Sunday, February 05, 2012

(begun Monday 6th February at 3.20am..)

The last time I tried counting how many of those big round wall lights adorn the Chickencoop, I stopped at 10..
When I'd gone out with the dogs at 8.30pm last night, there'd been a light on out the front, but it wasn't shorting, so I guess he'd chosen to activate one of the others.. *shrugs..
Less than fifteen minutes after I'd settled on Cloud 9, their alarm went off.. Nothing new there, though it's usually the chirrup of his remote as he ups the enhancing to my bedroom, and often enough in his enthusiasm he's set off their alarm...
This time however, it wasn't cut off hastily, but rang it's full course, and I had to wonder how No. 25 was feeling, isolated as she is, down in what must surely be a sweatbox since the drastic removal of those shade branches... Anyone bother to call and tell her it was a false alarm?  She'd told both B.Snr and myself how frightened she'd been when those guys appeared on the front deck months ago.. She'd also said that when the alarm was set off a few nights before, she'd been alone on the property down in her room, and had been duly petrified...

Sadly, I don't speak Xhosa, and though her english is excellent, I'd have had a problem explaining to her about her employer's tendency to set off his own alarm system, and even to arrange for the occasional burglary... Oh come on now - I'd be only too happy to trot out some of Balliram's good qualities if he had any... He's simply too far gone up his own backside to be portrayed as anything other than what he really is... Play the ball and not the man, rpm?  Shameful....
Speaking of shameful, it would appear that Manase and Associates, the Forensic Auditors tasked to investigate the eThekwini Municipality's account books, have been bought off, and that the Chief of Corruption and his cronies won't be getting a mention after all.   Absolutely no surprises there... *yawns...

Having had Leon Chetty's website shut down in good time, there'll be very few if any audible squeals of outrage at this latest blatant corruption of justice...
For the second time in a week there'd been a photo in the Press of the toothy little Manipulator cozying up to Prince Siphiso Zulu.. A relationship that will no doubt ensure that Zulu's Appeal is successful, and that he never gets to see the inside of a cell...

Do the sewage lines require the same runoffs as the waterlines?  I'd assumed the appalling cock-up down at Durban harbour and the beachfront a few years ago had been an error caused by unskilled labour busy shovelling cabling through the pipes... Now I'm not so sure..
Now I have to wonder if, when the pressure in the sewage lines reaches dangerous levels, someone arranges for deliberate runoffs into the sea...  Anything you'd admit to knowing about Mr. MacLeod? *vomits...
I'll bet it's been going on since at least 2005, but between you and your corrupt ex-Boss you've managed to keep a lid on it until now, when the overwhelming evidence couldn't be hidden any longer...

How're the beaches down your way these days, bwana?  Any claims of heavy pollution during the last couple of years, or is that still something to look forward to?  I'd watched the insert on the string of shark attacks down at Port St. Johns, on Carte Blanche last night, and there was something decidedly wrong with the whole picture..
The Sharks Board dude was more than just evasive, he was downright shifty, and there wasn't a Muni rep. in sight.. The Shark Expert had said that the area was just about the only rivermouth left, where the Zambezi sharks could feed, though I missed his reason why...
Whether the cable layers have reached Port St. Johns and it's the inevitable resulting pollution that's attracting the sharks in such great numbers, or whether its quite the opposite, and all the other river mouths have been too heavily polluted by the Project for even the sharks to survive, is something you'll certainly never get to hear about..

The sad fact of the matter is that these days when a spokesman for a crisis appears on the telly looking quite so awkward, you know you're not getting the full story, and that there are secrets involved.. The Natal Sharks Board guy had plenty he wasn't saying, and I cringed for him... Chances are high that one way or another the arrival of quite so many sharks at Port St. Johns has everything to do with the Wireless surveillance technology and the cabling being run through both sewer and water lines, and that our own crooked ex-City Manager could if he wanted to, tell you the truth of the matter...  If there were ever a competition for creative prevarication, Sutcliffe would walk it...
Malicious slander? Rubbish.  According to the Rocket Scientist, Sutcliffe and his cronies have broken just about every law in the Constitution, so don't give me that slander crap... Where it says that no citizen may be experimented on without their knowledge?  You saw that?  *snarls..  You and your fellow swine just following orders there, Mikey?  They warned you that a few of your guinea-pigs could become vocal, and just to ignore them?  They were right, and seven years down the line I'm still shrieking mindlessly to a stony-faced audience... *shrugs..

