Friday, September 27, 2013

The spawn...
(begun Thursday 26th September at 3.50am...)

*Did I mention that Agent Balliram has a clone? A doppelganger? Ever consider how useful this could be if you were in the spy industry, and embroiled with assassins and the like?  Turns out the Landrover owner is a dead-ringer for our Area Controller, and that if you were to put a cap on his head, at a glance you couldn't tell the difference between the two of them.  His brother? His cousin? When the Landy had pulled out of the gates at around 8.30am this morning, you couldn't tell which one of them it was at the wheel, but I'll take a flyer and say it was the Sadist himself, off down to any one of the local Golf courses to finish up and test the surveillance technology down there...*

I'd surfaced properly from my disturbed slumbers to a really bad earache, and a second later I'd heard the chirrup of Balliram's remote and the pain had vanished... It was midnight, and whether the Area Controller was coming or going is irrelevant, as I share this just to give you an idea of how closely our home is linked to theirs... I've written previously of how I've stood looking up out of our windows at his closed gates, while experiencing some sudden increase in pain, only to see them open and his Lordship sweep in.. Pretty much as soon as he chirrups that remote after they're closed, that additional pain disappears... Is it sorcery, or simply a powerful booster device tucked into his gate motor that overlooks our home?

I was back on the side path yesterday morning, scraping away a whole bunch of the green moss I'd previously missed.. That's this side, next to the Chickencoop by the way, and will you look at what I found?  A single eugenia leaf lying on the path, thickly coated by a black substance, HERE.. For all the world as if someone's taken a tube of black oil paint and squeezed it haphazardly over the top surface of that leaf... Certainly not the contents of some animal or bird's stomach, or even anything remotely resembling a standard fungus or mould...
I've still not gotten round to establishing whether there's a horticulture department over at UKZN, but if there was, would they be able to identify that black substance?  Or would I get better results were I to head straight to the Physics laser lab for identification?

I'd been scrolling through the comments on Carte Blanche's FB wall and had come across a link to a site called geoengineering, where a farmer from the North West Province had posted a really interesting report on the apparent deliberate interference and manipulation of the weather up his way... Geoengineering is on FB as well, so you want to go track it down and see for yourselves that HAARP are mentioned more than once in the ensuing comments... They're practising a form of scorched-earth policy out in the remote areas of the country, in the push to bring South Africa to it's knees? Did you know that? The clouds on the horizon behind St. Theresa's are pink already, and I must go and get on...
My Shift Monitor has my cancer shrieking in protest as they peer over my shoulder at my scribbles, and I can only hope it's not setting the tone for the rest of the day.. Ciao..

LATER at 7.30am

It's no wonder I'm not really taken seriously at all.. (Although I've been given to understand that the vodacom Strategist, Jannie van Zyl, visits these pages to amuse himself).  I've been out of my depth since I first created this blog, and little has changed since then... After all, what business has a confirmed Idiot got, bringing up such mysteries as geo-magnetic force fields, quantum lasers, and now, manipulated weather patterns?  I've had to cross my fingers and hope the few readers I have here will have the brains I lack, to follow up my allegations and see for themselves whether they're correct...

LATER at 12.10pm

The Backfire frequency rocketed as my old man pulled the Polo into a slot outside Knowles, five minutes ago, but mercifully it's faded since...
How many student trackers accompanied us on our route down to Toti this morning?  I'd scarcely finished cursing aloud at one assault, before the next one was launched, and I figure at least two or three Recruits were flying along with us... *vomits..
We were just leaving Sherwood around 10am, when he'd kindly pulled into the Hall grounds so I could take a picture of the cloud formations he'd noticed...(A good thing one of us was wide awake).  Have I seen that silver plane the Farmer mentioned, flying way higher than most of the other passing aircraft?  I may have, but I can't remember...
It's great to have my long-held suspicions about HAARP's involvement in the push to wireless the world confirmed, and though as usual you'll have to wait a while, I will get round to posting those pictures I took of the clouds that had drawn the Gamewrecker's interest...

Friday 27th September at 4.15am

So I'd boiled it down to this.. Vincent arrives for work here every three or four weeks, carrying with him a variety of applications and sometimes even seeds, and often specific orders on which area of our yard to concentrate on... The horticulturists working for the Project have managed to modify both the physcia grisea and the bright green moss to a portable form, and along with all the other chemical compounds that attract the lasers, he surreptitously applies them where required..
Very often, within a day or two of his visit, we'll have a drop of rain, or what appears to be some sort of white ground-mist, which appears to somehow accelerate the growth of those applications, and you can bet your bottom dollar the silver plane mentioned in that Farmer's report had been over the Zone at some point, to create this phenomenon...

