Wednesday, March 28, 2007

As I understood it, he hadn't ever been neutered...there had been a stray in the valley for the last couple of days, running up and down.. so he would have bided his time and when Br. opened the gates (zonked out of his head), at some point on Sunday evening, he wouldnt even have noticed as Duke slipped out past him....the chaos up in the Crescent for much of the evening as Duke changed his mind and tried to get back onto his property.... all the dogs in the neighbourhood going nutz....Sure, I feel guilty....I only went up once - in time to see a large dog silhouetted, running down past Kassims...
Not for a second did I consider it to be Basils dog as he is Never let out at all either by mistake or otherwise....
So I sent a text to Kassim instead, in case it was Spotty's companion. And I rang joy....
On asking round the next day I was told JD had seen a very dead black dog somewhere by Mayville hill on his walk home from school. RIP Duke.
Last night's Community Meeting held in the Sherwood Hall? The totally unsurprising low turnout went off smoothly. I was delighted that der Kommissar put in an appearance and spoke to us so charismatically.
As I am now aware of the great need for secrecy (though not fully understanding why), I was quite happy to dance along with the "7 men with guns in the valley accosted schoolchildren on their way home" scenario. *chuckles....
"where were you Jane?" asked der Kommissar..... why - I was prancing on the front steps wrapped only in my bath towel, trying to get the definitive chopper picture *cackles helplessly.....
But how fortuitous that the chopper has been just over the little hill at Brickfield Road and was able to join in the chase for the 7 armed robbers and actually catch one in the end!
A great story and very well told indeed!
I was given far more credit than due in the matter of Adrian Kingsley's arrest and I understand that there was even a small article in Friday's Daily News on the front page nogal.... Alas, there was no sign of either Carol (our erstwhile communications officer) or Captain Calvin Bhopal (for some reason aka Ghopal).
Captain Bhopal had advised me by text earlier that he had to attend church and couldnt make the Meeting and Carol.....who knows? Possibly in Hong Kong going about the Earl of Sherwood's business as I write......
For those who may have doubted it, I am very well aware of the Treasurer's attitude to all this..... she could not understand why the so-called child-molester chose her as a target as, and I quote, "I have not been bad". *sigh.....
Sadly, it smacks of the 'well, she kept wearing those short skirts, its little wonder she was raped' syndrome. The Treasurer is a dear girl and her inclination to sit back and ignore what is happening around her, is probably a wise one. A fact that I hope is clearly stated in her file up at the Operations Room in the Station.
On the other hand, if it weren't for meddlesome snoops like me, events such as the huge Arms deal scandal would never have become public knowledge...go figure....
Its a dirty and unrewarding job, but someone has to do it....*grins...
A front page article in the Natal Mercury this Monday regarding widespread rage at the huge rates hikes made by the corrupt Ethekwini Municipality leaves me unsympathetic....
Ekt julle langlaas gewaarsku pftt.....
Somebody has to pay for the vast amount of extra power used in the Big Brother Wireless/BPL Data- Theft link-up, not to mention the enormous deliberate water runoffs which are so very clearly connected to this monstrous scheme.
And yes, driving home from the Meeting I noticed a lake of water directly opposite Mrs. Kazee's house (cousin to our extremely elusive Councillor Baig), in the road. Far more water than can be accounted for by the admittedly good rains we are having... if there is a flaw in the road surface may I suggest you have it repaired as it is drawing more attention than you need heheh....
A little willie waving by Captain Courageous this morning, took the form of removing our internet connection.
Whilst I appreciate fully that any connection we have hangs entirely on the whim of Prakash (Collin) Balliram, I find myself immediately wondering which transgression I had committed to merit the punishment.
I'm betting that if i'd galloped down the passage just after 7.00am, it would once again, have been in time to see our Controller/Server rushing off to some unknown destination after summarily shutting us down. Neat.
Apart from the basic red and blue lights on the modem, it was deader than a dodo. Error 676 - Phone line busy.... raait...
*looks at the ISP the GameWrecker actually Pays for a service... and wonders if tradepage and the indomitable Bruce Poole have other 'customers' that are re-routed like this.... if not yet, it is a given that the numbers will grow.... May I suggest you start working on a list of Plausible and varied excuses quite soon?
On the off-chance that Debbie2 and erm, Syndyre? find their way here... I wish to reassure them both that at no stage would I ever consider them allies in any form..
Debbie2's opinions posted on the myadsl forum are wise beyond her years. Whilst I appreciate her need to reaffirm that she is no friend to the toad, it is unnecessary....*smiles...
All I ask is that she find the time to continue reading my waffling blogs and posts...oh - and to THINK!!!
Syndyre of course has me rightly pegged as a gibbering paranoid. He merely fuels the flames of my dementia and I would hope that he continues in this vein...*beams....
Sister Stephens appeared astonished at my suggestion that the Orphanage now resembles a fairyland at night. She hasn't seen the huge outside orange lights activated on the Power House? Or the Senior Boys Hostel? Shame on you! *laughing.....
I am still very interested to know which cells Adrian Kingsley is being held at....did the relevant docket go missing before or after he escaped from Fort Napier last year on the original charge? Did he rape a second child this year as Carol suggested or has the original charge suddenly been resurrected? If so, why?
Again I ask - is he guilty as charged? He lives at Sydenham Heights, a notoriously dangerous area of Sydenham and one where he would be quite likely taken out promptly if the charge were true. How he has survived unscathed and moving about so freely in the open for over 4 months or more remains a mystery.....
One that I intend to continue poking with a stick continuously....
der Kommissar was after all, perfectly clear in his address last night. We, as the public, cannot expect the SAPS to look after us all the time... too right...
Though I am happy to report that the chopper went over about 20 minutes ago as I wrote this (11.30am) and an SAPS van was parked over the valley under the gumtrees across the way.
I think we are being 'looked after' just fine.... *beams....

PS ... I just went to try again and post a picture here. Everything works fine through Picasa up to the point where my pic appears in the centre of an empty page and as I watch, flash it goes and the margin on the right disappears leaving me without the ability to scroll down and find Publish haha..... as I was saying about willie waving? What is the point of denying me the ability to publish pictures? Self-gratification in a teeny way? * winks at the Courageous one..... NOT heheh.....
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 at 12.18pm