Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Vandals...
(begun Saturday 17th August at 7.45am..)

Just minutes before 6am, I'd been sitting out on the verandah in the pre-dawn gloom, when my Controller's remote chirruped ostentatiously, followed by a spotlight that swept over the coral tree to my right.  Whether it was simply headlights from Agent Balliram's driveway, or one of the nearby Hardyboys having some fun, it did make me smile...
At 6.25am the GameWrecker staggered out of bed to go to the loo and the BackFire frequency had rocketed, before all my top fillings nearest their aircon units went ballistic, and alas, that seems to have set the tone for the day, as the ache is doing my head in right now...

Was it an attempt at kindness that had the dreaded BackFire frequency replaced with one of the pleasanter variations of the Abdominal special yesterday morning?  It had certainly distracted me as I'd bumbled about my business, although within a couple of hours, some Wag had increased those levels to the point where I was muttering aloud that my womb was about to fall out onto the floor..
Too much of a good thing, guys...
What passes for logic in my fat head tells me it was simply another experiment to see how I'd react, though both me and my cancer had appreciated the break no end..
Like I said, this morning it's the ache to the fillings nearest those three aircon units, and the BackFire has arrived as Someone zooms in over my shoulder to read my scribbles..

It occurred to me to head up to MWeb's offices next Thursday and enquire how we go about joining the Smart City project.  Though things may have changed since that piece was published, at the time MWeb appeared to be the only reseller of the technology.  (No surprises there!)  Here's another delicious idea..
As you know, my Vice Chair has become interested in the Smart City project and what it's costing the ratepayer..  Were he, at our next CPF Meeting on Monday, to ask the Microwave Boffin straight out whether he is on board this experiment, and whether he could enlighten the forum on it's benefits, what would our Les reply?
Would he lie outright and say he has no knowledge of the project, or would he acknowledge the part that Telkom's fibre network plays in this ginormous surveillance operation, never mind their relationship to MWeb and DStv?  (I'm doing you a favour here Les, as forewarned is forearmed).

The alternative is of course to raise the matter at our next CPF Motherbody Meeting up at Sydenham SAPS.. Were my VC to ask the Communications Officer whether the Station was on board the Smart City Project, and how this benefitted the community, what would our Lazzie's reply be?  Maybe Mr. Prahlad (sp) would be prepared to fill us in on the wonders of this so-smart technology, and how it seriously affects the cost of both electricity and water to the consumer?
I figure it's time to stop sniggering behind your hands at the fact that it's taken this Simpleton nearer nine years to see what's been staring me in the face for at least half that time...   Time to polish up a specific Sales Pitch that you hope will fly in under the Honourable Man's Corruption Detector, and sell him a variation of the single most sophisticated means of removing a nation's right to privacy and good health?
As you're all ten steps ahead of me, I certainly don't feel I'm queering my own pitch by putting these possibilities in writing here.. Au contraire, I'd suggest you'd foreseen these questions would eventually be asked, and that you have something in place as damage control, though whether my VC would accept the dodgy explanations is another matter entirely...

And then we go back to our Shadow Minister of Police, and the comments and articles posted on her Facebook wall regarding the Protection of Information Bill...
I cannot in all faith believe she is unaware of how the Smart City technology operates... She has at least two fine sons AFAIK, of an age where they would be prized as Recruits to the Data Collector's Army (You prefer that title to Yellow Army?) and they must all be aware that the premise involves neighbour spying upon neighbour..

How therefore, does she keep a straight face when expressing outrage at the games being played by the Ruling Party involving the Secrecy Bill?  When her colleagues Martin Meyers and Warwick Chapman are well aware of pretty much every astonishing option available via this quantum laser wireless miracle of surveillance technology..?  Including the wildly fluctuating levels of EMR that are often caused when a home's power supplies are accessed by the Data Collectors/Thieves?  Levels that can disable your immune system and lead to all manner of illnesses, including cancers and pains to the joints?
How can Dianne get up each day and follow her Superior's orders with a cheerful demeanour, knowing that entire communities are reeling under the weight of this devastating technology?   Has she gotten her head around the fact that tis one of her neighbours hanging up by the ceiling in her bedroom, recording her movements, to be stored on satellite?  No, not a qualified RF engineer or EE, who might be somewhat more cautious as they leap from jackpoint to jackpoint following their target about their house... Just some random recruit nearby who took to their initial hacking lessons like a duck to water, and was upgraded eventually to monitor our DA Shadow Minister of Police...

