Sunday, August 04, 2013

Hit & run..
(begun Saturday 3rd August at 11.55pm..)

Someone had waited an hour and a half before the assault began in earnest, just after 10pm... They weren't alone, and had employed the full-on Knives to the Back frequency, combined with a couple of the nastier Abdominal frequency variations, to great effect, and here I am..
Hopefully, Someone will be suitably delighted by their own prowess, and lay off me for a while.. I'd fetched myself a cup of tea before settling down here at the desk, and shortly afterwards a Peeping Tom had arrived to gawp over my outraged shoulder, using the Backfire frequency... Oops, and there goes the Chickencoop house alarm, as cars shuffle in and out of their driveway, and an alibi is quite possibly created...
Woke the Missus, I'd bet.. Just got in, dear?  Ah, then it couldn't have been you that the old bitch was banging on about.. Neato...(Those two unfortunates will lie as glibly to each other, as they do to everyone else..)

I'd been reminding my Vice Chair on the phone of the initiation rite that all recruits to the Smart City project had to undergo... How they would be tutored to hack into their neighbour's systems before they could progress onto monitoring their unsuspecting targets on a regular basis... You'll perhaps recall how the Reservoir Hills CPF member had driven me and M to Parklands, to have M's bullet wound attended to, and how I'd managed while we were waiting, to steer the conversation around to the Project, which had resulted in that forthright young lady telling me that she and her husband had managed to hack into their neighbour's system, despite their qualms and aversion to the entire operation...

My VC had remained adamant, and had said once again that he wanted no part in something that promoted illegal activities, despite that I warned him they'd all be tagged as a result...
The chap sticks to the courage of his convictions no matter what mischief is created to thwart him..
What happened to you?  Seriously, when you were told that hacking lessons were step one to becoming a fully-fledged Soldier of the Yellow Army, what was your immediate reaction? *studies the Observer at No. 16... A devout family, and yet...?  What happened?   How did you allow yourself to be persuaded that such behaviour was permissable, let alone that you were aware of the violation of privacy taking place daily at No's. 4,5, 17, and 8, as your own children were ushered in covertly, to learn their skills using Sentech/Petruccione's computerised laser program?

How many years of eye-watering pain did we Hacker's Hub occupants endure, while you remained a silent onlooker?  Did Prameet insist that my ongoing shrieks of pain and outrage were nothing more than extreme exaggeration, and that all the doctors visits and medications were just coincidence?  Were you not aware of the suffering that the two diabetics endured at No. 4, day and night, as these 'students' were granted access to their most private moments?  Did your charming children omit the gory details, and play down the very obvious results of their endeavours?
How many times did you call me personally to ask that I contacted SAPS Sydenham on your behalf, when your relationship with the Station, due to their involvement with the Project, was obviously very different to ours?  What do I think of you after all these years, knowing now how deeply you're involved in the Experiment?
Just that it's a shame that two such good people have forfeited at least one of their children to the criminal fraternity, if not more... That these cunning crooks somehow persuaded two ordinary, upright and honest citizens, that blatant criminal activities were the order of the day... Why single you out for recriminations when you're in such fine and prolific company?  Possibly it's the lateness of the hour and the extreme and unnecessary levels of the Backfire frequency flooding this little backroom, that have me yapping on pointlessly.. I don't know...

Why were we chosen to be the recipients of quite so much cruelty, and mischief?  After all these years, it only occurred to me a couple of weeks ago to note that three of the four homes opened up for the hackers are occupied by the pale-skinned variety, and the fourth was roped in only because of their kindness and friendship towards us... I'd be really relieved to find that the colour of our skin had little or nothing to do with the choice of who was to be on the receiving end of all this wireless weaponry, and who was to be invited on board the Smart City Experiment... Alas, with a known Druglord heading the Marketing and Promotion of this eye-popping surveillance technology, we were doomed from the outset...

Over the years I'd had a couple of run-ins with Barnabas' protege, young Baron Frankson, had I not?  How I would watch him plying his warez to eager schoolchildren down by the stormwater drains, and I was clearly no friend of Barnabas and his banned substance empire... The callous Emperor of the Zone had gone so far as to install his then girlfriend, the exotic Carol, and her kids, in a house not far from ours.. A house that stands on Black Hill, in direct line of site to the Barnard Road Mast in Mayville... What was he thinking? Where is she now?  Is it true that she acquired cancer, and that was the reason she'd relocated?  If so, I'm betting that she's long forgiven our Earl for being the direct cause of her illness, as she was a nice girl, fallen among thieves...   Did she succumb to Roux and Petruccione's 'perfectly safe' technology before or after Mr. Essay up at No. 20 passed from lung cancer?  And what about poor Missus Haffejee a few doors up?  Is that cancer she's battling as well?

