Saturday, May 18, 2013

More Spooks...

Wednesday 15th May 2013 at 10.05am.

This morning's Times Page 4, Spooks to Target Varsities for Recruits refers. The State Security Minister (who incidentally denied all knowledge of the fact that his estranged wife was involved in drug running) states that they are looking to recruit quality Intelligence Operatives. Does this mean that the drive to saturate each and every neighbourhood across the country with civilian Crime Intelligence gatherers is at an end? Not bloody likely. 

 Is Mister Cwele implying that if you have the means to attend a University, and the brains to acquire a degree, your character is incorruptible, and you won't be affiliated to any criminal elements? What exactly does he mean by 'quality'? I've no doubt our Rezah Isaacs has a bone fide degree in RF Engineering.. Has this made him less likely to nuke his fellow-man using Petruccione's wireless weaponry? I would suggest that Rezah is just the sort of 'quality' that Cwele is seeking, and that in itself is a terrifying thought. More qualified engineers to be trained at Sentech in the art of employing the deadly wireless frequencies hidden from the man in the street? 

 No doubt it's become costly to fly the one or two graduates that are capable of sharing their expertise in this field, to all the towns and cities that are being wired with Petruccione's surveillance technology, hence the drive to find suitable candidates at the unis... *gags.....