Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dishes to the left of us, dishes to the right...
(begun Tuesday 23rd July at 4am)

*I received a scrambled sms notification earlier, from my VC.  The only other such notification I've ever had come through to my basic entry-level cellphone was from SA CAN, when I sent them a query on their Facebook site yesterday or the day before. Is there a connection between those two notifications in any way?  Logging on this morning I discovered that the mouse had suddenly decided to behave badly, and in fact, by the time I'd managed to log into Facebook it had crashed on my VC's page.  Things hotting up out there perchance? I managed to reboot back to the wall jack, and the curser has settled down for the moment.  All about control ne, Mr. van Zyl?*

I can hear it as I sit here at the desk.  That background hum that often varies in strength and sometimes pitch, and that appears to come from at least one of THESE three aircon units, a few yards from my open window... Of course it's neither hot enough to warrant running a cooling appliance, nor cold enough to have it pumping warm air, but you'd figured that out a long time ago, had you not? *winks..
Someone had hit me in the night.  Without a doubt it was my sadistic Area Controller himself, but to please you, I'll refer to him as Someone..
Whether it had been just the once, I can't remember, but it had been a step up even for him, and had involved not just the hateful and savage knives to my cancer, but had included an almighty band of pain around my head that had me scrambling into a foetal position, hoping he'd move on to his next target..
If you think I'm kidding, ask to see the footage, unless he has special dispensation to forgo recording the worst of his assaults?  Then again, don't you bother yourselves about the way he treats his Labrats.. You never did, and frankly it would be weird if you suddenly showed concern after all these years...

What's a covert Section 36?  I'd read that comment and turned round to ask my old man, who'd said it involved tender corruption as far as he knew...
Has the Poisonous Rabbit made application to view the Manase Report, or is he already aware of the reasons behind withholding that full report from Joe Public, and he's therefore not interested in it, one way or the other?  Didn't you love the way Sutcliffe had added his voice to the calls for it's release, in order to have you think his own hands are squeaky clean?  Bah, humbug!
IIRC, I'd simply googled Sutcliffe's quantum laser comms. project and had come up with a whole page of results on Durban being the first Smart City in the world, and I'd sent one of the links on to my VC and forgotten about it.
You can imagine my surprise when that good man had copied me a letter he'd subsequently sent to the current City Manager on that very subject, yesterday...

After I'd gotten home from last night's Sector Policing Forum I'd gone online to check out my VC's Facebook page, and sure enough, he'd posted a comment on the Smart City Project, asking if anyone knew of the costs involved, and whether any of his FB 'Friends' had FTTH themselves...
Will his thread have gained a life of it's own when I log on later this morning?  Did Damage Control go into a hasty huddle shortly after he'd posted that query, and will they have come up with a means of diffusing the situation?  The usual ignore, ignore, ignore, and it will simply go away?
*A fairly bright star has just winked out and vanished in the sky to my left*
On this occasion there can be no squawks of conspiracy theory hurled in my VC's direction by Telkom's finest supporter, as he's simply not that kind of a man...

At this point all he's interested in, is what this gigantic Project is costing the ratepayer, and apparently one of the statements he'd read on those Smart City googled results had had good old Jacqui Subban saying they had no idea how long it would take for the installation of this quantum laser technology to be completed...
I'll ask again... Any of you put in an application to see the Manase Report, and did you subsequently get to discover that it's not available in it's entirety after all?
Is the Manase Report soon to go up in flames due to a carefully engineered electrical fire at the offices where it's supposedly stored, just as happened with the equally incriminating Ngubane Report?
While it will certainly contain further evidence of the Muni Fat Cat's ongoing trough-feeding frenzy, I suspect there's a great deal more to it than that...

C'mon Mikey, spit it out... It's the section on your Smart City Project and the costs so far involved in laying the fibre network you're so proud of, that I'm really curious about... Who exactly was given fibre to the home to 'trial', and did it entail shovelling cable from the kerb through those fortunate triallists water or sewer lines? Are our water supplies here in Harris Crescent now on a computerised system?  Just a simple yes or no will do...
Are the actual Area Controllers like Balliram re-imbursed for their work?  No, not the dozens upon dozens of hapless Recruits drawn from each suburb to assist in monitoring their neighbours, just the Area Controllers?  How are they paid, and who ultimately foots the bill for their services?  State Intelligence, or the eThekwini ratepayers themselves?
It would appear, Mistuh van Zyl, that astonishingly, this retard had it right from the getgo, and that although I've no way of knowing the truth, it's hoped that several times along the way you've had to backpedal hastily, as my speculations have been proven to be true...

