Sunday, October 23, 2011

(begun Monday 24th October at 3.45am..)

The Tard's lament?  I just didn't think?  It wouldn't have changed anything anyways... It goes like this -
The GameWrecker was busy in the kitchen Friday evening, when he called out that there'd been an insert on East Coast Radio to the effect that a Danish study had shown there was no link between tumors and cellphone use.  I'd called back that that was the study deemed to be worthless, and promptly forgot about it.

Only now, three days later, do I wonder who it was that called the radio station or mailed them, and requested that it be added to the news bulletin.  Any ideas Claire?  And how many other stations ran that same bit of misleading rubbish on Friday?  Control the media and you're halfway home, hey Jannie? *applauds...
OTOH, it's interesting to note that Telkom feels the need to go that route at all...
Are the whispers of unease beginning to ripple out and spread, to the extent that Damage Control took this step?

Were the Rocket Scientist to call the wireless stations and give them enough reasons to refute that Friday insert, would they comply? Hah!   How many hundreds of other people heard that report and were relieved that they wouldn't be forced to have a screaming match with young Polly or Ned about their heavy usage, after all?
Vodacom wants kids from Grade 3 up to become familiar with ITC services?  *shudders.... Did you see that?  *looks at the Poisonous Rabbit....  You starting to get the picture here dewd?  Are you at last beginning to see the truth behind this enormous culling exercise?
How are your dogs holding up these days?  Do they have what appears to be severe earmites, but isn't?  Any army-strength explosions in your neighbourhood, that have your animals peeing themselves with fear?
Don't kid yourself that it's not a carefully engineered part of the Project, for it most certainly is...

Residents weren't given any warning at all prior to that appalling demonstration down at North Beach on Saturday night.. You think I'm exaggerating?  Fark - go check out google earth and the distance between our home and the area at the beachfront, and how my two animals huddled next to me as those explosions ripped through the air....
Further mischief caused to ensure you're all agreeable to change...*shrugs... Moving on....

What happened to the Rachel Finlayson Baths?  Mikey?  You going to give us the real reason behind reducing that once stunning and popular venue to little more than an ugly splash pool?  *really curious... Man, did you seriously think I wouldn't notice?  It simply doesn't make sense at all, unless there's a really good reason hidden behind that move...
I've blogged already of the serious levels of wireless that literally saturate the beachfront, and in particular, of THESE odd lights with the wires running up to the lamps... May I guess that those babies are seriously not good for one's health?   Would the huge amounts of EMR flooding that area, have affected the swimming pool visibly?  Can sea-water become as irradiated as fresh water?  Another glitch, and something the Planners hadn't foreseen?

You want to hop up to the Lahee Park Public pool in Pinetown, and tell me that they didn't have similar problems up there?  Problems that quickly led to steps being taken to deter the public from using that venue?  Emptying the pool and leaving it for a year before refilling it, only to find constant problems with the quality of water?  *teeth...  Have I not already told you how shockingly Millie reacts, both on the beachfront and in Pinetown?  A freak of nature I may be, but short of an oscilloscope, you couldn't ask for a more reliable indicator of the huge levels of crud flooding both those areas...
Were young Professor Els to get by his Watchers with his strange gadget, would it launch into noisy overdrive near to either of those two pools?

Of course by now he has his own Area Controller watching his every move up in Sleepy Hollow, and call-outs from concerned citizens will have the usual hasty steps taken to dumb down the levels for his visit, wherever the area may be...
Odds are that by now our rapidly shrinking ex-City Manager has heard of the pesky Rocket Scientist Karl Muller, and has familiarised himself with his posts...Judging from the continued toothy portraits in the Press, this hasn't led to any feelings of guilt whatsoever...
Au contraire - I'd hazard that the Crooked Town Clerk sees himself as much a soldier in the New Army as my own unfortunate cooked-in-the-head Controller does... *chokes..
Another, who for all his attempts to appear educated and civilised, is as savage as the rest of the criminals running the greatest show on earth...
How're you going with that forensic audit Mr. Haripersad?  That carpet is starting to look really lumpy, and I'd suggest you look elsewhere to hide the mountain of evidence that grows, no matter how hard you sweep... I must go...

