Thursday, February 23, 2012

(begun Friday 24th February at 3.35am..)

Ja, they have a way of catching you when you least expect it.. There I was, dipping my wrinkled toes into the waters of quantum cryptology and satellites FFS, when I was reminded that I should rather stick to doing what I do best.. That is to say, giving the many intellectuals among you, cause for derisive mirth...
It appears that my persistent and idiotic attempts to assist the Educator have proven to be no more than an embarrassment to him, and though he didn't say it in so many words, he clearly wishes I would STFU.. *chokes..
Insinuating that his fellow boffins, Stef Roux, Beeuwyn Gerryts, and Cornelis Groesbeek were colluding in a project that was tantamount to mass murder, was simply pushing my luck too far, and I suspect that I've caused offence... *shrugs...

Like the old toppie we met on Wednesday, who howls single-mindedly into the wind, of Sutcliffe's corruption, am I considered no more than a passing amusement, and no-one in their right mind would ever take me seriously.. Bingo, Janneman?  *winks...
Am I stung to the quick by my latest rejection? Mildly, but I wouldn't be the Village Idiot if I didn't simply lick my wounds and stagger on regardless, now would I? *squints...

When I'd finally arrived home yesterday at about 2.30pm, it was to find Balliram's handyman fiddling about ostentatiously with their kitchen window burglar guards, though I very much doubt that had been the primary reason for his call-out... I noticed nothing spectacularly different last night, and it's always possible whatever adjustments he made won't affect us directly.. Possible, but not probable....
BTW, yesterday was the first time since before Christmas that I found myself walking without a limp..*applauds..  The damage achieved by my Controller is of course irrepairable, and were that hip to be scanned, odds are that, that cartilage has also gone forever...
Proving that I have my father's genes, and that prior to the systematic assaults by the Sadist, I was free of any form of arthritis, ain't gonna happen, and you will be all too happy to believe that at 66, these aches and pains come with the territory... *belches..

The old toppie and his wife live down the end of West Street, in an apartment block called Kenton.. She's in a wheelchair, and he walks with a cane... More age-related problems?  You think?  He lays his crippling down to the fact that a few years ago he was attacked by four Nigerians, and as a result he carries six metal pins in his leg... His wife OTOH, explained that she'd been in the throes of a mysterious ailment (that sounded remarkably similar to the one that had my VC hospitalised), when in her fever, she fell and cracked a bone in her leg, and now she can't walk without a wheelchair or frame... Her doctor had diagnosed her fever and extreme chills as double-pneumonia, though she insists she had no cough or cold at all... He'd even sent her to a physio in order to get the non-existent phlem from her lungs.. *snorts...

You may be interested to take a drive down West Street to their apartment block and pull in outside. Check the block directly opposite their's, and see what's fixed to the right-hand side at the top floor.. Carefully painted to match the building exactly, that microwave panel faces dead-on into the apartments at Kenton.. *spews... Did I think it could be the reason for all the strange allergies that now afflict her, and the stabbing pains she often endures in her fingers and hands?  What do you think Mr. van Zyl?  Your expert opinion?  The old bloke had already told me his neighbour is ill as a result of all the radiation in the area, and I'd have to guess that an overwhelming percentage of the Kenton residents are feeling the effects of that delightful attachment to the block opposite, but that happily for the telecoms industry, this savagery remains unprovable...

Turns out the GW had sent my son an Amazon gift certificate last February, for his birthday.. It had been much appreciated, so my old man had done the same again this year, only this time my kid is having endless problems redeeming it..*blinks... Anything you'd be aware of, Creep?  A grand may be peanuts to a Special Operative such as yourself, but it's a cartload of moolla to a pensioner whose funds are being steadily depleted  by the day.. *vomits.. Again, I'm betting that Baliram keeps in regular communication with the Area Controller for that part of Camden, and that he's managed to either persuade that Agent to allow him to infest my kid's laptop/PC himself, or it's a pal of his who hasn't stopped at surging the geyser... Will crying foul make a blind bit of difference?  *waits with interest....

Right, it's now 5.15am, and I've literally a mountain of newspapers to catch up on and misinterpret, but meanwhile, I'm going to head on back to Cloud 9 and ignore my Master's nearby thready squeaks for the time being..*waves..

LATER at 7.20am

It had been growing light after 5am, so before I climbed back in bed I'd gone through and switched off the outside valley spotlight, which had elicited a startled chorus of calls from a couple of nearby hadedas roosting in the trees... More craziness to suggest that these prehistoric-looking birds are affected by the wireless frequencies?  Though they don't appear to find them unpleasant enough to vacate the valley for good, they can certainly be relied on to remark loudly when the system is activated or changed in any way..
More often than not, as I unlock the verandah door and step outside, be it still pitch dark or dawn, they announce my appearance with gusto... Frequently it's the birds roosting in trees across the far side of the valley by the Recreation Centre, that cry out as soon as I open the door, and as I'm not visible to them at all, it's something else that disturbs them at that precise moment...
What else could it be, other than a sudden increase in wireless activity?  An increase that flatteringly occurs just as I emerge from my front door onto my verandah, or switch the valley spotlight off.. Magic, I tell you!

Pondorously slow as I am, it's finally hit home just how much damage I may have caused to the Rocket Scientist's reputation, with my ongoing efforts to have you seek out his posts...
To have any sort of dialogue, however banal, with one of my calibre of stupidity, would I suppose inevitably lead to questions raised on Karl Muller's own credibility...
Did someone have to point that out to him, or did he finally figure it out for himself?   Has the mere fact that I support his efforts so vociferously, damaged his reputation for good?

My feeble and frustrating attempts to steer him from the masts to the streetlights have failed, and quite possibly caused him a mischief in the process... My belated apologies if this is the case, though it's guaranteed to have cheered at least one person immensely... Loving it, Jannie?  *teeth...
If you're of the opinion that this latest revelation on my part will have me cease touting the Rocket Scientist's posts, you'd be sadly mistaken.. OTOH, attempting to speak directly to Muller was a mistake that I now regret... *purple-faced... Moving on...

I'd been delighted to get an invite to last night's Sparks Estate CPF Meeting, and had sent off a request for a lift straight away.. A day or two later and no reply had me sitting in my corner of the lounge reading, when the phone rang after 6pm and the Councillor said he would pick me up after all.. *blinks..
After a long day out and about, it was simply too late for me to go into scramble mode and be ready in time for a lift, so I regretfully declined and hope the Meeting was a success... The latest gossip has it that assistance in obtaining tenders is being offered, and the mere thought that this might be true, has my skin crawling...
It appears that however strong one's faith and prayers, once the druglord has you in his clutches, he may jerk the strings to the tune of his choice.. Would it make a huge difference if I knew who had started this latest mischievous rumour?  Maybe, maybe not..*shrugs...
My attempts at uniting the two Sector Forums were always doomed to fail, although I'll plod on regardless...

The sun is behind the clouds for the moment, in more ways than one, but hey - I intend making the most of the drop in temperature while I can.. Cheers and


Friday 24th February 2012 at 10.03am.