HAARP use local ELF towers to assist in manipulating specific weather conditions?  WTF is an ELF tower?  Google images put me straight on that one, and I swear and declare we'd passed countless similar-looking structures yesterday, on our drive down to Toti.. One is in fact, plonked down right next to Louis Botha Airport, the home as I understand it, of the Airwing chopper fleet...*winks..
Have the residents south of Durban noticed any out-of-the ordinary aircraft taking off and landing down there?  The Farmer had merely said it was silver, but I've no idea what type of aircraft the Weathermen would use over the cities and suburbs in their stealthy operations...

Are you already snorting with disbelief at my latest hair-brained allegations? You really shouldn't... Is the inclusion of this weather manipulation something that your average Recruit to the Project is aware of, or is this knowledge restricted to a mere handful of the brightest techs on board the scheme?  Warwick?  Have you been made aware of HAARP's inclusion to the ranks, in order to speed things up, literally and figuratively?
Anyone out there beginning to get just a hint of the scale of this world-changing Project, and the ruthless callousness of those behind it?

The Devout Missus Poulter (who is of course hitched to Telkom's Overport Microwave tower creator) insists that I'm no more than a raving conspiracy theorist, and denies that there is any such surveillance technology operating in the area... It's doubtful she's ever attempted to wade through more than just one of my diatribes, and like dear godschild, prefers to hide her head in the sand...
It was a couple of weeks back that she'd mentioned on Facebook that one of her sons has moved up to Cowies Hill, and that in itself raises a whole bunch of questions..
Is he a qualified engineer like his papa?  Did his arrival in that suburb unseat whoever was already in charge of the Students operating the computerised laser program among those densely packed houses?
The Smart City surveillance technology has been running in that area for some time, and as I've told you before, my Uncle J. has the scars to prove it...
Ambleside, was it not?  He and his wife have since relocated to Doone Village in Pinetown,  but not before the damage was done to his immune system on a grand scale..

Would the Head of operations for that section deny that my Uncle's powerlines had been accessed on a regular basis, and way more than his immediate neighbours, simply because he was my family? You might want to check his medical records to verify the damage he took just since the quantum Smart City technology arrived in their neck of the woods, and the fumbling between the powerlines and THIS mast overlooking their home, began in earnest.. Pretty grim, right?  Not to mention those blackouts he began experiencing.. Petite mals not unlike those that continue to hit my little dog when certain of the Shift Monitors on duty are bored... *spews...
So the young Poulter lad is now ensconced in that area, and I've no doubt we're expected to believe he's one of the Good guys?  How many nearby resident's privacy has he violated since his arrival?  How many of those residents in Cowies Hill are reeling under the effects of the inevitable EMR/EMR fluctuations inside their homes, as the Data Collectors leap into their mains and hunt out the jackpoints of their choice?
(My old man says I'm not to use the term jackpoints, and this refers only to phonelines, but I'll continue to refer to any powerpoint throughout the home as a jackpoint, nonetheless).

Never mind the terrifying implications of all this neighbour spying upon neighbour skullduggery, when after nearly nine years I still struggle to accept how so many of the truly Devout have come to justify this inhumane removal of one's right to privacy and good health.. I find it horrific that so many of the otherwise noble and honest members of each community will look you in the eye and deny that this is taking place...
That my honourable Vice Chair's Facebook query on the Smart City Project remains unanswered, weeks after he'd posted it, while dozens and dozens of his Facebook 'Friends' are firmly on board the Project..
Has he received a further response to his similar query made to the City Manager, on the matter of how much this extravagant project is costing the ratepayer?  To-date that would be a no, and nor will he, anytime soon..

Does van Zyl communicate directly with his protege, Agent Balliram, or does my Controller simply take it upon himself to beat me up when he considers I've slated his Mentor once too often?
In truth, the night before last I'd had a most unpleasant time of it as I lay on Cloud 9 only to be systematically assaulted.. Once I'd been reduced to snivelling into the pillows, the goondas had finally left, but you will understand why there's no way I could ever regard my Monitors as part of any Good team, whatsoever..


Friday 27th September 2013 at 10.44am.