(begun Friday 21st october at 4.30am...)
I've told you before how little store I set in dreams, no matter how odd they are.. That the subject matter can, in almost all instances, be traced to something you either read, saw or heard, recently... Just before Balliram woke me this morning with the cruel ache to the leg, I'd been walking through a field of grass with a full-grown lion at my heels for a companion... *blinks..
If that's not strange enough, I swear the same four-footed fellow featured in my dreams yesterday in the early hours...
I've tried using Replay, but come up empty-handed, and don't recall either the Press or the TV featuring anything to do with lions... Is our Area Controller hotting up my corner of the bedroom to the point that my dreams are becoming weirder and more vivid than usual? *baffled..
Balliram's car was on his drive right up until about 10am, when the GW picked me up for our regular outing together.. Whether the Creep scuttled off down to the Wireless Station to begin his regular tracking exercise once I'd left, or whether he stayed home, is immaterial...
Call me crazy, but it was as if whatever device has been hidden the the Polo was running at the max for the next few hours, and I was treated at different points to pretty much the entire range of frequency delights available.. *eyeroll...
That's a first, but I'm guessing by no means a last, o Master Mine? We'd parked at the southern end of Botanic Gardens and walked up to the SANTA kiosk for tea, and by golly, the wireless by the offices at that entrance had my eyes watering copiously.. In the long term, I fail to see how the permanent staff down there can avoid being affected by it... The astonishing levels of pain began fading as we followed the paths up to the tea garden, and by the time we sat down, had disappeared almost totally....
In the Polo itself I was treated at various stages of our drive to ear pressure, earache, knives to the Hands, pain to the shoulder joint, toothache, and in between these demonstrations, periods of absolutely nothing, no pain at all...
While all this may bore you to tears, I find it fascinating, and would have to guess that our Area Controller was doing rather more than his usual basic tracking exercise yesterday... He would've been for the most part thwarted in his desire to ruin my day, as apart from several white-knuckled stretches, the sheer beauty of the day over-rode all but the very worst of his excessive behaviour... *finger...
His car was gone by the time the GW dropped me back home after 1pm, but it arrived back not long afterwards, when I discovered the TV screen had been smacked to black... *snorts... When I finally sat down at the PC and booted up at 5pm, I was refused a connection, and happily shut down again to go and doze in my corner of the lounge instead...
Though the Psychopath next door has shown time and again that he requires no specific reason to lose the plot in such a way, I nonetheless amused myself by considering the options...
Over the last couple of days it's true that I've been shown great kindness and had more than my fair share of smiles sent my way.. While that alone would usually be quite enough to push the Sicko into Excess mode, I would like to believe it was the Mast Fighter's reappearance in my mail box that was the clincher.. *beams..
Yes folks, it turns out she's still around, and she continues to be systematically beaten up via her powerlines, in return for her interference in the illegal erection of cellphone towers... You'd forgotten about her?
Jannie van Zyl hasn't, not by a long shot... *snorts.. He, like my own poor deluded Area Controller, continues to kid himself that he can cause Ms. Dorny to regret ever taking a stand against the telecom giant's criminal operations... Will the Board of Decision Makers allow the Mast Fighter to create her own blog, and begin giving you a regular first-hand account of how the Project is being operated up in Gauteng? Will her nearby Area Controller be ordered to keep his grubby fingers out of her computer and let her get on with it, purely as an interesting diversion?
Will the Mast Fighter herself consider that I've spilled the beans here, and that any problems she encounters in creating her own blog could've been avoided if I'd had the good sense to STFU? *chokes.. Hopefully not... By now she should be aware that she is monitored 24/7 by her own Area Controller, and that it's likely her home is VOICED as well.. That never mind my mails, the most casual of remarks uttered in her home will be faithfully reported back to her Controller's Superior...
Has Ms. Dorny managed to pinpoint the candidates who've been tasked to infest her life so thoroughly? Is there a home nearby whose walls are festooned with rather more outdoor lighting than necessary? Lights which may very often be active during daylight hours, and are clearly visible from the windows of her own home?
Has her Controller managed to hide the huge telltale water runoffs necessary to relieve the pressure of the fibre stuffed through his water/sewer lines to his home? One often-used ploy here in the Zone is to line up three or four vehicles in the driveway and have a droog running a hose for hours on the pretext of washing the cars.. I kid you not... *shrugs...
No. 1B Kings Avenue in Westville HERE doesn't appear to bother with any attempts at camouflage, and you can pretty much count on a river of water running down that driveway and on down into the road each Thursday as I go by on my regular route.. *gags..
Were you to insist that that particular Controller is on the Good Team, and that he keeps an eye on several of the shadier characters that have moved into that wealthy street over the past few years, I would have to call your bluff and ask what he's doing involved in an experiment as dodgy as this one, in the first place...
Anyone know who lives on the property set back furthest from the road at that address? If they do, would they care to ask them straight out on their involvement with Sutcliffe's Metro Connect wireless and fibre over the powerlines surveillance operations? *snarls...
Whether anyone in the area has suffered physically as we do here in Sherwood, directly due to this maniacal scheme, and the unqualified Controllers now operating the powerlines?
Having the iBurst Mast removed from Craigavon has led to a severe increase in the assaults made on the Mast Fighter's home via her powerlines, and her attacker lives nearby... Enquire after who it is that appears to waste great quantities of water and who runs an astonishing array of lights on their property and odds are, you'll have your man... Whoever it turns out to be, they won't be on the laughably termed Good Guys team, I can promise you... Nope. They'll be cut from the same unprincipled and sadistic cloth as Colin P. Balliram, and there's no question about it.. Whether or not they answer to Agliotti or to Jannie van Zyl directly is neither here nor there, for the means they employ to silence the Mast Fighter are beyond criminal...
LATER at 10.00am
Were I to contact the lady up in Cowie's Hill Park who was attempting to prevent a cell tower from being erected near their home some months back, would I be told that they're now suffering similar reprisals? Endless powercuts and spikes? Physical ailments whose symptoms are related to over-exposure to EMR? For the sake of the designated Controller in charge of Missus M's circuit in Cowies Hill Park, I would sincerely hope not...
I'm undeterred by my inability to reach her via her landline this morning, as I have her address, and the address of the home that I strongly suspect houses their Controller.. A mock Tudor finish perchance? *winks..
It's hoped that if the Mast Fighter finds the time to create her own blog, she gives feedback on any similar problems encountered by those she has assisted so far, in preventing the illegal erection of the numerous additional masts required to promote the Surveillance Project...
A level of retaliatory abuse on a scale that is growing rapidly in popularity among a certain section of Area Controllers.. Just as it appears our Colin P. Balliram derives a certain sick satisfaction from the publicity I give him, do I hazard it would be no different to the puffed-up egos of other unprincipled Area Controllers.. While it's impossible to shame them, we could between us, quite possibly NAME them? Now there's a delicious thought... *beams....
See, it's like this Janneman - If these Controllers are going to continue being encouraged to run amok and assault their innocent charges, they may ultimately get more publicity than even their power-drunk egos would care for.... The guinea-pig revolts? *chokes... Despite his worst efforts, Balliram has yet to work out how to stop my imagination from working overtime... Go figure...
Friday 21st October 2011 at 12.42pm.