Sunday, July 07, 2013


(begun Saturday 6th July at 7.45am..)

Did you find my most recent Facebook cover picture to be tasteless in the extreme?  Telkom's finger-pointing Missus had reminded me that you don't have to be my Facebook 'Friend' to see my Timeline, or my cover photo, and therefore I'm forced to use that means to reach the more cautious among you..
The picture of dear Nobby's final agonised grimace may just get to you, where my incoherent babblings have failed... What would make a dog-owner treat his animal like that?
I'll claim that my Area Controller Balliram, lasered that loyal dog to death, just the night before I was due to take him to the vet.
Many of you will no doubt know this to be the truth, especially those of you who've joined my Controller on his nocturnal forays across the Zone, where so many vulnerable animals present easy and irresistible targets, shut outdoors as they are..*nods to Gervaise...

Repeated use of certain of Sentech's astonishing bouquet of frequencies to nuke an animal, can cause it to change from docile to unpredictably vicious, not so?  Overdo it, and the owner will find the animal's corpse the following day, without so much as a mark on it...
Shall we go back to the pack of dogs that were to be seen up at No. 16 several years ago?
At full-strength I'd estimate there were about 6 or 7 dogs up there, and I remember the puppies causing great consternation as they'd gambolled out on our busy little street often enough, no doubt to the amusement of Balliram and his student Narcissus...

Apart from the Observers personal favourite, none of those animals were old enough to have succumbed to old age, so what happened to them?   One of the puppies was given to No. 14, IIRC, and hopefully a couple of the others also found kind homes... The rest?  Have you forgotten how I'd tried repeatedly to help the Observer at No. 16, when he'd said the dogs had turned feral and he wanted to be rid of them?  How the SPCA Inspectors had gone out several times and hadn't even been able to see the terrified animals, as they'd hidden amongst all that building rubble at the back of the property?
One of them as I recall, had 'fallen' down a manhole just behind their property in the valley, and in that instance thankfully, it was rescued and taken to the SPCA where it would've been destroyed.  One of the lucky ones hey, Narcissus?

When I'd gone up to see if I could lure them out, there'd been bright blue Rattex granules everywhere, and the only animal I'd managed to glimpse had severe mange and sores all over it's body... What was it that could have turned those happy-enough dogs into terrified wild animals?  Any ideas there, Agent Balliram?
Do I expect you to admit openly to hunting them in a dedicated manner night after night, with your laser wireless weaponry, and causing them enough pain and terror to turn them feral?
As much as you will insist that Nobby's demise was due to old age, and not the deliberate neglect and pain you unleashed on him, will I continue to call you a Liar.
This folks, is the calibre of Tutor who spent so many hours teaching you or your offspring to hack into their neighbour's homes to form a chain for the blessed signal required to promote Sutcliffe's quantum laser system...
This is the fellow who has spent so much time chipping away at the moral integrity you'd instilled in your kids, until right now they may as well be strangers to you...

Sunday 7th July at 4.05am

It got really busy around midnight last night, when the NIA's finest saw fit to throw a party in ours and invite his Landy chommie back for the ride.. Rough?  You have no idea, and you can bet the sadistic Pig was gratified to have me snivelling into my pillows... It was his pathetic inclusion of the knife driven repeatedly into the cancer on my back that had finally done the trick, and had turned my disgusting submissiveness to anger, and has me now back here at the desk scribbling...
I figure the time has come for you to stop kidding yourselves that Balliram is incapable of such reprehensible behaviour.. You only need check out Nobby's face on my Facebook page to know there's a seriously dysfunctional individual at No. 6 Harris Crescent, Sherwood.
An individual whose name would've been put forward to Jannie van Zyl's lot by our local Druglord, as ideal for the part of Area Controller... Quite a pedigree, don't you think?  A personal endorsement from one who already owned much of Sydenham by way of his drug empire?

It turns out my biggest oversight all along has been the the lack of the inclusion of the USA's role in this ongoing attempt to gain control of South Africa. Ooops!
It turns out that Obama was elected President solely to reassure the world-wide Muslim community that they had friends in America after all... Sure, you intellectual armchair analysts will have known this from the getgo, but as usual this dumbass didn't see it coming..
I'd checked out my blogger stats yesterday, for the first time in months, and when I'd seen that the graphic for North America was now almost a solid green, I'd shrugged it off as more corruption created by my Network Admin.