Muller says he'll take his battle International if need be, though I imagine he'll be hard-put to find a country that's not already aware of the mammoth experiment being carried out here in SA.. Ain't that about right, Jannie?  You're well aware of the astonishing number of so-called civilised 1st World nations that support your Superior's initiative, albeit it silently, and the financial assistance given by oil-rich countries, that the ShaikBoyz had a hand in obtaining, on behalf of the Muslim community?
Has Mo seen the writing on the wall yet, or does he still think all the promises made by Jannie's superiors will come to pass?  Eh - I find I've bored myself to tears by my own endless rhetoric...

What can I tell you that I've not said countless times already?  Would you be interested to hear that the 70+ Missus Bernie up at No. 17 has begun experiencing palpitations?  A first for her, and no prior history of heart problems, so it's safe to assume our Area Controller thought he'd try out something different?  Hell, she's old and expendible, and if it proves to be more than her system can take, so what, no-one's ever going to prove anything... *shrugs...

I sent a mail to Karl Muller suggesting he forget about trying to tie any nearby masts to the tree damage at Craigavon, and that he would do better to study the streetlights and boundary wall lights facing that stand of trees...On the off-chance that my notoriety hasn't reached the Educator's ears, it's still unlikely he'd give my suggestion any serious thought, so you can rest assured I've nil expectations on that score.. *grins..
Has he access to any remaining Electrical Engineers who'd be prepared to stick their necks out and help him?  Engineers who've kept up with the huge strides made in the field of surveillance technology?  Judging by the smug grin on Mr. van Zyl's mug, that would be a no...

LATER at 6.15am

Could Lionel down at No. 2 be referred to as a Foreign National?  You know - the Congolese gentleman that rents Kasim's house next to Jan Smuts Highway?  My word, but that's turned out to be a veritable hive of activity, and I seldom climb my stairs without seeing a different vehicle coming or going from No. 2.. Gainfully employed?  By the Druglord perhaps? *nudge, nudge...
The pile of black bags they've been dumping on the verge by the stop street has grown and grown, along with B.Snr's irritation at the unsightly mess it's made.. Both he and the Missus had spoken in friendly fashion to the tenants, without success...
Yesterday, without warning, the GW had said out loud in our kitchen that he too was annoyed by the state of that verge, but his argument was that Durban Solid Waste were obliged to remove the bags, whether they contained garden or domestic refuse... I'd laughingly suggested that he send a mail to e-services and see where it got him...

I've just been up the top to unchain the gates and wonder of wonders, apart from the unkempt grass and some debris left on B.Snr's side, a neat pile of blue bags stand tidily on the opposite pavement, ready for collection..*chokes.... Another in a long line of miraculous coincidences, or did Balliram hastily call Lionel after he'd heard our conversation, and say that that particular game designed to irk No. 4 was now past it's sell-by date, and better he tidy up, than have the authorities sniffing around down at No. 2?  Would Jay Naicker and his special Unit be interested, or would they first have to get permission from Barnabas himself, before carrying out a raid?  Tsk, tsk...

LATER at 8.10am

I've just had a text from my VC to say that he's still in hospital, being monitored.. Well, he's certainly got that right.. All tests results are negative, and the doctors have concluded it's a super viral bug and that if no spikes occur over the next 2 days, he'll be given the all-clear... All-clear for what?  To go back to his wired home in Abrey Road and be treated to more of the same vicious assaults via his powerlines?
And you would seriously have me believe that Collin P. Balliram is working for the Good Team, and the Good Team only?
Each day I wake up I hope for a bloody miracle.. Human nature I suppose... *shrugs.. Be careful out there and


Monday 6th February 2012 at 9.35am..