Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Was little Craig Verkueil ever the legitimate buyer of No. 6 Harris Crescent or was it bought for him by - let's make a wild guess here just for a laugh - Earl Barnabus?
After Craig pretty much drove his nice wife away, it all went pear-shaped... he moved some of his chommies in next door and they seemed to exist in a haze of liquor and drugs...*shrugs..
We had our first and only housebreaking during that memorable period too...*grins...
Captain Courageous certainly knows the details and would be lying were he to deny it...*cackles...
I figure young Craig was being leaned on very heavily to vacate this property once his usefulness ran out and repayments became a problem?
Missus C herself told us that all the light fittings throughout the house had been deliberately vandalized and why would she lie? *falls over...
Not the behaviour of a satisfied seller but of someone being forced to leave against their will?
Even trashed, I doubt Craig would Ever dare say who it is that runs the Rotten Apple brigade up at SAPS Sydenham... he knows full well he would be history in a flash were he to shoot his mouth off...*smiles..
So many possible loose cannons about in the area, who keep to the Rules of Silence.... little wonder that they drink themselves into oblivion....*shrugs...
Once it was decided to instal the Bravest of the Brave and his family right next door to the Village Idiot, the writing was on the wall for Craig...
Morris was allowed to stay on in the Servant's Quarters for some time, even after the Courageous Pair had moved in...
No doubt a special perk as he is most definitely the local handyman for the Rotten Apples...*cackles...
I blogged previously on the amount of what was clearly contraband, Missus C had said that Morris cleared out of the kaia when he finally left....
I find it extremely amusing that so many of you prefer to consider my writings as fantasy... that you do not believe the Zone is controlled by a mixture of thuggery and drugs..pffft...
That organised crime is truly an artform here, is a given...
It is hard to tell whether der Kommissar and the Good guys will ever be able to rein in the True Controllers of the Zone...
The huge and carefully planned distraction of the Project is most certainly having the desired affect... (having seen the pictures and read the articles of our own dear der Kommissar receiving an award from the Deputy Minister of Safety and Security, for the highest results in Tracker recoveries, I was less than charmed when a few days later, an announcement was made over the radio that Phoenix SAP had won the award? WTF? *collapses totally....)
In spite of the surveillance equipment on every street of the Zone, there are still crimes taking place regularly...*shrugs... Monitoring of these devices could sadly be restricted to the few, like myself, who decline to toe the line....*cackles...
My claims that our CPF Meeting room is audio-monitored have been laughed off as merely another figment of a crazed imagination....*chokes...
It is of little consequence, as I thoroughly enjoy watching the Game being played so visibly...*beams... One slip and I will loom up in front of you, yellow teeth bared in a grin...*shrieks...
Was there a big deliberate water run-off yesterday? 2 droogs in full Muni Blues hanging about below the Senior Boys hostel for the morning and little water pressure do not make that a yes by any means...
Much more care is being taken in the matter of water wasteage... more discreet measures introduced?
Gone are the heady days of Fire engines arriving to open hydrants and chat for hours as precious water fountains out and pours down the road...*falls over laughing...Eejits!!
Changing tack, I would like to ask kind Bernie a question.... has his overall health improved or declined since he and his family moved in to No. 17? Sure, I know his nose-dive was a setback, but I would've put Bernie down as a man of steel - so surely he is well on the mend by now? If not, why not?
It is hoped that, all denials to the contrary, his homes' now unobstructed view to that pretty red twinkling Microwave Tower, does not sap his vitality further...*shrugs...
My mama tells me that in the UK there are many people in their nineties riding bicycles, driving cars and leading happy, active lives... So, in the right environment, I hope that Bernie recovers the spring in his step sooner rather than later...*frowns...
I tried yet again to fathom googles results on WiMax and it's signal enhancers... it is clear that the search-engine cannot sink to my tardish level of understanding...
I am still curious about the amount of metal used in this project... the pseudo jungle gyms cheek-by-jowel outside the Recreation Centre... the thick metal bars across every window of the orphanage (a wonderful outlook for its young occupants pfft..) and last but not least, the really strange finish on the window panes themselves...
Panes that give off the strangest glare when the sun hits them, that I've ever seen....*smiles..
Oh ja, there was something about highly conductive paint used to enhance wireless signals... (see pics of Freddie's Wendy house roof) but the metal bars everywhere and the specially treated glass panes? So far, nada.....
While the Beast, with ease, continues to manipulate its greedy and corrupt contacts in Government, finally making their telephone tapping legal (*falls over cackling) their idiot counterparts in Munis across the country rush eagerly to do their bidding - as cities, suburbs and Joe Soap is linked up to the Grid, to be controlled and monitored when desired...
When, a few years down the line, the cries of 'foul' become heard, I shall merely shrug and point at my T-shirt...*chokes...
It is now too late for even such as the brave and forthright Debbie2, to find the truth...
She has been fed such a smoke-screen of half-truths and lies that her head must spin.... besides, her every move will have been monitored since she first began posting so articulately on myadsl....
She will have been given gifts too, I'm betting, by the kindest and most honourable of donors...*shrugs...
There is nothing I can do but to keep blogging in my demented fashion and hope that some among you find what it is I search for and understand it fully....*grins...
To the many fanboyz and girls that continue to insist they know Captain Courageous is pure and untarnished? You are among the brightest of the bright and freedom of choice is still yours for the moment...*cackles....
Tuesday 11 September 2007 at 1.32pm.