Saturday, February 11, 2012

(begun Sunday 12th February at 3.45am..)

*Mornin halicon... You pulled the early shift today? *waves wildly...*

Let's get the whining over with first?  Collin 'I'm still Earl's No. 1, and always will be' Balliram hauled the old BackFire frequency out of storage and dusted it off yesterday, before employing it at Knives to the Back levels for the entire day... *mops eyes...
That'll teach me? Erm, what?  Maybe it's escaped you that for the most part I grit my teeth and get on with it, despite your added attentions?  Besides, the more vicious you are, the more mischief you're creating for yourself.. Oops! Hang on a sec... We don't believe in karma, do we? *grins...

His wirelessed 'nunus' struck up their grinding squeak yesterday evening until bedtime, and began again as soon as I staggered out of bed this morning.. *shrugs...
I'd spent some time clearing out the accumulated junk here on the desk, and I'd come across things I'd totally forgotten about..
THIS photo for instance, which prompts the question - if the Scrabble-Player's large light on the wall beneath his garage goes on the blink, can he replace the 'bulb' himself?  I'm guessing that would be a no, judging by the three people it took HERE to adjust Balliram's identical-looking light outside the GW's sleeping quarters..Anyone care to identify THIS device inside the light's open casing?
Sure, the picture is on full zoom and therefore not that sharp, but you can still see it quite clearly...  Could that be what Karl Muller refers to as a picocell?

Is that where the darned things are hidden, after all?  Not in the white Telkom boxes that were installed throughout the neighbourhood in 2005, and not secreted about the streets and properties by a band of willing droogs, but right in front of everyone, inside the wall-lights? *falls on over...
Did Muller not refer to picocells as a sort of miniature mast?  Would that not then neatly explain how der Bunker light could inflict quite so much damage on THIS giant fig tree?  Would it not clear up the mystery of our side wall where the GW sleeps, being literally festooned with gekko poo last year?

That it was the enormous heat generated by THIS light that literally attracted dozens upon dozens of the little beasties?  A phenomenon that I'd blogged at the time, and after I'd cleaned the wall nothing remotely like it has re-occurred, despite the soaring summer temperatures?
So there you have it.. The Zone is most definitely saturated with these tiny transmitters and they're for the most part on the walls of properties and homes throughout the area... *grins...

Not always though, hey Balliram?  The two brand new white boxes that were put on your streetlight and on BSnr's pole when they finally hung the twisted pair cabling?  How you had the contractors leave the one box open to the elements until I sounded the alarm, and it was hastily closed?  Whether that was to show me there was no bundle of multi-coloured wires or even a single-eye lens camera in that box, or whether you were simply praying for rain, is unknown... Nonetheless, the boxes innards looked remarkably familiar, and in retrospect, just like the contents of the powerful round wall lights HERE... *blinks.. Another two picocell thingies, one in each of those white boxes?

Hell, I know I should steer clear of actually trying to identify this so-invasive technology but on the other hand, how many people are totally unaware of the power that lurks within their own wall lights FFS?
If my Vice Chair were to crack open the one that's installed on the front wall of his house, would he have a eureka moment?  And the Scrabble-Player, who already endures the microwave buzzing in his ears?  What about those enormous lamps installed over his front door?  Them too? *vomits freely....

By now most of you will have heard of or read the article on Page 7 of yesterday's Independent on Saturday, 'Threat to our bodies and brains', and are just beginning to grasp why Ms. Dorny's trees were cooked on high, and why Jannie van Zyl is having her home flooded with wireless transmissions in a futile attempt to shut her up.
This mammoth technological experiment will, oppie ou einde, give the telecom's giants the ability to manipulate and control the entire population of South Africa.  You can forget about the Mo Shaiks and the Jacob Zumas, as they're merely the puppets employed as a means to an end.. *yawns...

The Muslim community both here and in the UK have been hoodwinked into believing that the entire project is to their advantage, and as a result they've invested millions into promoting the technology.. Merely blink and you'll see the Al Baraka bank handing over computer equipment to deserving schools in your area, or a larnie new madressa/mosque going up...
Sadly, I've heard nothing more of the Islamic Hospital that was reportedly planned to go up at the top of Mayville hill on the old hotel site...I'd hoped rather wildly that the developers would consider devoting a section to microwave-related illnesses, and would import a few qualified medics from abroad to teach our local doctors how to treat the tidal wave of innocents now affected by the technology...
Of course, were such an ambitious plan to be even considered, it will be way too late to save those whose systems have already been exposed and simply failed to adapt, as the Telecoms Agent put it so cheerfully... *spews...

