Friday, March 16, 2007

Nothing momentous. The fact that the brilliant foyer light at the orphanage was off yesterday morning in the dark would probably not interest you. On the other hand, another text from Carol came in just before 10.00pm Wednesday night.
Pretty arb stuff about Royces house directly behind her on the hill and a meeting? Of no concern to me whatsoever. As long as Carol gets the new resident to attend the CPF Meetings thats enough. Perhaps Carol no longer works from home? It is common knowledge that she now travels to the Far East on business. How do you run a business without email and fax facilities? She did text me to say that she uses her cellphone to access the internet but that certainly doesnt answer my question heheh.... an oops moment? Hopefully she will give us her office address at the next Meeting and it will clear up the mystery?
Weird how my very basic Nokia plays up after texts or calls from Carol. I was expecting a text from someone in the early afternoon yesterday and happened to glance at the cell to find the signal had dropped to one bar....*cackles wildly..... this phone has a 100% signal anywhere inside or out the house all the time. Oh, no hang on.... the only other time I lost the signal was blogged previously. A CPF Meeting text reminder day it was.... Manipulation at its finest ja. Vodacom is after all, Telkom *laughter.... I suggest you all brace yourselves for more techno-wonders to come.....
All the posts and frustration vented on the myadsl forum at the further delays in acquiring any real competition to Telkom? Laughable! First the Munis and Telkom must finish their BDP and Wireless linkups throughout the country before anything else can be finalised. So it will be stall, stall, stall.
A wild and stormy night here in Durban last night.... When I went up the top this morning before 4.00am to find that only the standard verandah light was shining up at No. 17. So - all the extra lighting thats been installed certainly can't be for security. *chuckles... The glow from Mr. Haffejee's (behind and above) new and hectic driveway lights was clearly visible.
As I watched, a limping GameKeeper entered the orphanage foyer and eventually went into the Ops room on the right. The light show on the upstairs treated windows was activated with stunning results as I watched.
The house next to the new construction site parallel to the City/Sherwood flyoff now has 2 huge orange lights facing the Senior boys Hostel. I wonder what they are building on the empty corner there? A new sub-station?
Yesterday afternoon at about 3.30pm I noticed a giant sized Telkom Bakkie parked under the gumtrees across the valley and I would guess they were checking for Line of Sight as always.
The Amazing Flop in irc trivia has adopted a strangely meek pose...sort of well, hurt.... I am as always, delighted to see him whatever persona he chooses to wear *beams....
I do sometimes wonder how he explains away his relationship with the crooked.. he certainly must wear the official badge of some or other corrupt organisation in this country. I like to think its the NIA.. (National Idiots Agency) *falls over.....
Speaking of corruption, a most telling incident was the discovery yesterday of certain missing photos when the CD snapshot of my now corrupted Baby PC was checked.
The glaring absence of really only three or four photos gave the game away ....
A portrait of one Saleem Moosa, of Telkom Overport. A gentleman who I would guess was very involved with Koobairs scheming. Who could probably also shed light on the SBV Heist that I referred to in my much earlier blogs. *smiles...
and a series of pictures I took of the fire-engine releasing thousands of litres of water from the fire hydrant just across the road.
Now tell me dear reader, why would those be worthy of eradication by my Captain Courageous? I leave it to you to figure out....
No sign of the Courser bakkie on the driveway at 3.45am this morning. At 4.15am however, our Controller's remote chirruped and our lights did a big dip and voila - there he was parked back on the drive.
An emergency? He was required to give hands on assistance to someone's system? Storm damage? Fascinating stuff and he will be very crabby today. I batten the hatches as I predict problems when using the PC today...
Very few if any lights on at the head of the little valley below. Even the huge orange lights adorning the Power House next to the orphanage were only activated after 5.00am.
At 8.15am today I heard that there had been massive storm damage all over the city and suburbs. That would explain what the Heroic one was doing out in the wee hours. Problems with the Brilliant system? *chokes....
And the control continues.... I was allowed to play trivia this morning until 7.10am. I left and went over to check the gmail account. Page struggles mightily to load and I see our signal has dropped from our usual 100% right down to 5%. I give up and shut down.... did I say he would be crabby or did I not? heheh...
I try again a while later and still the signal is down to 5%. So that is how I am to be controlled from now on. Doh!
I would have blamed the storm damage if it wasnt for the fact that the GameWrecker connected with no problems at 5.30am and I was in trivia as usual.
Looking back, I see Captain Courageoous actually did this on Wednesday 7th in the early evening. He suddenly had to rush off somewhere, so merely jams the signal and off he goes... a cunning plan *shrugs....
No doubt his Masters agree with this method of control so I sit back and accept it....just another day in Paradise *laughing.... I doubt he would see that the word abuse so neatly fits the situation. He wishes to catch up on his sleep/go internet for the toad. *vomits gently....
I've checked the very slender Rule book for this Game and find that by actually deliberately interfering with our wireless connection, it is classed as a 'Moved the Goalpost Foul'.
The victim (or opponent if I may be so utterly bold) is now entitled to one free move along similar lines. Being as how I am a Player of extremely little brain, my options are limited.
But I would have to go with....*peers over the top of its cards at Bali...... I would have to go with - Carol -
I know she has figured out that I genuinely like her, and its been great having her in the Game seriously. But ...*sigh... when I have to choose between 100% iBurst signal and Carol, I'm afraid there just is no contest heh.....
I'm never in a rush to play my hand as you know- but my cards are now before you on the table. Tis the weekend and I know I will be certain of your move by tonight *falls over laughing....
PS Now 4.37pm. Captain Courageous returned home a couple of hours ago and had a visitor a while later. I waited a while and then ventured on here to see whether the punishment period was over. Apparently it is but not sufficient for me to relax. Our signal fluctuated between a 92% and 96% strength before finally settling back down where it belongs at 100%.
So - you have my Game play. Alas I doubt it will matter or make any difference to you at all and this is a pity. Carol has been doing good work no matter what her connections.
But tis really only since she climbed onto the Game Plan that you have used the signal drop ploy so I'm afraid she will have to go... no rush heheh.... you carry on as before but the only Play I have now is to move her on... I'm sure you will understand Bali?
Stay safe...
Friday 16th March at 4.41pm