Thursday, November 08, 2012

Walls have ears..
(begun Wednesday 7th November at 8.30am..)

Doesn't say much for me that it's no struggle to get how his cooked head works... When that pleasant out-of-the-blue text came in on Tuesday morning, you want to know the very first thing that I thought?  Oh shit! Now they'll have their car stolen.   Fact.
Turns out this is one time I misjudged Balliram, but only on the means of payback used and little else.. Someone was going to pay for that text, and it turned out to be me..
Like I said, by this morning he'd arranged to have that white enhancing material put where I couldn't miss it, at No. 10, and then he'd waited until I was lined up to the microwave before hitting me in my lower back. Blam! The same crud was pouring out when I stood next to the kitchen sink as well, and it was really quite odd to walk into just those two areas and suddenly be pinched in my back like that.

By early afternoon he'd been back as I sat in my lounge chair, only this time he went after a slightly different area, sort of where the side of my waist used to be, and I do declare he threw in a twinge below my knee as well..*eyeroll... Bear in mind that all of this discomfort is being achieved on my right side nearest the latest ostentatiously placed enhancer, and maybe you'll start to figure out what the Saddo is up to.. At 8pm (just in case I'd missed the point he was trying to make), I took several nasty jabs to the right ear, and not long after that my right knee buckled as I was crossing the kitchen, and I stumbled before recovering...
Even the hardened sceptics among you should have figured out by now that I'm talking about unpleasant, though fairly unremarkable attacks, easily achieved by the new and invasive wireless weaponry..

In this instance, clearly designed to have me look sideways at my Excellent Neighbours and the assistance they're giving this Criminal to upgrade his assaults.. Just one word for you, Knobface... FAIL..
They're committed to the Cause and must therefore follow orders.  However, I refuse to believe those good people are hurting me deliberately, and even with their lights switched off you're able to send enough crud over that short distance to ours to achieve your aims, or to get the unfortunate Fred to do your dirty work for you, in true Cowardly fashion...
By bedtime the pinch had settled somewhere in my right side, and I was limping, and I suspect he'll be back while I snore, to achieve even more damage...
Stones and glass houses spring to mind, but nonetheless, I'll say it anyway... The low-life is an embarrassment to every genuine Convert suckered into joining the Experiment.. No class whatsoever.. *snorts...

LATER at 9.10pm

The unpleasant ache had moved over nearer to my navel, and the sound of the rain falling steadily had me heaving myself back off Cloud 9 to go shoot a few pics out of the kitchen door...  You like? HERE?  That ghostly grapefruit-sized ball hanging over the unused birdbath on our first terrace?  Or the perfect circle of pale grey hanging against the concrete floor of the courtyard?  Both Keepers for sure...
That white-painted birdbath BTW, is getting a bigger puddle of black gunk in it's centre as each wet day passes..*blinks..
The two large rocks that I've put into the silver metal hadeda pool to hold it down, are also being increasingly covered by a black substance, as are many of the stones on the first terrace walls..
I'd though at first it was an application, and I continue to think that some of the paving stones have been decorated manually with that ugly black stuff, but the rest?  Is it something in the rain and air that's turning those areas pitch black, and if so, what is it?  Actual visible fall-out?  From what, FFS?  Surely not Stefanus Roux's 100% perfectly safe quantum laser surveillance technology? *gasps...

Thursday 8th November at 4.30am

Cola had woken me at 2.20am and I'd resettled him in the lounge or who knows, I might have slept through my Klingon hand sign of two fingers and a thumb on fire... Compared to many of Balliram's seemingly endless selection of wake-up methods, this one is mild, but interesting, and I'm betting it's been recorded in scientific archives as a symptom of over-exposure to EMR.
The next thing I knew it was after 4am and growing light.. Hooray...
Almost the minute I'd stirred, His Yellowness had his Enhancer bird call out far in the distance, and I'd snorted aloud...As I lay there, that Klingon hand sign returned, and it's pretty darned strange to hold your hand up in front of you as it gradually begins to burn and then go numb... *eyeroll...