The journalist that wrote yesterday's Threat to our bodies and brains article will by now have had her own power supply accessed by a nearby Area Controller, and if not yet, will soon be feeling the results of her dedication to duty... Will Muller manage to contact her and report back in his posts on mybroadband whether or not she is being targeted as a direct result of her article, and exactly how she's affected by these attacks?

Among all the piles of paper I cleaned out, was the printout of a mail from debbie that I'd forgotten about, and it had cheered me no end to be reminded of just what a good person she is... Is she still undecided as to her career path, or has she realised that playing Girl Friday to the Rocket Scientist is her destiny?  That with her input and assistance Karl Muller and Tracey-Lee Dorny may yet pull a David and bring the giant to it's knees?  Or at the very least, awaken the population before they're wiped out on a grand scale?

How's Cornelus Groesbeek getting along these days, and just where is he based?  I confess I smell a whiff of the Brotherhood here, and quite possibly the reason behind a few of the Dutch Government's so-generous handouts... You recall the Tech Central article published on March 8th, 2011 Mega fibre project to bring fibre to SA homes?
Though I chose to settle on using the Metro Connect Project when I refer to the wireless scheme, I'd have to hazard that Mr. Groesbeek's i3Africa company is responsible for the fibre running to our streetlights.  After all, H20 belongs to him, does it not?
Are THESE then Groesbeek's pale-skinned lads, busily carving up the Crescent outside the Plumber's house at No.14, in order to run the fibre cabling through the water/sewer lines to our streetlights, and in the case of No. 18 at least, right through to their home?  Well of course they are...*snorts...

Can Groesbeek therefore share some of the blame for our health problems? A blame I've happily laid at Allen Spence's door all these years?  Did Cornelus even get to hear of our suffering, and did he shrug it off as callously as Spence does?  They're both Engineers, and are thus exempt from any form of culpability? *fetches the bucket.. Bitter? Moi?  Someone had to start the ball rolling, and why not the suckers down at the lower end of Harris Crescent? Several properties already owned by the intended Overseer for the Project, the Druglord, Michael Barnabas, including a suitably vicious Cracker who was to be the circuit controller, would've ensured that it was the ideal kick-off point...

Anyone get to see Neil MacLeod's tirade on the Letters page of yesterday's Independent on Saturday, Page 6, Deadly Bug? What a load of rot!
How many years ago was it that you'd head down to the beach for a swim, despite the cut on your hand/foot, knowing that the salt water would hasten the healing process?
Well before MacLeod and his partners-in-crime stuffed fibre through the water and sewer lines, contaminating both the harbour and the beachfront in the process...
MacLeod is simply following his ex-Boss's lead and trying the old 'attack is the best form of defence' routine, and he's failed miserably...

If the Independent journo hadn't published that article, chances are that me and Millie would've gone for a swim in the near future, with quite possibly disastrous results.. What about the rest of the Durban community, and those with minor cuts and abrasions that wouldn't think twice about splashing in the waves?
I owe the Independent journo an enormous debt of gratitude for the warning published, and I suggest that MacLeod go back under his rock and work on improving his lies regarding the water crisis he keeps promising us...
Anyone feel like hijacking the scurrilous Head of Water and Sanitation and taking him down to the beach for a swim?  Anyone else consider holding him under until he's swallowed at least a couple of mouthfuls of the sea-water he knows is polluted?
And you would continue to accuse the Ruling Party alone as being the authors of the greed and corruption that now covers the land, when these so-called City Officials are a hundred times worse?

Read MacLeod's letter and ask yourselves why he would attack the Independent for publishing what could be life-saving information... For his ongoing lies and participation in the wireless/fibre surveillance project, MacLeod has more than earned a position next to his fellow criminals, Sutcliffe and Spence, and doubtless he too will prosper as they do... 'Dems da breaks, folks..


Sunday 12th February 2012 at 10.03am