Tuesday, June 24, 2008

(begun Monday 23rd June at 3.20am...)
I was 'permitted' to connect to my kid in Scotland, via Skype, last night... I'm duly grateful for small mercies....*curtseys...
Online last night I'd also gone over to mybroadband. At first, there were no problems apart from the usual snail-pace lack of speed...*snorts...
Finally I got to the iBurst forum and went to the "Real Reason behind iBurst's statement" thread. I read it through and then attempted to post a remark.... The post page wouldn't load....Hau!
Had I had the patience it would've timed out...*sighs... and from there on it was downhill all the way....*cackles...
What was it I'd wanted to say? Just that despite Hilary of tradepage assuring me the problem would be fixed, it has been well over two weeks since we've been able to access the bandwidth monitor....*grins....It has a definite air of corruption about it don't you think?
The GameWrecker had managed to get in last week via his office PC, but I'm betting that avenue too will now be neatly closed off, since he mentioned it aloud here.
The string of furious posts directed at Shaun Green of iBurst personally? Hilarious when you recall that my ONE post directed at the slimy SlinkyMike was deleted by a mod for being a 'personal attack'.... You remember his post? Advocating mass online bullying? *shrugs....
Is Shaun Green another Collin Balliram? I like to think my Master is unique in his irrational behaviour, but it makes sense that by now there are a great many other wannabe bullyboyz following his lead....*grins...
In fact, I would bet that Mistuh Green and the Captain of Immense Courage communicate regularly....*cackles.... They both kneel before the same altar of greed and manipulation do they not? Judging from the quality of enraged posters it will not be as easy to shut them up as it is to gag this toad.....*grins...
As always, I predict things are going to get even more interesting as time goes by....
Up against the likes of IT savvy users, the PTB will have to use Controllers with considerably more self-control than my unfortunate Socket Hunter...*shrieks...
Shaun Green's mostly silent response to the goading, suggests he has an army of advisors urging him not to reply...*shrugs...
My own Master on the other hand, can't be bothered with orders or advice, and teeters wildly from total insecurity to blatant megalomania....*roffels...
Who was it that first brought the Captain of Tremendous Heroism to Koobair's attention? Family? Or one of Bali's own chommies up at Telkom Overport? A pal who was already doing fairly well selling information to the Rotten Apples gleaned from hacked landlines? *curious....
Bali's IT skillz would have charmed the older rulers of the Zone...His ability to crack almost any PC was merely an extension of the telephonic methods they'd used so successfully in the past, to keep their Empire under control.....*shrugs...
It is unlikely you will ever unearth his connection to the SBV Heist perpetrators....
I still feel that it is familial, but whether via Missus Courageous or her flaky significant Other, the muddied waters ensure you will probably never know.....*grins...
Freddie the Accountant's hound has been much quieter since blogging the connection between my 'symptoms' increasing, at the same time the unfortunate canine goes nuts each afternoon....*curious...
It has been logically suggested to me that the enormous amount of construction work done last week at No. 14 is to erect garages for the Good owner....
There has of a certainty been installations done on that property without the owners knowledge as happened here at No. 10.... Good old Bernie was given their spare gate key way back, was he not? *chuckles... An excellent neighbour indeed....
The chopper is working further afield of late...I confess I miss the roar of it's rotors and the desire to duck as it flies overhead...*smiles...
My naturally cynical mind could not help but wonder if the Port Shepstone Muni had already utilised their water pipes for the Government Eavesdropping Project, and whether this was the main cause of the infrastructure collapsing during the recent floods.....*grim..
It is a certainty that Louis Botha airport has by now been linked up, and I would lay odds that the water-covered runway was as a direct result of the cabling now taking up precious space within the drainage system and water pipes...
How many more disasters will occur as these fumbling, greedy officials lurch across the country? What I would give, to read the Mission Statement for the Project, that has persuaded so many otherwise intelligent individuals that it is for the good of the masses.....*sighs...
I had a call on my CPF Nokia this afternoon. Hekhmat Currimjee rang to confirm that he will assist us with our CPF Fun Day...*beams.. towards the end of the call, on a totally clear line, a full battery and signal, my phone was suddenly switched off..... I restarted it, and Hekhmat called back and finished the conversation.... Mundane waffle on my part? Not at all...
My Controller finds it impossible to restrain himself as he sits up on the Hill....*snorts.... Hekhmat is not liked one iota by the Rotten Apples, and has in fact put his house in Loon Road on the market, rather than endure his new and bullying, wealthy neighbour one Farouk Ahmed.... *spits...
My guess is the Rotten Apples are delighted with this turn of events....*gags...
I was just about to reply to a text on my new Nokia when that too was switched off....*snorts...
Has this aspect of the Eavesdropping Project been fully explained to all the fortunate members invited aboard? Or will it be yet another allegation claimed as unfounded lunacy on my part? *curious....
Have the true implications hit home at all? That you are all now as OWNED as ever I am? *falls over.... That you can be tracked and controlled pretty much wherever you go? That you have lost any privacy you may have had?
Should you now find the Scheme not to your taste after all, it is too late to consider backing out....*grins... The Beast has you by the short hairs...
Tuesday 24th June at 3.45am:
Among the small changes that have taken place since the sleazy occurrence on Friday 13th, the strangest had to have been to our TV....
Not a bang, creak or deliberate thud apart from the childish behaviour on Sunday, and the usual sounds when my Master arrives first thing in the mornings..... No snow on the screen or static intereference at all.... In fact, a TV with renewed life.... *cackles.... Or, so I thought.... I had arrived home after the CPF Meeting last night and was online when the TV gave an almighty roar and lost its picture.....
The GameWrecker was unable to revive it....
There was unbridled rage behind that particular attack fosho.....*grins....
I can't isolate one particular reason for Bali's behaviour, as I went out of my way both at the Meeting and afterwards, to educate my fellow residents on current events....*cackles delightedly...
To have been given such clear confirmation of the audio-monitoring by my so unstable Controller is a bonus... *applauds... It is genuinely odd that the Captain of Courage still thinks he is in charge! *falls over...
The more he drops my phone lines and attacks our PC and TV, the more it encourages me to rabbit on endlessly about the Project...*shrugs... As they sifted through the audio recordings made last night - did the Listeners on the Hill become visibly agitated? Was there the usual mirth and merriment, or was the mood of a more sombre nature?
"Network Problems" ambiguously used to cover the infestations of phones and PCs, and an equally ambiguous 'lack of proper maintenance' to hide the real reason behind disasters such as the floods in Port Shepstone, and even the airport runway incident, will become commonplace...
No waves of heat engulfed me as I sat at the desk earlier, writing by candlelight.... My Master arrived as noisily as ever into the TV jackpoint after 4.15am...
My own personal frequency screamed endlessly as I sat for a while out on the verandah... The GateKeeper had this blinding white beauty activated and yet still, the morning air remained cool...*shrugs....
The TV is again to take a beating as a result of my efforts last night... Cest la vie....
Tuesday 24th June 2008 at 3.57pm.