Friday, March 09, 2012

(begun Saturday 10th March at 4.10am)

*Whoa!  He's had the BackFire running at the top end of the scale since early this morning, and I made the mistake of walking too close to the bird tray earlier.  Ouch!*

Am I turning into a raving hypochondriac?  Heaven forfend!  It's always been about repetition and the lame hope that by the 122nd time I say it, you might just remember it..
My word, but the Creature is overly-enthusiastic today. My face has just caught on fire, and I've burst out in a muck sweat sitting here at the desk... *waits it out...

Do you think the Soviet Government sent out circulars in the 70's and 80's, asking for volunteers who were prepared to be microwaved for scientific purposes? Not bloody likely! *snorts... I'm betting they used prisoners as their labrats, and you'd probably find that the dreaded Lubjanka (sp) had a special wing sealed off and devoted just to those cookery classes...*gags...
Decades later, and we're a much more civilised lot, hey Al?  Pfft....
Nos. 18 and 29 Harris Crescent were probably the very first to be approached to be a part of the Wireless Project, and they would have fallen on it with enthusiasm..

It's highly unlikely that back in 2004 anyone mentioned the possible health risks involved, or so much as pointed those obliging house-holders to the archived studies of humans being subjected to excessive radio waves...
Once the Network was up and running, other recruits were enlisted for various reasons, though some, like Kasim and Khaled down at No. 2 needed a fair amount of persuading... A task that was taken care of by Glen Nayager and his Crackerboy, Balliram...
For some reason they'd dragged their heels, and they paid for it dearly...  I've told you often enough how many gate motors they lost, and how many breakins they endured.. Nayager even went so far as to have them hijacked at their own front gates, before they were deemed ripe to be approached and signed up...

Sound familiar to you?  Were you subjected to a spate of terrifying crimes, when out of the blue someone whispered to you of the wondrous Wireless Project that was set to stop these criminals in their tracks?  Were you gatvol of looking over your shoulder fearfully, and thus you leaped at the chance to sign up?  You can tell yourselves I'm talking rubbish as much as you like, but the fact remains that right across the country there are Rotten Apples at many Stations, who've been enlisted to engineer crime in suburbs whose residents need softening into accepting the surveillance technology...

It's interesting to speculate whether Jannie van Zyl has finally conceded openly that the birth of the Project here, involved the enrolment of a known Druglord, the Curry Mob, and the Rotten Apples under Nayager's command here at Sydenham Station... *at that point in typing, the words went mad as my Controller made his feelings known... You SURE you're now on the Good Team, Balliram?*
A pattern that was to be emulated countrywide... Quite something to find out that your neighbour's death during a burglary may well have been as a result of a deliberate terrorising tactic engineered by your local Crime Boss, working with several corrupt SAPS officers?  Get over it... *shrugs..
That's the way it works down here, and there's no reason to believe it'll be any different in your area... *yawns...  If you've not already been invited to join your local Wireless Network, my advice would be to rectify that lapse asap, or quite possibly find yourself the victim of neighbourhood crime...

How can you tell if the Project has reach your suburb?  If you've had your verge dug up at any point since 2004, and your shabby streetlight cowlings replaced by the shiny silver jobs with the mostly lemon-coloured light sensors on top, odds are you're wired to the grid...
Try putting a note in your neighbour's box and ask Mr. Mohamed whether he's aware of a wireless group in the area, and tell him how keen you are to join... *winks..   If, like so many of us here in the Crescent, you've already been deemed expendible, and are merely considered useful as guinea-pigs for your local Area Controller to employ to train up his nearby recruits, I wish you the best of luck...You're going to need it.. You're in for a rough ride, as chances are your walls will be accessed by hirelings ordered to place miniscule means of enhancing the wireless signal about your property.. Your geyser may well begin acting up as it groans under the additional power required to violate the privacy of your home, and several of your appliances may simply give up the ghost...