Off to the lounge to pick up the dog's newspapers.. No BackFire and not so much as a twinge of his latest tweak to the lower spine or to my side..*blinks.. Kettle on, make a coffee and wham! there is is.. I was just fetching the milk out of the fridge when he hit me under the knee... You can quit yawning and muttering over in the corner.. I'm doing you a favour even if you don't recognise it as such...
You're going to have to learn to tell the difference between a genuine ailment and a vindictive overdose of EMF administered by a nearby Controller, otherwise you're going to end up beating a worn and futile path to your GP's.. *shrugs..
It's now 4.45am, and he just did me with the old Ear Crusher and changed the frequency audibly at the same time.. He's managed to wake Millie at last, and she's grumbling away in the background..

Miss R had called me yesterday evening and I'd pretty much said 'sorry I have to hang up', as soon as I heard her voice.. Why do I behave so badly, FFS? I'd been busy building an advance supply of dressings for the Abomination, but the least I could've done was to say I'd call her back when I could..
Is it her insistence that Balliram is exerting Mind Control techniques over me, that has me shutting down the minute I hear her voice?  How the heck would I know if this were true or not?  I'd tried calling her later but their landline just rings unanswered, so I'd left an incoherent message with her auntie instead... *sighs...
Alas, she's going to have to look elswehere if she's seeking a champion to help her fight the engineered mischief over on Crouch, for I ain't it, and no amount of mantras chanted are going to save me...

The guys have had ample time to acknowledge the second mail I sent them, and yet they've not bothered... Does that not intimate to you that far from being against Secrecy in the Community, they are in fact promoting it, by way of backing the quantum laser surveillance technology and the removal of your right to privacy?  That they're merely a front put there to distract you with more tales of the Ruling Party's corruption, in case you'd somehow missed that fact already?

Magistrate Anita Govender finally had the murderous Naicker locked away yesterday, and the case is to be resumed next April... His unusually calm demeanour has me wondering if he thinks he can wangle a get-out-of-jail-free card after serving less than five months for three murders... While yesterday's decision was a step in the right direction, I fear the damage to the Magistrate's reputation will linger, and that nudges and winks will be the order of the day until the Bastard is incarcerated for life, as he so richly deserves...  I must go..

LATER at 5.50am

It was about 5.15am when I'd gone to open the Security gate and let Sophie onto the verandah.. Out of nowhere the pinch in my lower right back kicked in, and as I'd stepped outside, my right leg had buckled.. Fun, fun, fun, hey Chop? *snarls...  Your main goal behind these latest assaults remains a FAIL.. Get over yourself and move on..(Lordy, Lordy, Lordy - as if that were possible..*sotto-voice)

LATER at 2.30pm

I'd gone up just after 6am to find water fountaining up into the sky below No. 5 on the verge.. A quick call to a Project droog down in Cato Crest to sprint up our way and rip off a few of those exposed pipes in order to achieve a long over-due runoff?  Heaven knows how long it had been gushing out already, but I'd called Faults at 6.15am and put in a report.. I got back from the shops at 9.25am and the fountain had stopped, but by the time the GW fetched me at 10am, the pressure had already had the water fuzzing back out in a cloud of spray...
Our water resources are dwindling rapidly Mr. McLeod?  We're to be exposed to grey water as a result?  May I venture to guess that we here in Harris Cescent have been testing your so-called grey water for a few years already, just as we've been used to test your crooked buddy Stucliffe's version of a surveillance system, and the wireless frequency weapons that go with it?  *snarls.

My little car never faltered, nor did she overheat or leak water on my trip out, which leads one to wonder about the reason for the many spheres clustered on my garage wall HERE..  That white-painted wall surrounding the store room windows is scarred with black splodges, and the curtains on the left are full of holes.. Almost as if those windows are used for a great deal of laser target practise.. My photos show that above those windows, the walls are barely marked, though judging by the amount of orbs in my recent photos, that situation may soon change as the black splodges may well begin to appear on the upper walls  as well.. Will holes also start to appear in the thick black fabric I've put over those windows?
We'll have to wait and see just how destructive Mr. Roux's perfectly safe quantum laser system is, after all..


Thursday 8th November 2012 at 3.58pm.