What was it that finally clicked in what passes for my brain, that has me now considering that the green was the truth?  That it portrays the hundreds of Area Controllers like the pig Balliram, who are already dotted in place about the United States...
Turns out that skinny fellow has sold out his entire country downriver, including every Muslim that ever lived, in his haste to accept the telecom's giants offer...
Just as the Shaikboys out here have deliberately tossed their own community to the wolves, and for every death that occurs directly due to the Experiment technology, they will dutifully murmer that it's Allah's will, and go on with their lives. Religion, used to stunning effect in a drive to ultimately harness the world's population...
I can hear my kid as she said on the phone to me last night, 'Ma, you sound just like a conspiracy theorist', and of course I do...
The only difference being that it's no longer a theory, but a done deal..
Were Obama and his entourage delighted by the Experiment Authors progress out here? Were they tickled pink by the continued and carefully engineered crime wave, so necessary to cow our citizens into submissiveness?  Were the American visitors thrilled that the years of encouragement given to our Government officials to help themselves, has paid off so handsomely, and that political chaos is now the order of the day, rendering the country even more vulnerable?

Does my Excellent Neighhbour ever lie awake and question her own enrolment, or has she learned the hard way to just follow orders and don't think too much?
Does she ever feel trapped?  Knowing that Balliram can and does access their own home to gauge their obedience from their private conversations, is she relieved that godschild is so often sent out of town on business, and there's little opportunity for any deep discussions, or soul-searching between them?
For some reason I continue to smell the Druglord's personal touch in her enrolment, and I would ask her this..
Does she truly believe that a chap who made his initial fortune destroying the lives of his fellow-man, could have had the Damascus Road epiphany he doubtless claims, and do such an astonishing about-face?  Can she not see that it was his utter callous disregard for humanity that got him the job of Marketing and Promoting the PRISM technology here in the Zone?   Have I been wrong on that score as well?
To think that the female recruits were more likely to smell a rat than their male counterparts?  That those like Vanessa Burger and Renette Newman would see the pitfalls and lies, and avoid the power addiction that comes with freedom of access to so many of their unwitting neighbour's homes?

Has the recently arrived Rotavirus got absolutely nothing to do with the Abdominal frequency that our Expert in the Field began 'testing' on us three or four months back?  Could that dispenser of misery, Professor Francesco Petruccione, supply the truth of the matter in that regard?  A week after first going down with the foul tummy bug, my husband continues to beat a hasty path to the loo, despite the Lomotil, and I'd lay odds that the occupants of No. 17 are suffering a similar fate, if not No. 5 as well...
As has always been the case, there are days when I step outside only to be hit by the stomach-clenching Abdominal frequency running at higher levels outdoors than in...
Does that mean that even the Recruits to this Experiment are going down with this 'virus', or are their symptoms nowhere near as bad as those of non-recruits like us?

Did our Shadow Minister of Police get given a puff of that frequency in her home, a few weeks back, when she'd said she was experiencing flu-like symptoms?  Any nausea, or stomach cramps involved, Missus KB?   Forget the predictable damage controller's cries of 'crazy, conspiracy theorist' and listen up, FFS...
For if you start taking strain to your own personal health, may I suggest you go straight over to the Physics Department at UKZN, and beard that cowardly lion in his den...
Does Councillor Martin Meyers hop into the Sydenham Community FB page often?  It's a Closed Group for starters, although for all I know he may actually live somewhere here in the Zone...
On first-name terms with Schabir, Martin?  You have to be heavily invested in the Experiment technology to have been given the juicy Ward you cover... Have you filled Missus Kohler Barnard in on the finer details of how it operates, or do you merely tell her that the less she knows the better?

No, seriously?  Have you explained to her that were she to take random shots inside her home with a simple point and shoot digital camera, with the flash enabled, there's the likelihood some of those photos would reveal a sphere or two hanging about on her ceiling or walls?  Spheres that are not visible to the naked eye, but as it turns out, can be captured by an ordinary digital camera? (not a phone camera).  Would she be thrilled to discover that she has Watchers inside the privacy of her home, and would you even attempt to deny this?
What's happening here in Sydenham is of great interest to you and your Masters, is it not, and your Opposition status is merely a cover for your real agenda..*winks..

Do you support young Snowden's courage in his vain attempts to warn us of the truth, or do you regard him as a fool fighting a war he can't possibly win?  Peace..


Sunday 7th July 2013 at 9.35am.