Saturday, September 20, 2008

(begun Friday 19th September at 8.15pm...)
One side of Bali's electric gates blew open in the wind this morning... Why had he disengaged the motor? *puzzled.... Obviously he does this frequently, as witness the fortnight of dogs on the road, and the gates flapping apart fairly recently...
They hung loosely until - ah yes - the droog from Newton's took himself onto Bali's front deck and I called the SAPS, who said they found the gates firmly closed and couldn't access the property...*winks...
Odd behaviour from one who purports to work WITH Law Enforcement....*grins... Even stranger when you consider the theatrics back on June 13th and how Penny was swiftly accused of aiding and abetting the two thieves by letting them on to the property...
It appears that she is at last being again trusted with the two precious children after school on some days? This, while the Poison Prince still insists on deliberately messing with his gates?
How is it that he can be so certain there won't be a repeat visit by yet more thieves? The cctv type devices I insist are installed throughout the Zone, though exactly where I couldn't say? *curious... The fancy streetlight cowlings would be my first guess....
One hopes that he reactivates the gates BEFORE his children are dropped off from school ffs...
Basil went up and closed them this morning, but I wish it placed on record that there is absolutely Nothing the matter with those gates that is NOT controlled by Colin Balliram.
Is he now laying the groundwork for the next theatrical off-Broadway flop? Nothing at all has been done to secure the front of his property either...
It certainly appears that he isn't expecting visitors unless he himself has first arranged a time and date...*pukes..
I was still up the top as der Kommissar swept up the Crescent with his black-tinted windows tightly closed.... I curtseyed deeply despite this....*yawns...
Our tap water pressure was at it's lowest this morning... Where are they running off all this water? Neil McLeod the Shifty has written in the Press that the Muni are reducing all pressure to avoid pipes bursting... Have you Ever heard such blatant lies? *gags...
If I were to stroll down in the valley now, past the foot of Sabeera's property at no. 18, would I find the ground wet and soggy? *curious... Plumlink has done excellent trade in the area and I am certain major re-routing of Muni water pipes has taken place...
By 9.25am, I noticed the BushDweller ostentatiously sprawled under the gumtrees in his Muni Blue trousers... When next I looked an hour later, he had moved out of sight or left...
The TV gave hardly a grumble once el Maestro de Pollo had left on his nefarious business this morning... I logged on at 3.37pm to find further authentification problems with google....
My word, how he scrapes the bottom of the barrel...*lawls...
A dramatic change from the No Match found when trying efnet today, was the stunning Blank Page...*yawns...
I have to say how much I enjoyed reading the myadsl forums this evening...*beams..
The article naming torrent sites was hilarious to say the least... By the time I had read all the posts I was left with the feeling that there are a great many would-be Poison Princes out there, trying for top spot....*winks...
No wonder my Controller devotes so much of his time to 'showing off'... He has a great deal to lose, with the hordes of Pretenders right behind him...
Having gotten him so neatly burned back in our mweb isp days, it is understandable that his amusement turned to such burning hatred... *chokes... Though it pains me to say it, it now appears that mweb did us a weird back-handed favour by getting the Government monitors, namely Sahara, to infest and control our PC..
No doubt temporarily curtailing my Master's vindictive revenge somewhat...*grins...
Once Sahara and Mr. Gupta (FFS!) grew tired of us, they merely handed us back to Bali, who was by then I suspect, being touted as some sort of Law Enforcer....
So, are the Gupta at Sahara and the Gupta CFO at Neotel related in any way? More Government nepotism? *fascinated...(ooops sorry, the ex-Gupta at Neotel)
I would be very interested to know where the Neotel Gupta ends up... What offer did he have that allowed him to leave Neotel so smartly?
Does my Controller insist that he no longer pays me obsessive attention? Curious then, that after start-up yesterday, I made a quick call on my landline which caused an almost immediate loud whack on the otherwise well behaved TV. This was followed fairly quickly by another....*cackles..
Once I had eventually shut down the PC and sat myself in front of the TV, he begin showing his displeasure in earnest...*grins... I said nothing and he continued to slam the TV randomly until he tired of it... There was a tiny click and the screen went black. I obediently switched it off and went about my business....*grins... Well trained toad?
Saturday 20th September at 3.45am
The welcome rain is falling softly and steadily in the dark...*beams...
Foreign as the concept is to me, I have made plans to attempt to socialize this morning.. Whether anything comes of this is doubtful..
With the GameWrecker now an official Pensioner, I will have to get used to the idea that I'm free to come and go on any day of the week, and not just Thursdays when Penny is here to guard the house...*grins...
I see Bali has pretty much ALL his road side lights activated this morning, and a fine display they make too...*impressed...
It's a given that he will attempt to follow me on my outing this morning... probably via my mobile....Will the technology be up for it? *shrugs..
It will be an interesting exercise and at least keep him out of mischief for a couple of hours as he and the Rotten Apples track my path....*beams..
Are you surprised to see the article on Page 3 of yesterday's Mercury? (Sept. 19th) Water Restrictions likely for KZN *laughing bitterly...
Ekt julle mos gese..... As with Eskoms brutal powercuts to aid the installation of the Big Brother Eavesdropping Project, we are now to sit back as millions of litres of precious water are run off deliberately, and to buy into the water shortage announcement....*nauseated...
The mere fact that there is an article on Page 5 "No Foul play in suspects deaths" shows that I am not alone in thinking how timeous it was that the only two suspects in the slaying of the Sham family have now been neatly and permanently removed....*grimness...
In spite of the fact that Joe Soap will be applauding the new directive to the SAPS to shoot first, it will most certainly lead to a great many more contract killings IMO...*shrugs..
Despite all the denials in the world, the very mention of Sheila Baijoos name, leads me to believe there is a great deal more to this brutal murder than will ever be revealed to the public... *looks at Carol Frankson.....
I am the first to agree that I sit with the very dimmest bulbs in the box, but I WAS listening, and as seems par for the course in the elderly, my long-term memory improves daily....*cackles...
Bali runs der Bunker SE at it's lowest voltage yet. More than made up for by the amount of SE's he has active on the other side of the house... If he has jumped into the TV jackpoint already, I certainly didn't hear him...*waits..
A dog yelped once at 4.30am down Khaled's end...
Do your dogs have warm, dry shelter on this bitter cold and wet morning? They have a nice big wooden doghouse, so no worries? *snorts... Does the door of that kennel face directly into the weather i.e. South? oops! (My questions do not apply to those Pet Loving Courageous Heroes at Number 6 Harris Crescent.....)
It's 5.10am on the dot, and Bali fumbled and dropped the ball! *guzundheit! His alarm sounded raucously above the rain....*keels over laughing and knows she will pay for that lapse.... I guess he overslept and is scrambling to be ready when I try efnet... A dedicated Network Administrator he is fosho....*laughing....
Peace julle...
Saturday 20th September 2008 at 8.46pm.