar Level 500 and clank my way back to the front line regardless....*shrugs...
Our non-stealthy Controller continues to see fit to thump our unfortunate television set as his main means of attack. The only weapon I have in defence is my tongue, and a sorry one at that....*cackles... But speak I shall, however irritated you are...
I gave the Mentor long enough to reconsider his attitude and call off his Lackey..
I praised and patted and stroked to what end? My biggest error so far has been in over-estimating the intelligence of my attackers...*roffels...
To my hysterical astonishment, I discovered that several idiots considered my smiles hid more than just a friendly attitude towards the Protector....*falls on over laughing..
Man, I'm good, but not THAT good... I can categorically state that never once have I gazed upon the Mentor as anything other than Head of Operations at Dodge City... ALL operations.... *winks..
The lack of sophistication shown by Tweedledumb and Tweedledee is truly mind-boggling and I struggle to empathise with either....*shrieks...
My own disfunctional behaviour pales next to these two bizarrely perverted thugs.... Many would argue that a strong and bullying Chief is perfect for the job.
Show me the strong you speak of? *blinks... That he was weak enough to pander to his taste for young girls and to use the power of his position to harrass them? That he crowed like the tool he is to all and sundry of the details of these exploits? *spits..
That he hasn't the balls or inclination to break the tradition of toad-baiting? I guess the Masters of this astounding Project are delighted to have their own dossier on the Mentor. Information is after all power, and he has reduced himself to lower than his own lackey...*waves to Bali....
Business Against Crime? Oh really? And how much did you have to shell out to willingly have your privacy removed and handed to the likes of these two idiots? *screams with laughter...
Was there an actual fee paid for this privilege or were you merely to allow an electrician onto your premises to 'upgrade' your lighting and communication systems? *roffels... OWNED!
So Reuben ordered a deliberate downgrade of services? And why not? It merely matches the purposeful decline of every other service in the country....*shrugs...
A means to an end is all....
Do you not question the Beast's feverish activities here in KZN? Certainly not the behaviour of an organisation that is going under...*lawls..
If you so much as blink, you will see another Telkom bakkie appear on a corner nearby... They are down every new manhole or huddled behind every new switchbox as far as the eye can see.... *grins..
Ask yourselves why?
What is it that our Government's favourite telecoms industry works so hard to achieve? If not an acceptable service, then what? *looks at Mistuh September.... How many working dinners have you shared with the Shaikboyz in the past? *curious...
My Master, in his infinite stupidity seeks to martyr our television. Doubtless he forgot to mention that despite a few clear days he has continued hitting it anyway.... You didn't know that Missus C? *grins... That the infuriated dips to our lighting system reveal his desperate need for recognition....*laughing....
He and his Sweeper have sat among their online peers for years, building up a rock solid relationship with like-minded and in so many cases, disfunctional people...
Hell, we're all weighed down by some or other baggage, despite that you think you're perfect....*beams..
Spend an hour or so browsing the Off Topic section over at mybroadband.co.za to see exactly what I mean....
The ever-slavering pack, always poised to rip out someone's throat. The holier-than-thou self-professed christians who happily educate their dogs by beating them FFS....
The biting and aggressive responses to even the mildest of posts... Yep - I'd say that IT fundis have more baggage than most fosho....
And tis to these unhappy souls that the power is being given over your lives....*shrugs...
My Master can toddle off ostentatiously towing his jetski or his bag of clubs, but when push comes to shove I guarantee his idea of bliss is when he is causing chaos online and damaging people's systems.... One of hundreds of like-minded cowardly bullies who relish the thought of eavesdropping on YOUR private conversations....*nudge, wink....
voda3g has been noticeably absent from the threads I've read on the latest proposed Meets. Quite possibly I overlooked his posts? Or is he out of frangelica, or already enlisted all those deemed suitable as Chosen?
I s'pose I must admit to being miffed at you in particular...*sighs... You've endorsed and protected these thugs right down the line, when I have the feeling you could've stopped them cold....
Course it's way too late now and they all simply know too much.... *laughing...
Did I not predict this would happen years back?
The vying to see which stolen information is worth the most and who as a result is expendible? *winks...
The Mentor and His Lackey are now untouchable with their tainted links to the Corrupt in Government... Way to go voda3g! *applauds cynically...
Why don't you come on down from your mountain-side eyrie and move into Sydenham Heights for a few months? To see a slice of real life here in the Zone, Block B would be your best bet...
You could watch the groups of youngsters huddled together in the dark drab grounds sharing whatever drugs they've managed to get hold of....?
Or you could enjoy watching the resident drug dealer breaking someone's arm? Nothing to do with you of course....*shrugs..
Thing is dude - this technology has created the means to stamp out this misery, and it's not being used for that at all...*spits...
Instead, the control is increasingly being given to unstable power-drunk thugs who will in a very short time reduce this country to a hell-on-earth.... You don't see it that way do you? I'm biased? Really? *collapses laughing....
The demise of our TV will be a small but clear indication that you and your Masters in turn have lost control over the Project. That my allegations of the Zone being handed on a plate to Koobair the Squat and his colleagues was correct.
How's the Project doing up in Laudium? You have your ferrets in place there already? *waves to ororo...
I'm that dumb I'd have thought the Project was touted to slow down crime not increase it, but clearly my original suspicions were correct....
I bet the Controllers set up there in Pretoria are similar to the charmers you've give us here....
All connected to the underbelly of society...*vomits..
Otherwise? It's a wet and breezy day here in the Zone as I close my visor and wait.....
Wednesday 11th February 2009 at 10.22am.