Wednesday, October 10, 2007

For those who seriously think I don't get it?
Once judgement has been passed on you, online, there simply is no leave for appeal....*grins...
Every Operator in every channel, on every server, will ensure that you are reminded of this to the End of Days.....*cackles...
Mitigating circumstances count for squat. Honesty is judged to be hypocrisy and lies are the order of the day...*shrugs...
In spite of this I stand my ground...
The instinct to run has long since passed...*grins...
What appears to be a vast pack of slavering dogs, baying for your blood, warrants a closer inspection... and inspect them I do...
Behind the sometimes savage and pointed nicks, are very ordinary people... people for the most part a great deal younger than this bolshie old toad..
That egomania, megalomania and good old multiple personality disorder, is rife in the virtual world on the internet, is obvious even to a Tard of my 'standing'...*grins...
I myself lean heavily towards wearing the mpd badge, never sure of how I will react when I arrive in a channel....*smiles...
You may perish the thought that I am in some sort of denial at my predicament..*cackles...
Au contraire, I believe I have covered every aspect of this horror fully...
On the one hand a dreamer of note and on the other an unflinching realist...
To watch so many people (who, if asked, would undoubtedly consider themselves kind and compassionate folk in most circumstances), expend so much energy on subtle cruelty and mind games, is an eye-opener indeed...*chortles....
I am in no position to cast stones as you well know, and accept that it is a long standing IT tradition to go for the jugular of anyone who is both mouthy AND stupid.....*beams....
Rest assured that even as slow-witted as I am, I rarely miss the nuances and digs that are tossed my way...*cackles... A few are of course insider jokes and sail over my raddled head, missing their mark entirely....*grins...
I have no real idea why instinct led me to plonk my large butt down in efnet's #trivia channel, and even less idea why I return repeatedly, despite the intense efforts to be rid of me...*cackles...
Why do I not find another channel to struggle on? You all know the answer to that one.... that Bali and his Hordes have taken the Vow and there will be NO peace for the toad....*chokes...
So there you have it - I suffer no delusions and denial about my position, and certainly do not foolishly hope for amnesty or a pardon in any form...
I have pretty much pardoned myself for being a Fool and that will have to do...*smiles...
For the rest? You are more than welcome to continue sharing snippets of my somewhat mundane life, and I in return will continue to tell you of the Zone and the Real Captain Courage, Golden Tool of the Corrupt - despite the obvious and swift repurcussions this earns me....*beams...
I did not see Father Denker's name mentioned among the clergy supporting the Kennedy road Informal Settlement Marchers?
Is the holy Father so lost in his comfort zone that he is now oblivious to the plight of the homeless as well as to the orphans in his 'care'?
Did he knowingly allow the 'Trust' Committee to cut a deal with Telkom and the Muni on behalf of certain shady characters in Government? Why??
Who is the Head of St. Theresa's so-called Security? Is this security team made up of Telkom and Municipality electricity Dept. wekkers?
The aerials blazed out of the top floor windows at the Senior Boys Hostel this morning at 4.30am. How many young children sleep up there? I had in mind that most of the orphans would have been sent to safer establishments but was clearly wrong...*frowns...
Could you truthfully say, that you would be happy to start a family living in Direct Line of Sight to a Microwave Tower, Cell Mast and Base Station? Not to mention the enormous power generated by the overhead freeway lights?
If there is absolutely no risk, why then are petitions drawn up and protests organised at new proposed cellmast sites? *puzzled...
You will undoubtedly shrug aside any anxieties and talk of dangers in spite of the monumental cockups that took place in 2005...
I question the quality of your 'technicians' and of your Controller here in the valley..
If mon Capitano is your idea of Top of the Range, what on earth have you got running the other base stations? A sobering thought indeed....
Looking out across the valley now, it is almost impossible to imagine the corruption that sinks its claws deeper and deeper into the land via this Project..
Small white clouds sail up from the south against a pale blue sky and only the occsional sound of heavy machinery working over on the freeway, reminds me that all is definitely not well...
PS: It was announced this morning that due to the cold snap in the weather, residents can expect ongoing powercuts of up to 2 hours to recoup losses.
Don't you just love how the Big Boys tidy up after themselves? *falls over laughing....
Wednesday 10th October 2007 at 1.11pm