How many more will hang about until it's too late, before they finally wake up to the fact that their exposure is disabling their immune systems to the point where they're fair game for all manner of debilitating diseases? Hip replacements, knee replacements, diabetes, early-onset arthritis, and of course the killer, cancer?  How easily do you allow yourselves to be misled by the excuses that it's the GM'd food you eat, or the daily stress you endure, or even just that it's godswill you should be ill?
Indoctrinated and desensitised to the point where you actually believe you have no choice but to go with the flow and allow your children to be enlisted to this growing army of hit and run specialists...
What you don't know, won't kill you? Boy, have you got that backwards!

The water continues to cascade freely into the bottom of my Excellent Neighbour's yard, and sometimes there's a whiff of something unpleasant, and sometimes not...  You know they are forced to vandalise their own property to accommodate the fibre stuffed through their waterlines, and that's a crying shame to put it mildly.. Easily the best and most conscientious of the Recruits who've graduated on this stretch, it's truly shameful that they've been conned on such a grand scale...
You can guarantee that her best friend Agent Balliram keeps a close eye on that family, and sees to it they're 'rewarded' for their efforts, be it an upgrade to her status, or having a car nicked off their verge... It all depends on what remarks our BigEars hears them make, and how he reacts, does it not Balliram dear?
Right - It's now 1.25am, and I'm going to take this wall of Backfire frequency with me to my bedroom, and see whether the Molestor will allow me to catch a kip.. Cheers...

Sunday 4th August at 6.35am

And *pow!*, as I put pen to paper, Someone delivers a nasty pinch to my lower back, and I have their focus once again... Had I been allowed to sleep peacefully once I'd gone back to bed around 1.30am?  It turned out Someone nearby was in a right mood after all the noise they'd made with their house alarm earlier..
Ever fantasized what it would be like to be dominated?  Have a bit of rough?  At nudging 68, I've discovered that it's not all it's cracked up to be, and then some... Especially if the Administrator of those dodgy delights favours pain above pleasure... It's not as if I could escape, and of course there's this grubby side of me that says go for it, more often than not...  You have to remember that we're merely Labrats, to be used and abused at our Controller's whim, and once again, I kid you not..

The levels of the Backfire frequency and Knives to the Back that were employed during that lengthy early-hour beating that I took, suggest that Someone had company, and that there may even have been ganja involved as well... So what?  This is the New Age Army, and it's ranking Officers are unfettered by rules and regulations, as I've come to learn the hard way..
One of my biggest problems with your collective denial is the fact that you seem to think that the occupants of No's. 5, 17, and 8 Harris Crescent are the only guinea pigs being abused in this fashion, and that we somehow deserve our fate...
I know I can count on at least Ltn. BeVonk to see that this is rubbish...
That he will know straight off the numbers of Controllers and Monitors across the country who are emulating Balliram's unbridled cruelty.  Has he still the ability to step back and avoid the addiction that comes with the power of controlling people's everyday lives, or has he himself succumbed, since last he spoke out on mybroadband?  I used to call it the Omnipotence Disease, and it's near enough to the truth... How those excluded from actual recruitment to this highly-advanced Experiment will come to be regarded as lower-life forms, and treated accordingly, and I do believe BeVonk had actually used the term slaves in this context...

How long has it been since I actually asked for help here on blogger?  I think Jannie van Zyl and his cronies would concede that I've got the message at last, and that when even the top policing authorities are up to their eyeballs in this countrywide violation of the right to privacy and good health, you can kiss your freedom goodbye...  It's fortunate for the PuppetMasters that despite your intellect, very few of you appear to have the imagination to see where this is going, despite my incoherent attempts to warn you.. All it takes is for one vociferous damage controller to feed you a few more lies, and you're content to shelve your anxiety... *waves to Eleanor for a job well done..
The mere fact that you condone this invasive and killing technology tells me you don't really have a clue what's going on, and you're simply trotting out Telkom's party line on behalf of your old man..
Your hubby appears to have built up an immunity to the EMR he's worked with over the years, though it's doubtful he's ever been exposed to quite so much unregulated crud until now.. Fingers crossed your family will continue to survive the coming years unscathed... Peace..


Sunday 4th August 2013 at 9.21am.