Should you be unfortunate enough to have several trees in your yard that block the revered Line of Sight, odds are they will surreptitiously be attended to, and will soon begin showing signs of a strange disease or a white-ant infestation.. And if they don't fall down on their own, you'll be forced to have them removed... I'm inclined to think that your nondescript termite has proven more than useful in the mission to obtain DLOS, and that unbeknown to many employers, their trusted gardeners have actually dug up and re-buried nests at the foot of trees blocking the signal....
On public verges no such stealth is required, and you only need drive up Jan Smuts next to Essex Terrace to see how all those fine shrubs bordering the road were blatantly poisoned and then chopped down..*gags...

All of which devastation and destruction is being carried out in order to wire up the country and it's inhabitants for eventual control by.....?  Well, there I'm stumped... It ain't Missus Zille, no matter what you've been told, or Mr. Zuma, that's for sure.. Though the Telecoms Industry and the Muslim community are the major investors in this cunning operation, I'm bound and determined to believe it's neither of them that's at the tip of this dodgy iceberg, either...
The Rockerfellers and their shadowy cohorts, who are said to control the world from behind the scenes? Not even...

I always thought it a shame that Cynthia Hind died in 2000 without ever getting to seen any proof of her investigations, herself.. She was with MUFON Africa if you recall... It was her job to travel about the country in response to UFO sightings, and to attempt to find scientific explanations for the sometimes inexplicable things some of us have been fortunate to witness... Ball-lightning and weather balloons being just two of the favoured reasons given for a growing phenomenon..*shrugs..
By the time she'd died, she'd known they were out there, and she'd attempted to temper my enthusiasm by warning me that I shouldn't assume their intentions were wholly friendly...

If as I suspect, there are highly advanced life-forms out there who are behind this massive push to wire up the world, would I regard them as enemies of mankind?  Even an idiot like myself can see that left to our own devices, we've not evolved much since Neanderthal times.. *looks at Balliram...
That basically, due to greed and ignorance, we're systematically destroying our home and each other... The means employed by the Project Authors to achieve their goals looks set to speed up that devastation, and yet I'm still not convinced that these alien forces mean to annhilate us all...
Here I am, waffling on about things that are way beyond my understanding, and will likely only come to pass long after I'm gone and forgotten.. *shrugs...Funny how it all fits, don' t you think?

Back to the real world, and the Monkey who was enlisted to create amusement for a few of you...
Sometime during yesterday morning I began to experience a brand new pain, and I went through to find the GW and ask him what part of me it was that was now being assaulted so fiercely.. He'd replied that that was where my kidneys were situated... And now for something completely different?  The knife-like jabs only occurred in certain areas inside our home, and the bathroom was one of them, though he nailed me several times in the kitchen and lounge as well...
The fun continued until the early afternoon when it suddenly ceased altogether and didn't return...Whether a demonstration for his cronies up there at the Radio Station, or an independent sortie designed to confirm his Ownership, I've no idea, and sadly, I was left unimpressed by this further display of brutality... *yawns...
I've not dared ask my nearby friends how they're faring this week, though happily the attacks against my Vice Chair appear to have stopped, and he's once again in the pink of health...
The sun is just below the horizon and I must go feed my feathered friends... Cheers..

LATER at 7.35am

I've just finished yanking out the squash plant that was threatening to take over the front lawn.. It grew and it grew all by itself, and though it produced many dinner-plate-sized golden yellow blooms, nothing ever came of them, and clearly nothing ever would.. Since last week's torrential rains, another of those ginormous fungus balls has popped up right next to the avo tree, and it's at least a foot across.. *blinks...
It's still impossible to tell whether it's something in the rain water or the tap water that's causing all the oddness to occur in my garden... Simply stop watering for a few months and see?  I dunno... *baffled..

I'd cavorted about yesterday up by my gates until Balliram took the bait and activated his watching device in the cowling..*eyeroll.. I couldn't be bothered to repeat the exercise this morning....
Have you considered quite how useful this particular computerised technology has been, in causing terror and mayhem in a neighbourhood that has yet to be wired?  Wakker word julle...


Saturday 10th March 2012 at 9.42am.