The Microwave Boffin / Telkom Observer was back to his normal cheerful chatty self at last night's CPF Meeting, no doubt comfortable in the knowledge that I no longer have contact with Missus Abrahams down at Knight Road... Her green light in FB chat had been active while I was online last night, and I'd greeted her, but had gotten no response...  Like I said, it's no trainsmash, and whether she's been persuaded to ignore me, or whether my comments to her are somehow being blocked (a simple matter for the Cracker Balliram to achieve), it's neither here nor there...
I've planted the seed, and if she's as sharp as I think she is, she'll be on the lookout for mischief in her home... Mischief occurring to her electrical appliances and geyser for starters, and after that it'll be her cellphone, and then her health, and that of her animal's health, that may yet come to provide proof of my allegations...Hopefully, as long as you keep a close eye on that good woman, the mischief-makers will be forced to tread softly or risk exposing themselves...

Did you see that one of the posters on my VC's Smart City thread had said he was aware of Francesco Petruccione's involvement in the project, but that he had an idea it involved a cctv type technology? Close, but alas, no cigar there... That'll be the hidden monitoring devices in the streetlight cowlings, will it not?  Devices that are either denied outright, or are said to be dormant due to a lack of monitors?  More bullshit... They are accessible at the tap of a key, and on more than one occasion on our Thursday outings in the Polo, I've been treated to the sight of a tiny active light inside a nearby streetlight cowling..
Why would the authorities withhold knowledge of these devices from the their suburban recruits to the Yellow Army?

Surely our Shadow Minister of Police is aware that she's followed from streetlight to streetlight on her early morning runs?  Maybe it's time she paid attention to those poles, as she canters by on a dark morning?  Our Superintendent of Electricity for Durban will no doubt have a logical explanation for those pinpoints of light that can be seen on some of the streetlights.. Lights that can sometimes remain active even during a blackout?
No Monitors?  Why Allen, you know that's a blatant lie...
After eight years spent handing out Petruccione's laser-based computer program to suburbs across eThekwini, you're spoiled for choice when it comes to available monitors, so don't give me that crap...

Although many of the mind-boggling technical options will be withheld deliberately from the older generation, who continue to cling in vain to the outdated concepts of honesty and integrity, it'll be the younger cadets who are being coached in the use of this miracle of citizen-controlling technology... Sworn to silence for fear their tunnel-visioned parents may not approve of the blatant illegalities involved, the entire foundation of this so-called Smart City Experiment is based on secrecy and lies...
It was Allen Spence's contention that Sherwood and Cato Crest were the only two areas set up to run trials for what he'd slyly referred to as highly sophisticated anti-cable theft devices... While that blatant untruth has come back to bite him, am I to believe that you were running fibre to the Cato Crest squatter shacks? No?
Then it was simply a means of monitoring the masses down there?

How many of those squalid shelters now sport the give-away DStv satellite dishes?  How many of those informal settlement dwellers appear to be blessed with a stable but illegal electricity connection, that has somehow escaped the authorities attention for several years?  How many of the otherwise jobless youth down there have been supplied with laptops, and taught to employ Petruccione's laser-based program to spy on their neighbours?
Mweb and Naspers have been supplying either free or heavily subsidised DStv services to shackdwellers across the country for years, purely due to the necessity for those satellite dishes to be installed to aid the surveillance technology...

My Vice Chair reported last night that on average fifteen shacks are being broken into on any given week, and the owner's paltry possessions stolen... And you think we've got it bad?
What are the stats on illness and deaths down at Cato Crest since Mr. Spence and his crews installed the 'perfectly safe' 'anti-cable theft' technology along the Bellair /Cato Manor Road eight years ago?
A technology that requires unregulated amounts of EMF to blanket the area, thereby disabling many of the resident's immune systems, and leaving them exposed to all manner of health problems?
Care to tellus Al, or is that not your area of interest?

Back to business... You could do worse than go check out my VC's Facebook page later today, and if you've not done so already, watch and see for yourselves what transpires in response to his legitimate questions... Watch and see for yourselves just how many of his usually chatty 'Friends' fall abruptly silent on the matter of the Smart City Project, and draw your own conclusions...


Tuesday 23rd July 2013 at 9.19am.