I can feel my tail starting to thrash with anger at the denials that will inevitably ensue... Give it up, you scumbags.. After all these years of abuse, even this Idiot knows how things are run, and that Missus KB's every move when she's in residence IS monitored and recorded for posterity... Her own people will insist she remains silent, and assure her they have the Project in hand FFS, when tis they with their often priviliged backgrounds, who are gleefully working alongside the initial criminals who kicked off the running of this inhumane experiment...
My frustration at your refusal to step back and see the bigger picture, threatens to explode my head... Can't you see how you've been conned?  As we bloody speak, Allen Spence has contractors out all over the show, stealing cables in order to deactivate sections that need alterations made to the surveillance technology, or in order to recoup some of the losses incurred by the lights being left on 24/7 for the project.

Don MacLeod issues orders for certain sections of the water lines to be surged to create major breaks, so the crews can go in and put more fibre cabling in, or carry out a vital pressure-releasing run-off...
As I scribble here, the little blue and white Airwing chopper dances across some skyline in KZN, endlessly updating the data to it's onboard computer, for the Smart City Project, at a huge cost to whom?
Even now, the organised crime teams are planning which suburb to terrorise next, in their efforts to cow the community into chopping down trees that are presenting obstacles to the quantum laser 'lights talking to lights' technology, and to accepting the invasion of their privacy by an army of unqualified local recruits...

Quit shrugging me off as some mental old fart seeking the limelight, FFS... Everything I've said has pretty much come to pass, and yes, while I'm suitably entranced by the mind-boggling magic involved, I'm not that thick that I can't see it for what it really is..
Go read Agent Burger's poem she quoted on the Umbilo Action Group FB page and tell me she's got it wrong.. Bullshit!  She sees what's coming, and so should you...
The evil and corruption in the Ruling Party has been deliberately nurtured and fostered for decades, has it not Herr Doktor Sutcliffe?

Set up so that when the time was ripe, a different set of equally corrupt officials could ride on in, purporting to save the day... A pity that the means these purported White Hats are using to achieve their goal are destined to decimate the population on a scale that neither AIDS nor the rampant murderers and vicious criminals could ever achieve... Blame GM'd foods?  Blame the increasing stress of living in a country over-run by crime and corruption?  Blame everything but the huge unregulated levels of wireless that are being pumped out over every city and suburb in South Africa in order to ultimately control the entire population..
Conspiracy theory, Missus Poulter?  On what planet do you reside?  Wrapped up in your own petty prejudices, and in denial to the last?  Will you ever come to see the tiny role you've played in laying out the red carpet for the Beast, or will you go to your grave believing you were doing the right thing?

LATER at 9.50am

Our Vincent had arrived for work at the same time as No. 10's gardener.. I asked young V whether he knew the chap, and he'd said he'd seen him several times before... I've the strangest idea that these two landscape artists had been tasked to coordinate their efforts at work this morning, for although he'd shouted repeatedly at their top gate to be let in, no-one had answered, and instead of leaving, he was still calling out an hour later, to no avail..
The best-laid plans often go awry do they not? *winks..
He was that keen, that when I'd gone out onto our front lawn to look up and check, he'd been halfway up my Good Neighbour's gate, until he'd spotted me...

Something he'd been told to adjust in their garden, with our Vincent's assistance from this side, perhaps? Some task that his Handlers would reward him for, over and above his regular gardening fee?  I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for the repeated conversations between the two of them, and the fact that the other chap was so loath to accept that his services weren't required after all.. Interesting...
You'd do well to remember that even the most trusted of your helpers is now easily swayed by the promise of a DStv satellite dish affixed to their shack, and a few channels of their choosing, in return for stealthily applying certain laser-friendly chemical compounds and substances to specific areas of your yard, and to quietly killing off any plants that may obstruct the path desired to be cleared by their new Benefactor/Handler...


Saturday 17th August 2013 at 3.29pm.