Saturday, July 07, 2007

(Sunday at 8.17am)
Do you now cringe, when notified I am back and running off at the mouth yet again?
As well you might....cackles...Is that hat a tight fit or what???
I'd only filled the birdtray some 10 minutes earlier, and was tidying the lounge, when a ring-necked dove crashed head first into one of the french doors. The Black Sparrow-hawk was right behind it...*startled...
As quick as I was, Kitz was on it as it lay still on the verandah... The hawk wheeled away and I picked up the bird and dipped its head quickly into the birdbath. However many times that has worked in the past, it was not going to revive this unfortunate dove.
It's neck was broken. As I stood on the edge of the lawn and sailed the body over the wall and onto the grass below, the Sparrow-hawk flew back into the dead mulberry tree to watch and then took off up the valley.
I sat quiet and still on the verandah, and 5 minutes later he was back to claim his prize...
He checked it out beneath him from all angles, and then torpedoed down, out of sight, below the wall to feed....
One of the very few, but vital, small green lungs remaining, dotted about this great city. One that has now been ear-marked by the Greedy and Corrupt, for development in the not-too distant future.
Will Bert (the Salt of the Earth as the GameWrecker is now calling him), be happy with the huge volume of increased human traffic? How will he then be able to tell, even with his trusty binoculars, who is friend and who is foe? Who will be watching whom?
I feel that he has information regarding the development, but cannot for the life of me, understand how he can condone it..
How will it be put to Mohamed at No. 2? Whose family invested money in a home right next to a noisy road and freeway? Will Mo be delighted at extra housing and traffic on his doorstep? *interested...
I would hope that he takes a strong stand, though who knows what sweeteners will be offered...
There is huge money to be made from this beautiful and as yet untouched, Municipality-owned strip of land. All in the name of 'Progress'....
*looks at the corrupt City Manager, Herr Doktor Sutcliffe...
Yes - Corrupt. For seeing the wickedness surrounding him and choosing to remain silent, as he pockets his hugely inflated salary. *hawks and spits....
One certainly doesnt have to be a full-blown tree hugger to know that green areas are vital to a city. But in our case, as always, tis the amount of money offered that will swing the deal.
It's not a matter of if it's developed, but when....*barfs.....
Let Sutcliffe donate his timeshare in Goa,and his salary, towards the 200ks owed to Basil and the peanuts for Sue and Penny..
They would have their compensation very smartly, were this to be done.
Telkom and Allen Spence could furnish the balance owed. Any short-fall remaining, and Earl Barnabus could cancel Carol's next trip to the East, and donate the ticket money to the Fund for Victims instead.
As if........*cackles wildly....
The wind is picking up already and brings fat, grey clouds up from the South. My knees creak there rain on the way?
Keep your fingers crossed dudes.... a deluge would swallow the evidence of the latest deliberate and vast water wasteage across the way. Ooops! Except that my photos are all dated...*grins..
At this point, even I have to concede to being an irritating pest...*falls over laughing...
Sunday 8th July 2007 at 8.30am