LATER at 5.50am

Looks like it's going to be another sterling day here in godsforsaken acre, at least until the wind kicks in... We're going green?  You planted 100 indigenous (sp) trees out in the bundu and now you can sit back, happy that you've done your bit?  *eyeroll..
Rather take a look at the reminder a young Smartmouth gave me on the 'Cellphone Radiation Killing you' thread that's been resurrected at mybroadband... Ja, it's those rinky-dink energy-savers rearing their deadly heads again...

Philips and their civic-minded collection boxes placed smarmily at your local Pick and Pay would've got them a nice bit of positive publicity, but I've yet to hear where those mercury-containing bulbs are taken once the boxes are full... A scientifically tested safe disposal unit built on the outskirts of each city, or in our case, down to the Springfield dump in the dead of night?
I guess in a decade or two, when all that mercury makes it's way into our rivers and dams, there'll be freaks far stranger looking then me, bobbing up all over the place...
I know!  Let's create an official committee to study the situation, and pay them handsomely to jabber away endlessly about what this will ultimately do to the environment, when of course documentation has been around for yonks already...
That's prettty much what we do best is it not?  Create committees and hire experts at enormous cost, to blether on about the obvious, while we sit back and do nothing concrete to save the day.. Your forte I believe, Mistuh Sutcliffe?  *winks...

That Kenny Kunene is a right one hey?  Did you see the chap making a complete tit of himself on Carte Blanche last night, kitted out to resemble his Idol Gadhafi (sp)?   While I abhor the Dictator's barbaric demise, I can't see how it could have ended differently... Will the new Libyan government-in-waiting continue to provide the ShaikBoyz with lavish financial donations to assist with the installation of the Surveillance technology, or did those generous handouts die along with Brother Loonie?   Like you'll ever get the answer to that one..*snorts...

I packed up after Carte Blanche last night, and began doing the small chores necessary before going to bed... The jolly sound of Balliram's karaoke system became apparent as soon as I left the lounge, and I grinned before I could stop myself... At least you can hear the tune behind the strangulated efforts of ? his boet-in-law, as opposed to the usual doef-doef of the taxi music he plays... *chokes...I couldn't resist, and muttered aloud deliberately as I went about my business, and sure enough, the noise faded immediately..*eyeroll... I visualised the Stoner flapping his hand frantically at the would-be Crooner, to dumb down the sound as he battled to catch the pearls of wisdom falling from my withered lips... *looks at the Teacher...

Is this really what you signed up for?  Is this truly what you were prepared to compromise your integrity for?  A ganja-smoking Sadist in charge of YOUR power supplies? My tolerance towards the occasional recreational spliff ends abruptly when it comes to the huge responsibilities held by Area Controllers..
Would you be reassured to know that the great Strategist himself, Jannie van Zyl, has no such reservations, and that in all likelihood, would encourage the use of dagga among his recruits?
Anything to keep them happy at the often grindingly boring job of a Monitor, hey Sir Frangelica?
So what if their chilled state leads to the occasional crippling of a mark, or an electrical fire?  You'll talk them through any minor guilt they may feel, and they'll be back on the job within hours, probably with a bankie or two to ease their conscience...

Do us a favour, young man?  You can drop the facade when it's just the two of us... I saw you as clear as day when the Mast Fighter queered your pitch, and it wasn't a pretty sight.  To pretend you're not involved in the retaliatory assaults on her home via her powerlines would be utterly pointless, and only serves to further tarnish the image you've protected for so long...
Your Superiors aren't in a position to have either you or my Area Controller relocated to Outer Mongolia where you both belong, but I'm guessing your band of dedicated Fanbois is dwindling each day, as they tippytoe away into dark corners hoping you won't notice... *grins..

The PuppetMasters couldn't care less about your reputation, and will regard it as no more than a tiny hiccup as their behemoth inexorably covers the country.. As long as you fill your quota of recruits, you're safe, right Janneman?


Monday 24th October 2011 at 8.14am.